ゲーム、ボーナス、決済方法、お客様のアカウントに関する問題、責任あるギャンブルなど、ElegantSpins Casinoに関連することについて話したい場合は、ここでディスカッションすることができます。
This is a scam casino. First of all, please reduce the rating to less than half. Again, a casino that can't withdraw money is not even a casino.
If there is information about a delayed withdrawal, the rating should be lowered to draw attention to any other indicators.
Could you maybe tell us more regarding the issue you experience at this casino so we are able to better understand it all, please?
Well, if you feel like shortening it and saying it on the forum, feel free to do so.🙂
もう一度言いますが、お金を引き出せないカジノは、他のどんなに優れていても詐欺カジノです。 引き出せなければ、すべて無意味です。 サイトの美しさ、会社の規模、優れたサポートはすべて無意味です。
Has anyone been able to withdraw money from this casino right now? If you apply for a withdrawal, it will be canceled without permission. And the reason is not explained at all. You are told to wait for an email from the payment team. Apply for a withdrawal. Canceled. Chat support says, "Wait for an email from the payment team." I've been repeating this a lot.
Other people have also complained. No one has solved it.
You should either lower the rating of this casino or state at the top that you have doubts about the effectiveness of withdrawals.
Again, a casino that cannot withdraw money is a scam casino no matter what else is better. If you can't withdraw, it's all meaningless. The beauty of the site, the size of the company, and the excellent support are all meaningless.
とにかく、メールが届かなかったのですか? なぜこのようなことが起きているのか知りたいです。
So this is not a positive message. Anyway, if this is happening, I would definitely lodge a complaint, because it is the casino's failure to resolve it that is lowering the rating.
Anyway, you didn't get any email? I would like to know why this is happening.
非常に悪い冗談が頭をよぎりましたが、エラー メッセージを見たときに最初に思ったことは、カジノに適切な金額が足りなかったため、引き出しがキャンセルされたということでした。馬鹿げたことだとはわかっていますが、気にしないでください。
Glad to see you lodged the complaint after all.
Just to help us understand the issue, or maybe even for others interested in this situation, I'm posting the complaint recap:
"The player from Japan faces canceled withdrawal requests with unclear reasons, receiving only vague explanations related to verification from support. They express concern over the casino's practices and intend to file a complaint."
If I'm guessing correctly, something went wrong with the verification, and then you kept receiving cancellations like "Withdrawl cancelled for lacking/wrong dataCredit"
A very bad joke just crossed my mind, but the first thing I thought while I saw the error message was that the casino was lacking the proper sum, so the withdrawals got cancelled. I know it is stupid; pay it no mind, please.
Hopefully they will sort that out soon!
Radkaさん 返信ありがとうございます。
Radka Thanks for the reply.
I have a sticky bonus with no rules, so I thought that might be the reason. (Balance 2150 USD, bonus 200 USD) If it is a normal casino, I can ask the chat support and they will tell me. But the support here does not say a definite answer. All "wait for the payout team to verify". I tried a few different patterns of amounts. As a result, anything below 1950 USD is canceled and above 1950 is left on "pending". I don't think they're going to pay
ここでプレイしたり入金したりしないでください。勝っても支払われません。エレガント スピンの「Shake your Mummymaker」で、ホールド アンド スピン機能を完全に満たして 6000 ドルのジャックポットを獲得しました。出金しようとしたところ、カスタマー サービス担当者全員が 2 時間で完了すると言いました。その後数時間後に接続して、Alex になぜこんなに時間がかかるのか尋ねたところ、システム グリッチがあり、私の賞金は本物ではないため、100 ドルの残高を付与し、「心配しないでください。また勝てるかもしれません」と言われました。彼らはひどい詐欺師で、勝っても支払われません。ここでプレイしないでください。彼らは詐欺師で、勝っても支払われません。ゲーム プロバイダーがグリッチだと言った場所を示すように言いましたが、彼らはそうしませんでした。勝利のスクリーンショットがあります。
Heres my story
DO NOT PLAY OR DEPOOSIT HERE. THEY WILL NOT PAY IF YOU WIN. I won a jackpot of $6000 on "Shake your Mummymaker" on Elegant spins by filling up the hold and spin feature completely. I went to withdraw and the customer service reps all told me it was going to be completed in two hour then a few hours later I got on and asked Alex why it was taking so long and he said they said there was a system glitch and my winnings weren't real so they gave me a $100 balance and told me "not to worry that I could win it again" they are freaking crooks and WILL NOT PAY YOU IF YOU WIN. DO NOT PLAY HERE. THEY ARE CROOKS WHO WILL NOT PAY IF YOU WIN. I TOLD THEM TO SHOW ME WHERE THE GAME PROVIDER SAID IT WAS A GLITCH AND THEY WILL NOT DO SO. I have screenshot of my win.
彼らはあなたに支払いません。彼らは私のアカウントから 6,500 ドル以上を盗み、Rival Gamming が私が獲得したジャックポットに不具合があったと言ったと主張しています。それはでたらめです。
They will not pay you. They stole over $6500 off my account and are claiming that Rival Gamming said their was a glitch on my jackpot I won. It's bs.
I also think they don't pay. Casino gurus should lower their ratings or issue a warning as soon as possible. If someone just looks at the top of the review, it's an attractive enough casino. However, if there is a device at the top of the review that shows at a glance that withdrawal trouble is occurring, visitors will look at the review carefully
はい、すぐに行う必要があります。私がこのカジノに登録してプレイし始めたのは、このサイトが高得点を付けていたからです。Trust Pilot も同様でした。Trust Pilot とはすでに協力して、このカジノの評価を 1 つ星に下げようとしています。このカジノはひどいもので、引き出しが受け取れず、資金の引き出しリクエストがさまざまな理由で拒否されたという話をたくさん見てきました。
Yes they need to immediately! That's the reason why I signed up with them and started playing was because this site gave them a high score and trust pilot did too, who I've already been working with to get them down to a 1 star review with them as well because this casino is full of crap and I've seen a lot of stories where people said that they were unable to receive their withdrawals and every request to withdraw funds would get denied for various reasons.
私は彼らと利用したノールールクーポンで6000ドルのジャックポットを獲得しました。最終的に6500ドルほどになり、賞金を引き出そうとしたところ、彼らは2時間以内に処理するとか1時間後に処理するとか言って一晩中だらしなく引き延ばし、朝になってもまだお金を受け取っていなかったので、チャットで再度話したところ、ゲーミングプロバイダーであるライバルゲーミングのゲームに不具合があり、私のジャックポット獲得も不具合だと言われました。私はこれはとても怪しいと思ったので証拠を求めたところ、エレガンスは結局、ライバルゲーミングのゲームに不具合があったとか、エレガンスが失敗したとか、またライバルゲーミングのせいだとか、話を変えてきました。彼らはライバルゲーミングとの会話の記録をすぐに送ると1週間以上言い続けていますが、まだ何も届いていません。したがって、これらの詐欺師にこれ以上 1 ペニーも入金しないことをお勧めします。はるかに優れた即時引き出しカジノは次のとおりです。
カジノ ブランゴ
I won a $6000 jackpot on a no rules coupon i used with them. I ultimately got up to $6500ish dollars and went to withdraw my winnings and they strung me along all night saying it would be processed within 2 hours then 1 hour and they did this to me all night. Then in the morning, I still hadn't received my moeny so I spoke with chat again and they said that their was a glitch in the gamming providers, who is rival gamming, game and said that my jackpot win was a glitch. I asked them for proof of this since I thought it was very fishy and elegance ended up changing their story back and forth from it being a glitch in rival gamming game to elegance messed up back to it being rival gamming fault again. They keep telling me they will send me the transcript of them speaking with rival gaming shortly for over a week now and still nothing. SO I WOULD RECOMMEND TO NOT DEPOSOT A SINGLE MORE PENNY WITH THESE CROOKS. WAY BETTER INSTANT WITHDRAW CASINOS ARE THE following:
Mr. O Casino
Limitless casino
Ignition casino
Bonus Blitz Casino
Casino Extreme
Slotland (pays out by next morning by 7:00 am if you request withdraw before 7:00 pm
This is the part that caught my attention, "they gave them a hard time with drawing". Does the fact that they had a hard time mean that they were able to withdraw in the end?
私が個人的に話した人たちは皆、引き出しは一切受け取っていないし、エレガント カジノは彼らをたらい回しにし続けているだけだと言っていました。もっとうまく言い表すべきだったと思いますので、今修正します。混乱させてしまい申し訳ありません。
All the people I have spoken with personally said they never received any withdrawas and Elegant casino would just keep giving them the run around. I should have worded that better and will fix it now. Sorry for the confusion.
受信フォルダーを確認し、下記メールアドレスへ送られたリンクをクリックしてください。 youremail@gmail.com