ゲーム、ボーナス、決済方法、お客様のアカウントに関する問題、責任あるギャンブルなど、WinOlot Casinoに関連することについて話したい場合は、ここでディスカッションすることができます。
I have played a lot of money to get a withdrawal of 5000 euros, and I have been waiting for my withdrawal since 01/19, 4 business days have already passed after delivering all the documents they have asked of me, now they don't even answer my emails, they are things starting to smell bad.
Might you help me ?
Thank you
He jugado mucho dinero para llegar una retiro de 5000 euros, y llevo desde el día 19/01 esperando mi retiro, han pasado ya 4 días hábiles después de entregar todo los documentos que me han pedido, ahora ni me contestan los emails, me está comenzando a oler mal la cosa.
Me podrías ayudar ?
こんにちは。何日も出金を待つと、どういうわけかより懐疑的になり、疑い始める可能性があることは理解できます。最初の引き出しに関しては、通常よりも時間がかかるプロセスであるため、この状況では 4 日間待つのはごく普通のことであると言いたいのです。すでに苦情を提出されているようです。追加情報をお持ちの場合は、ぜひご提供ください。それまでの間、苦情手続きがどのように行われるのか、また何が予想されるのかについて興味があるかもしれません。そのため、この記事👈 がそれをよりよく理解するのに役立つでしょう。何か気になることがあればお知らせください。
Hello. I can understand that to wait for a withdrawal for days could make you somehow more skeptical and maybe start to be suspicious. I just would like to say that when it comes to the first withdrawal, it should be a more time-consuming process than usual, and therefore in this situation to wait 4 days is quite normal. I can see that you have already submitted a complaint. If you have any additional information, please do provide those. In the meantime maybe you will be interested in how the complaint procedure is done and what to expect, so this article 👈 will surely help you to better understand that. Let us know when something's on your mind, ok?
こんにちは、もしあなたがアカウントを閉鎖できず、カジノがそれ以上のリクエストを無視するのであれば、私は迷わず当社に苦情を申し立てます。 このリンクからそれを行うことができます。
また、ギャンブルやギャンブルの問題について話す場合は、 責任あるギャンブルについて役立つ情報を見つけることができるガイドを共有することもできます。
もちろん、できるだけ早くアカウントを閉鎖できることを願っており、私たちのチームがこの状況であなたを助けるよう努めます。成功を祈っている。 🤞
Hi, if you are unable to close your account and the casino is ignoring your request for more times, then I wouldn't think twice and file a complaint with us. You can do so here on this link.
I will also include a guide with important information on what you can expect from the complaint process.
Furthermore, does the casino communicate with you about your request or does it completely ignore it ?
Also, when you talk about gambling and gambling problems, I can share a guide where you can find out helpful things about responsible gambling.
Of course, I hope you will be able to close your account as soon as possible and our team will try to help you in this situation. Fingers crossed. 🤞
クリスティーナはすでにあなたに返信しているので、あなたも彼女に返信できます。 ここをクリックして苦情を更新してください。
I see you've sent a few emails and since they haven't replied it's quite sad. I think such a request should be taken seriously by the casino and not lightly, so since you have filed a complaint, our team will try to help you.
Kristina has already replied to you, so you can respond back to her. Just click right here to update your complaint.
Hopefully this will be resolved as soon as possible and you will be able to close your account. If anything changes let me know.
カジノ側が本人確認をしてほしいということに関しては、おそらく協力するでしょう。これは完全に一般的ではありませんが、カジノが違反するものではないため、確かに心配する必要はありません。今後はさらに速く進むことを願っています。 🙂
You're welcome.
As for the casino wanting you to verify yourself, I would probably cooperate. It's not completely common, but it's nothing that the casino would violate, so you certainly don't have to worry, and hopefully it will only go faster from here on. 🙂
ポジティブに考えてください。 😊
I think she must have received and read them and when it is your turn, she will answer your complaint, so no need to worry. Of course, if there is a problem, I can discuss it with her, but for now I think everything is fine.
Well, let's see if they can close your account and I firmly believe that they will.
Think positive. 😊
Yes, you already told me that information. I also asked my colleagues and they informed me that it's not usual for the casino to ask for verification documents in this situation, but it's not wrong and it's fine.
So as I recommended, I would cooperate and you have a complaint so as long as the casino doesn't close your account, we would still try to help you.
Well, I would deliver the documents to the casino and we'll see how it goes from there.
You think you can manage that?
また、どういたしまして、この騒動をできるだけ早く解決できることを願っています。どちらかといえば、私たちはここにいます。 🙂
Have you tried to explain this situation to the casino and do you have any other alternative you could send ? These are normal documents that the casino asks for.
Also, you're welcome, I hope you can resolve this saga as soon as possible. If anything we are here. 🙂
Hi there.
I'm truly sorry to hear that. Did you also consider that leaving this matter unresolved now may harm you in the future? My point is that we should try to get your account closed to prevent possible uncontrolled deposits.
Of course, the decision is yours to make. Take care of yourself, please.
受信フォルダーを確認し、下記メールアドレスへ送られたリンクをクリックしてください。 youremail@gmail.com