Since banks are rejecting to raise a chargeback and even the ombudsman is siding with the bank. Under what reason are people raising the dispute, should we just straight up lie and say we were promised goods and services and merchant promised to send invoices but never did. Can’t we just say we’re used their live chats and have since been blocked from the site and have no transcript. Lie about it and play dumb, since that would make it fall under goods and services not received rather than gambling. Does being honest even work or rather play the same fraud game these scammers play to maximise the chances of banks raising the dispute then the merchant have to prove you did purchase from them.
I’ve thought about that however if it is found out that you’ve lied then the scam casinos win yet again, I’ve just put in for chargeback again and I’ll see what happens. I’ve won about 4 so far, I just say that funds were not even put into the account and I try my best to find the merchants my self to prove I’ve tried to communicate with them.
英国で認可を受けたギャンブル運営者はすべて、規制当局により GAMSTOP プログラムに参加することが義務付けられています。この規則には例外はありません。
GAMSTOP プログラムに参加していない英国のプレイヤーを受け入れる唯一のカジノは、ライセンスを持たず、英国のプレイヤーを違法に受け入れているカジノです。
UKGC ライセンスを持たないカジノが英国のプレイヤーを受け入れることは違法です。GAMSTOP に登録されていないカジノは UKGC ライセンスを持っていません。ただし、違法行為を行っているのはプレイヤーではなく、そのビジネスです。
This is something someone put on another forum- they claim to be clued up about the legal side and put this…
Every UK licensed gambling operator is required by the regulator to engage with the GAMSTOP program. There are no exceptions to this rule anymore.
The only casinos that will accept UK players that are not part of the GAMSTOP program are casinos that are unlicensed and accepting UK players illegally!
It is not legal for any casino that does not hold a UKGC license to accept UK players. Any casino not on GAMSTOP does not hold a UKGC license. However, it is the business that is committing an illegal offense, not the player.
The thing is if we could actually take the casino itself to fos we would have a case because we all know what they are up to. But because it’s the bank itself we are able to take its not really giving us a good argument because it’s the casino that’s at fault 100 percent here. The banks could help us fight back but choose not to so it does leave many options.
そのように試すのは簡単ですが、1 か月ほどの間に複数の取引を行う人もいるので、あなたの論理と理由には多くの穴があります。なぜなら、正気であろうとなかろうと、入金されなければ何度も入金し続ける人はいないので、その場合はうまくいかないと思います。それが数件であれば、嘘で運が良ければうまくいくかもしれません。
It would be easy to try it like that but some people have multiple transactions over a month or so so your logic and reason has to many hole’s because no one in the right mind or not would keep depositing over and over if it wasn’t being credited so I don’t think it would work in that case. If it was a couple you may get lucky in the lie.
Looking for help with the following merchants. If anyone has had success getting money back from the following merchants let me know :
You have to email them through their website. I haven’t had a reply yet tho.
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