Thanks, still very interesting! How old were your transactions?
Thanks, still very interesting! How old were your transactions?
初回は 100% 承認されますが、2 ~ 3 回目にリクエストすると、それ以外のことを証明することはほぼ不可能であり、販売者または決済プロバイダーは異議を唱えないため、承認されます。
注記: これは国によって多少異なる可能性があります。北欧では英国や米国のようなチャージバック文化がないので、そちらの方が簡単かもしれません。
I just want to warn everyone trying to get chargebacks via their bank.
With all the information and tips here on how easy it is, I just want everyone to be aware of that it actually IS a fraud.
What makes it a fraud, is that/if you falsely claims that you havent received the goods and services.
It will 100% go through the first time, 2-3 times, you request it, since it is almost impossible to prove otherwise, and the merchant or payment provider will not fight it.
But if you continue to chargeback for large amounts, and for a lot of transactions, your bank will probably start to suspect charge back fraud from your side.
I am not saying that you shouldnt do this -I am just saying plan it carefully and request as many/high chargeback transactions the first time you do it. And dont continue to do it for every small casino transaction you have made.
Just a note; this may differ a bit per country. In the Nordics we do not have the same charge back culture as in UK and US, so it night be easier there, I dont know.
I just want everyone to be aware of doing this is illegal and that the bank can say no and even charge you with fraud If you dont do it in a smart way. And that just because it went really smooth and easy the first time, that you can/Should continue to use chargebacks as a way to get all your casino transactions back om an ongoing basis.
I was open and honest with the bank.. chose that I didn't receive my goods then I explained how it is..
for parts of my deposits didn't even balance at the casino.. one day had five withdrawals from my bank but only credited 1 at the casino, (yes I made several attempts because it said
failed at the casino) then the money was invested in another company..
Shouldn't they be able to get it back? then I am completely open and honest. so it can't be a scam right?
No of course, If you are honest it can never be considered fraud -the only consequence is that your bank may not want to handle the chargeback. 🙂
It is tricky for sure. However, to be fair, Visa, MasterCard and the bank have failed to protect the consumer though. Which is disgusting. I guess it could be discussed if the transactions actually were legal to begin with. Depending in which country you live in, and the amounts involved, maybe talking with a lawyers or solicitor could be worth it.
更新、Lovin Prod と Ewave からの取引の一部が今朝取り消されました。これは奇妙です。なぜなら、これらの取引は私が理解できず、連絡も取れなかったからです。ですから、私が正常にメールを送った他の取引の一部と同じものだと思います。しかし、2 つ目の奇妙な点は、すべてではなく一部だけであるということです。そして、これらは 5 月に行われたものです。
Update, some transactions from Lovin Prod and Ewave was just reversed this morning. This is strange because these I could never figure out and contact. So guess they are same as some of the other ones I successfully emailed. But second strange thing, it's just some and not all. And these were made in May.
But any refund is nice.
ewave からの返金をどこに送ったかご存知ですか? いくつか送ったのですが、連絡先が見つかりません。
do you have any idea where you sent for the refund from ewave? I have a couple of them but cant find any contact info.
I just found a website ewave.com but dont know if this is the right one
たとえば、500 ユーロを超える取引が複数ある場合 (異なるプロバイダーへの取引の場合)、50 ユーロ未満の取引のチャージバックを要求しない方がよいでしょう。
Ecaxtly! Morally I dont think it is wrong at all, and I encourage everyone to do chargebacks. I just want to encourage everyone to be as smart as possible with it, also the increase their chances to get the most out of it as possible.
For example; Maybe dont request to charge back transactions below 50 euro, If you have also several over 500 euro (If they are to different providers).
私の銀行発行会社であるPeople's Trust(カナダ)は、いかなる支払いの返金も拒否しています。「不正な取引」でチャージバックを試みましたが、銀行は次のように書いています。
My bank issuer People’s Trust (in Canada) decline to refund any payments. I try to make a chargeback with "unauthorized transaction" but bank write:
"Screenshotting confidential details can result in the information being compromised.
There is really no good reason you should be screenshotting your card details, which is why our finance team says they cannot offer a refund due to a breach in our card agreement." (I just make screenshots my card in my app on IPhone)
No, tried, sent some very strong worded emails to InstantCasino and Tsars
But nothing yet. These Curacao casinos have nothing to be afraid of really as they are not licensed, no matter what they say. Curacao license is not a real license or a real regulated market.
unlimitedcasino (Infiniza limited) のような認可カジノから、この件についてどう思うかの返答を聞けたら嬉しいです 🙂
Would be nice to hear som response from licensed casinos like unlimitedcasino (Infiniza limited) what they have to say about this 🙂
支払いプロバイダーが返金に協力する本当の動機は何でしょうか? ほとんどのプロバイダーは返金しておらず、返金しても何の影響もありません。返金している少数のプロバイダーはなぜ返金するのでしょうか? 当局が気にしていないように見えるのに、なぜ返金するのでしょうか?
What is really the motivator for the payment providers to help with the refunds? Thinking since most arent, and it doesnt give them any consequences -the few that are refunding, why do they? Since it doesnt seem as any authority cares, why do they?
まあ、MGA も、彼らが何と言おうと、ライセンスではありません。ライセンスには何の意味もありません。
彼らは常にカジノ側にいて、何もしません。たとえば、MGA はオンライン ライセンスで RTP を 88% まで低く許可しています。これはまったく非常識です。
MGA 認可のカジノ運営会社である LCS Limited の利用規約には、24 時間以内に 5,000 ユーロ以上勝った場合、5,000 ユーロを超える金額は無効となり、カジノの所有となると記載されていました。そのため、勝てる金額は 5,000 ユーロのみで、それ以上の金額は失うことになります。また、これは出金制限ではなく、勝利金制限です。これは MGA 認可のもとで何年も行われてきました。LCS では最近になってこれが変更されたのではないかと思います。
Well, MGA is not a license either, no matter what they say. The licenses doesn't mean anything.
Malta is a small corrupt island with majority of their income from the casino business.
They will always be on the casinos side and do nothing. For example, MGA allows as low RTP as 88% on their online license. That is just insane.
Doing illegal things is in the blood of the Maltese.
Please note that LCS Limited, a MGA licensed casino operator, used to have in their terms and conditions that if you won more than €5000 in 24h, any above above €5000 was voided and would belong to the casino. So you could only ever just win €5000 and any other amount you would lose out. And no, it's not withdrawal limit, it is winning limits. This they did for years with MGA approval. I think now pretty recently this might have been changed on LCS.
So don't expect a license to protect you, because it won't.
skinczar から直接返金を受けましたか? メールを送っていますが、返信がありません。
Did you get a refund from skinczar directly? I've been emailing them but no reply.
I also received refund from canapay.
この 1 日あたり最大 5000 ユーロの勝利条件により LCS Limited からお金を取り戻すのに助けが必要な方は、MADRE に苦情を申し立ててください。取り戻せる最大額は 5000 ユーロで、かなりの時間がかかります (私の場合は 1 年以上)。しかし、粘り強く正しい主張をすれば、5000 ユーロを取り戻すことができます (5000 ユーロ以上が没収された場合)。
If anyone needs help with getting money back from L.C.S. Limited due to this 5000 euro per day Max win T&C, file so complaint with MADRE. The Max you will get back is 5000 euro, it will take a lot of time (over a year for me) but If you are persistent and point at the right arguments you will get 5000 euro back (If they have confiscated 5000 euro or more).
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