They are the same people with the same registered address in London. all 3 are linked and have the same director
チャージバックに関しては、50 ポンドずつの 2 件を除いて、私が行ったチャージバックはすべて拒否されました。残りは 70 ポンド以上でした。銀行に手紙を書いて、参照番号を使って私が彼らからデジタル アートを購入したと主張しました。銀行に異議を申し立てて状況を説明しましたが、何もしてくれないと思います。
if you contact them by email, they will acknowledge your complaint, escalate it and then never reply to you again lol
in regards to chargeback, they declined every chargeback I did apart from 2 which were of £50 each. The rest were like £70+. They wrote to my bank and claimed I bought digital art from them with reference numbers. I’ve appealed it with my bank and explained the situation, but I doubt they’ll do anything.
How did you find out it was payments as it seems everyone else is having no luck?
They have come back and said they couldn't find any of mine but I dont believe them
Helpers*Sm in Edinburgh is that correct? I am going to throw the book at them
私はMyStakeを使用していた2月からの古い銀行取引明細書を確認していました。そのため、Santedaを通じて、Cleverprix* dota およびfrezhh limiteddigitecの取引明細書にいくつかの会社が記載されています。銀行は、これらをチャージバックするにはもう遅すぎると言っていますが、これらの会社の連絡先を知っている人はいますか?
I have been going through old bank statements from February I was using MyStake so through Santeda I have a couple of company’s on my statement Cleverprix* dota and frezhh limiteddigitech, the bank say it’s now too late to charge these back does anyone know who to contact with these companies ?
こんにちは。このフォーラムをしばらくチェックしています。Wintermdse の取引に関してですが、銀行に再度チャージバックを処理させるにはどうしたらよいですか。私の取引は詐欺として拒否されました。wintermdse で何回取引しましたか。金額はいくらでしたか。私の合計は 4000 ポンドですが、合計で 5 回しか取引していません。調査チームからの返答を待っていますが、ギャンブル会社が彼らとの関係を否定し、Wintermdse とは何の関係もないことを確認したという証拠があります。しかし、wintermdse を通じてギャンブル会社に取引が行われた回数と一致する入金履歴を入手しました。ギャンブル会社との私の問題は、引き出しをしようとしたときに、理由もなく何度も拒否され、問題を解決する方法についての回答が得られなかったことに端を発しています。私の銀行もこの状況に関してひどい対応をしており、一部責任がありますが、私にも責任があるので、説明責任を負わなければなりません。それで、私の預金はすべて最低 500 ポンドだったことを考えると、ウィンターズが私もアートを購入したと言うと思いますか? 今後 2 週間以内に応答がなければ、銀行に戻って再度チャージバックを要求します。この状況で銀行が犯したミスについて金融オンブズマンにすでにエスカレートしましたが、4000 ポンドではなく 500 ポンドしか失っていません。最も辛いのは、3 週間後に私が出発することですが、飛行機に乗る前に解決できれば夢のようです。
Hi been keeping tabs on this forum for a little while now. In regards to your Wintermdse transactions how did you get your bank to process a chargeback again.They put mine down as a scam and rejected it. How many transactions did you make with wintermdse and what were the amounts because mine total £4000 but I only made 5 transactions in total. I am waiting for a response from there investigation team but have the evidence of the gambling company denying any relationship to them and confirmed they have no connection to Wintermdse.But I obtained my deposit history which is in line with the times transactions were made to the gambling company through wintermdse. My problem with gambling company stemmed when I tried to make a withdrawal which was declined multiple times for no reason and I wasn’t receiving an answer on how to fix the issue.My bank has just been terrible in regards to this situation too and are partly to blame but also my fault too have to hold accountability. So do you think Wintermdse will try to say I bought art too considering all my deposits were minimum £500 if they don’t respond within next 2 weeks I will just go back to my banks and push for a chargeback again.Have already escalated to the financial ombudsman for the mistakes my bank have made in this situation would have only lost £500 instead of the £4000.Most painful thing is I go away in 3 weeks would be a dream to have resolved before I get on the plane.
I explained what happened to my bank(Barclays) and they opened the chargebacks. There were 18 in total, but for some reason my bank only opened 8 chargeback against them. It was for around £1800. I’ve contacted financial ombudsman too because on my declined chargeback letter it says you have 10 days to appeal it, which I did and the bank never got back to me. So I’m hoping financial ombudsman will help me. Like I said for some reason WINTERMDSE sent back 2 payments out of the 8, and they were both the lowest payments which were £50, so surely to the bank they know the company is trying to hold my bigger deposits. Pretty sure they get charged for chargebacks that’s why they decline the bigger ones and it’s just easier to send the funds back for £50. What did financial ombudsman say to you did they open a case
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