ゲーム、ボーナス、決済方法、お客様のアカウントに関する問題、責任あるギャンブルなど、SpinCity Casinoに関連することについて話したい場合は、ここでディスカッションすることができます。
I see it sucks from your point of view, but proof of deposit is usually required as a part of the verification. The way I see it, the proof has not yet been approved, right?
When did you send that, please?
Hi guys this is my first time playing on spin city. First withdrawal $9000 NZD. They won’t send me any verification forms , have waited since the 12th,now 14th. Should I be worried? Their support team sucks
こんにちは、前回の投稿を受け取りました。まず最初に言っておきたいのは、このような状況は私たち誰にとっても不快なものであり、 苦情を申し立てるのは正しいことだと私は考えています。これがあなたの最初の出金であると聞きましたが、カジノがあなたにそれについて何も要求しなかったとしたら、それは非常に奇妙です。
Hi, we got your previous post. I would like to start by saying that situations like this are not pleasant for any of us, and I think it's the right thing to do to file a complaint. I have seen that this is your first withdrawal and it is also quite strange if the casino did not ask you to do anything with it.
However, there is no need to panic right away, as the account is under investigation. Of course, as far as verification is concerned, I don't think it's professional for a casino to proceed as it did in this case. I would have expected them to be more helpful. The casino has told you that now you just have to wait and you haven't learned anything new yet ?
It's certainly difficult to keep a cool head in this situation, but as long as the casino verifies your account and documents, I hope everything will be resolved happily.
Could you keep in touch with and update us as the case develops ? We would be grateful and the players will also be able to see how the complaint is progressing.
In the meantime, I wish you good nerves.
やあ!!面白いことに、返事を受け取るとすぐに、確認書類の提出を求められました。今、入金のために銀行とカードの証明を送りました。運転免許証と自撮り写真。住所を証明するために PDF From をアップロードできません。PDF を受け付けないため、どのように送信すればよいか尋ねられました。彼らからの返信を待っています。100% 最新情報をお知らせします 🙂 ああ、これはとても怖いですが。これほどまでに追跡したり証明したりする必要はありませんでした。
Hey ya!! Funny as soon as I got a response they asked me for verification documents. Now I’ve sent proof of bank and card for deposit. Drivers license and selfie.. I can’t upload a PDF From to prove address address..have asked they how I send this as they won’t accept PDF. Waiting on a reply from them.. will 100% keep you updated 🙂 omg this is so scary though. Never had to chase or prove this much.
カジノがあなたのアカウントを認証する措置を講じたのは良いことです。また、PDF は受け入れられないということなので、他にどのように書類を送信できるかをすぐに尋ねたのも当然です。
頑張ってください 🙂
Great, so it's good that the casino has taken steps to verify your account. It's also reasonable that you immediately asked how else you can send documents, since you say they don't accept PDFs.
Anyway, be sure to write if there is anything new, because I am also curious how it will all turn out in the end. I hope it will be positive, of course.
Good luck 🙂
また、電子メールでは危険な場合、どこに書類を送ればよいのかも気になります。 🤔
I noticed from your complaint that the uploaded documents are not clear for the casino. Did the casino say that this is the main reason why they reject your documents ?
However, even though it is a process that takes longer, it would be best to cooperate with the casino, even though it is exhausting.
Additionally, I wonder where else you should send the documents if via email it is dangerous. 🤔
I'm curious to see how this whole thing turns out in the end.
Hey yeah they reckon not clear enough which isn’t true I have my face in it and full drivers license and pic of the back. I’ve sent this 3 times now they really are just looking for an excuse to not verify me. The photos are fine from what I can see you can see address my photo and drivers licence number clear. I’m doing all I can to corporate with them but it’s a pain that no matter what I do or how much proof it’s wing rejected. Even sent photos of the license back and front full screen photo and drill rejected
I completely understand your frustration in this situation. I don't know what more the casino would want in this instance.
However, as I mentioned, the best thing to do is to continue to cooperate with the casino and update your complaint and possibly us on the forum about new things.
I'm curious to see how this will develop further. Let us know.
それは確かに楽しいプロセスではありませんでしたが、最終的には前向きに報告することができます。私は間違っていますか? Amyzxの事件も同じハッピーエンドになることを願っています。プレイヤーがそのような問題を経験したら、幸せと言えるかどうかはわかりませんが。 🤔
It was certainly not a pleasant process but in the end you can report it positively, am I wrong ? I hope that the case of Amyzx will have the same happy ending. Although I don't know if I can say happy if a player goes through such problems. 🤔
Anyway, it can be at least a bit reassuring to come across a player who has dealt with something similar in the past.
I hope that this particular case will not drag on so long and everything will be fine.
They have verified me but said may need additional documents for withdrawal we will see..
Step by step I hope we will get to a successful end. Fingers crossed 🤞😊
このサイトの扱いはかなり難しいと思います。出金プロセスは確認に時間がかかり、何度も応答が返されるまでに 24 ~ 48 時間かかりました。最善の選択肢はチャットを利用することです。そこでの情報は電子メールとは大きく異なります。最初の出金は 12 日間確認され、その後成功に処理されます。私のカジノ口座から出金されるとすぐに私の銀行に入金されました。 2 回目の出金リクエストは最初のリクエストからちょうど 22 日後でしたが、まだアカウントを認証する必要がありました。私が理解できないのは、彼らが最初の引き出しからすでに持っていたものの証拠を私に求めていることです。同じカードがお金の入金に使用されていたのに、なぜ彼らが喜んでお金を受け取るのに入金しないのかわかりません。認証が承認され、カジノアカウントからお金が残されてからこれまで14週間待っていました。今、リクエストをキャンセルしてもよいと言われました。遅れた理由を聞き出そうとしましたが、同じことを言われました。 「成功に変わったら処理中です。受け取ります。日付やタイムラインは指定されていません。もう少し待ってください。」
I find this site quite difficult to deal with. Withdrawal process is lengthy verification was anywhere from 24-48 hours for a response back n Forth multiple times. The best option is to go through the chat there information is very different to the emails. First withdrawal 12 days to verify then processed to successful. As soon as it was out of my casino account it was in my bank. My second withdrawal request was exactly 22 days from the first and I still had to verify my account. What I don't get is they ask me for proof of what they already had from the first withdrawal. Same card used to deposit money, so not sure why they'd be happy to accept money but not deposit into it. I've waited 14 weeks so far after verification was approved and money left my casino account. Now I get told I can cancel my request. I tried to get a reason for the delay and get told the same thing. "It is processing when it changes to successful I'll get it. No dates or timeline given. Just more waiting.
All in all this website is let down by there service provider. When I asked what the problem was with my withdrawal choice. All of a sudden they can't disclose this information. Why no problem first time but there is second time.
The only game I'm playing is the waiting game.
Seems like they keep applying the same procedures as a month or so ago. I'm talking about the previous post in this thread saying "They have verified me but said may need additional documents for withdrawal we will see.."
And when there are no further documents, let's start over, right? Honestly, I don't get it. The casino managers must know this level of bureaucracy will eventually turn against them.
Thank you for sharing your experience. I hope someone will reorganize the workflow to leave players satisfied in the future.
こんにちは。明確な答えはありませんが、 ユーザー レビューや苦情を確認することをお勧めします。これらはプレイヤーの実体験を反映しており、他のプレイヤーが解決している問題を解決するのに役立つ可能性があるため、次のような情報が得られる可能性があります。良い。もちろん、現在ここでプレーしている選手からのアドバイスもいただけると嬉しいです。
でも、ここで遊んで事前に調べておきたいから質問しているのでしょうか? カジノの安全性指数を見たところ、それほど高くはありませんでした。ここに入金する前に必ず情報を入手してください。頑張ってください。
Hi, even though I don't have a clear answer, I would advise you to check our user reviews or complaints, which reflect real experiences of players and could help you in what other players are solving and therefore you might get to this information as well. Of course, I would also be glad if someone could give you some advice from the players who are currently playing here.
However, are you asking because you would like to play here and find out something beforehand ? I've seen the casino's safety index and it's not that high, so be sure to get some information before you deposit here. Good luck with your choice.
I was asking because I was waiting for a withdraw. But honestly I did give up and ended up closing my account.
受信フォルダーを確認し、下記メールアドレスへ送られたリンクをクリックしてください。 youremail@gmail.com