I’ve just done it anyway, if banks won’t try to help me reclaim money back from actual scammers what’s the point.
I’ve just done it anyway, if banks won’t try to help me reclaim money back from actual scammers what’s the point.
キュラソーのサイト 7/10 がこの決済ゲートウェイを使用しているので、最新情報をお知らせします。このフォーラムでこの決済ゲートウェイについて話している人は見たことがないので、皆さんのお役に立てれば幸いです。
Ok just got a huge update regarding a major payment gateway that states this in their merchant agreement. I bet all of you have transactions here. I have sent them an email now stating their terms.
Check this out:
Like 7/10 curacao sites uses this payment gateway, will keep you updated. I have not seen anyone talk about this payment gateway in this forum before so hope i can help some of you out!
キュラソーのサイト 7/10 がこの決済ゲートウェイを使用しているので、最新情報をお知らせします。このフォーラムでこの決済ゲートウェイについて話している人は見たことがないので、皆さんのお役に立てれば幸いです。
Ok just got a huge update regarding a major payment gateway that states this in their merchant agreement. I bet all of you have transactions here. I have sent them an email now stating their terms.
Check this out:
Like 7/10 curacao sites uses this payment gateway, will keep you updated. I have not seen anyone talk about this payment gateway in this forum before so hope i can help some of you out!
Mydates は取引に異議を唱えました。彼らは偽の領収書を作成し、私が電子書籍を受け取ったと言いました。彼らが私に使用した住所も電話番号も偽物です。なんとも怪しい取引でしょう!!!
Mydates contested the transactions! They have made fake receipts, said I received ebooks. The address they used for me is fake, as well as the phone number. Such dodgy dealings!!!
No way when mine were done as incorrect MCC they never replied maybe goods not received is the wrong path as they have found a way to beat it
Incorrect MCC definitely the correct path but Mastercard won’t raise them like that as gambling related. I have some with Mastercard under goods not received so will keep everyone updated, my visa ones incorrect MCC appear all good
このメールを偽造防止にするために、何を記載すればよいかアドバイスをお願いします。私は英国市民なのでアイルランドの電話番号や住所は持っていないことを明記しました。Grotobook (MYDATES) との通信の証拠も提供しましたが、連絡すら取っていないと言われました。それは、mydates が幽霊だからです!!!
Today is the last day to Dispute, they have waited till now. I have clearly stated in the email that no goods were received, they have said they have provided receipts via email, to which I've shown proof of none, I have also asked them to prove a communication trail of these being sent to me (which they will not be able to do, because the emails were clearly not sent).
Any advice guys on what to include in this email to make it fool proof. I've clearly stated I'm a UK citizen so wouldn't have an Irish phone number or address, I've provided proof of communication with Grotobook, which is MYDATES, they said I had not even contacted them, that's because mydates are ghosts!!!
I don't know what else to put really, I have shown their website (grotobook) of refunds being allowed and them denying any refund because I authorised the transactions so I hope it will be enough.
Yes it is the fool proof way to go but difficult getting it raised or getting certain banks or credit cards to comply with it
Contact MyDates site I did that before my chargebacks were raised they reply back quick that they are based in Holland not the Uk and the payments are nothing to do with them this last day thing is just them trying to tear your soul out it seems
hi paul,
you seem very knowledgeable- do you have any contact details for skinczar or kashia?
現在、Casino Guruのセーフモードで閲覧しています。このモードでは、問題のあるギャンブルや責任あるギャンブルに関するコンテンツのみ閲覧できます。続行すると、このモードが解除されます。
受信フォルダーを確認し、下記メールアドレスへ送られたリンクをクリックしてください。 youremail@gmail.com