ari10 の取引から。 🙂
Hello can you help me how to get refund
from ari10 transactions. 🙂
ari10 の取引から。 🙂
Hello can you help me how to get refund
from ari10 transactions. 🙂
ご存じない方のために言っておきますが、私たちは、サンタンデア グループ傘下のカジノに対する苦情をできるだけ多くの人に伝えるために、団体として集まっています。私たちは皆、傘下のカジノで問題を抱えてきました。
団結して CGB にこの件を提示すれば、苦情の数から見て CGB はもっと注目し、行動を起こす可能性が高くなります。試してみる価値はあります。
Don't forget about the group folks,if you want to join
For those who don't know,we are coming together as a collective to bring as many people as possible with complaints against casinos under the Santandea group .we have all had issues with some casino under their umbrella.
By coming together and presenting the case to the CGB they may take more notice and likely to act due to the number of complaints. It's worth a shot .
All you need to do is send
Casino /username and roughly amount owed
All information will be held in strict confidence and will not be shared with any other members
Also for the nice person who sent me the email saying I am trying to scam people for money .Not once have I mentioned money or payment for doing this .Just to be crystal clear I do not require or will not ask for payment further down the line either .I am doing this as I am in same boat as many others and I want to see if we can get something done as a group and that's it .
キュラソー イーゲーミングはまだ運営されているのか、それともキュラソーの変更によって影響が出ているのか教えていただけますか?
Can you tell me if curacao egaming is still operational or if the changes to curacao have taken their toll?
Sabem me dizer se a curacao egaming ainda esta operacional ou se fom as alteracoes em curacao deixaram de assumir o seu papel?
キュラソー eGaming はオンライン ゲーム オペレーターにライセンスを提供しなくなりましたが、以前の規制当局は現在、認定サービスを提供しています。これらのサービスには、GCB ライセンス申請、ビジネス構造、フォームおよびドキュメントの更新に関する支援が含まれます。認定を受けたオペレーターは、コンプライアンスとベスト プラクティスへの取り組みを示す新しい認定シールを表示できます。
Hi, we've colleted that:
While Curaçao eGaming no longer offers licenses to online gaming operators, the former regulator now offers Accreditation Services. These services include assistance with GCB license applications, business structuring, and forms and documentation updates. Operators that become accredited can display a new Accreditation Seal demonstrating their dedication to compliance and best practices.
Mystake、goldenbet、donbet、volbet、rolletto、cosmobetなど、他にもいくつか挙げることができます。oxyion development Ltd傘下の会社もSantedaに買収されたことがわかりました。
Mystake, goldenbet, donbet,volbet,rolletto,cosmobet to name a few if anyone else can add as I have found that Companies under oxyion development Ltd have now been bought out by Santeda also
Hi mate is there anywhere we can talk privately? Telegram, WhatsApp, insta or email? Just have a few questions
Chase 銀行をご利用の方への情報 - Chase 銀行はギャンブル料金を現金引き出しとして分類するため、チャージバックはほぼ不可能です。
Some info for those using Chase bank - Chase Bank classifies gambling charges as cash withdrawals, making it nearly impossible to charge back.
This is why I would recommend goods/services not received.
TopUp.com 社への 300 ユーロと 400 ユーロのカード請求、さらに私の Revolut アプリからカードに請求されるはずだった 200 ユーロの請求も、Strukin の名前で私が行った送金として表示されます。
TopUp.com にメールを送信しましたが、取引が認識されず、Revolut は続行を拒否しました。
Hi everyone, I'm in the same situation too.
I had a gambling block activated on my Revolut app
But Luckywins casino managed to start the push notification
Card charge of €300 and €400 for a TopUp.com company and even a charge of €200 that should have been made to my card from my Revolut app appears as a transfer made by me in the name of Strukin.
They actually broke the law by making a wire transfer in my name.
I have sent emails to TopUp.com but they do not recognize the transaction and Revolut refuses to proceed.
Give me some help, you're the only ones left for me
Salve a tutti anche io nella stessa situazione
Avevo il blocco attivato contro il gioco d'azzardo sulla mia app Revolut
Ma il casinò Luckywins è riuscito a fare partire la notifica push
Addebito su carta di 300€ e 400€ per una società TopUp.com e addirittura un addebito di 200€ che mi sarebbe dovuto essere fatto su carta dalla mia app Revolut risulta come bonifico effettuato da me a nome di Strukin.
Hanno proprio violato la legge emettendo un bonifico a mio nome
Ho inviato mail a TopUp.com ma disconoscono l'operazione e Revolut si rifiuta di procedere.
Datemi un aiuto mi siete rimasti solo voi
ねえ、どこの銀行を使っているの?私も Natwest で同じような状況に陥っています。商品が受け取られなかったという理由で 50 件のチャージバックを申し立て、情報に商品とサービス、サービスが受け取られなかったと書きました。メモには MCC コードが間違っていると書きました。一時的な払い戻しを発行するというメールが 32 件届き、今日 500 件以上の払い戻しが届きました。ただし、これらは銀行からのものではなく、今日銀行が確認した加盟店からのものです。その後、紛争解決チームと話をしたところ、加盟店の銀行に連絡してすべてのチャージバックがキャンセルされたとのことで、振込で行われたとのことでした。担当者は、ウェスタン ユニオンなどの国際支払いで行われたように説明したので、チャージバックを受けることはできません。この件について銀行からまだ正式なメールが来ておらず、とても混乱しています。銀行は今、詐欺ルートを通すべきだと言っています。誰かアイデアや提案をください。どうしたらいいのかわからず、とても困惑しています!!! 次に何をすればいいのでしょうか
Hey who do u bank with? I'm going through a similar situation with natwest. I raised 50 chargebacks under goods not recd and said in the info issue with good and service and service not received. I added in the notes it was wrong mcc codes. I've had 32 emails saying they are issuing temporary refunds and today I've had over 500 in refunds come in - HOWEVER these are not from the bank these are from merchants which the bank confirmed today. I then spoke to the disputesz team who said all the chargebacks have been cancelled as they contacted the merchants bank and they said it was done by transfer the agent explained it like it was done on an international payment like western union so I can't get a chargeback. I've not had an official correspondence from the bank by email about this yet and I'm just so confused. They're now saying I should go through the scam route. Can someone please give me some ideas and suggestions and im so stuck now on what to do!!! What do I do next
The bank is Revolut, my payments are two made via debit card and app and the other appears as a bank transfer but I didn't do it... I don't know how they did it but they transformed a payment from the app with card into a bank transfer. However, the Revolut bank says it cannot proceed with chargebacks
La banca è Revolut,i miei pagamenti sono due fatti tramite carta di debito e app e l'altro risulta come bonifico ma non sono stato io a farlo...non so come abbiano fatto ma hanno trasformato un pagamento da app con carta in bonifico.La banca Revolut però dice che non può procedere con i chargeback
こんにちは、私はバークレイズ銀行を利用しています。申し訳ありませんが、この点については少し混乱しています。使用したクレジットカードですか? 一時的な払い戻しは受けたことがありませんが、クレジットカードの場合は受けたことがあると思います。払い戻しを受けたとき、そこには販売店の名前またはチャージバック コードが記載されていましたか? 銀行によって異なるかどうかはわかりませんが、販売店の名前であれば、販売店から直接の払い戻しであると考えられます。つまり、返金されたということです。支払いは銀行振込ではなく、デビット カードによるものですか? X
Hey, I bank with Barclays. Sorry I'm a little confused on this. Was it a credit card you used? Iv never received temporary refunds but think you do on credit cards. So when you got the refunds, did it state the merchants name or the chargeback code? I don't know if banks are different but would think if it is the merchants name, it would of been directly from the merchant so that would mean they've refunded you. Are they debit card payments & not bank transfers? X
メールアドレスを教えてもらえますか? 受け取ったら削除していただけますか? メールで連絡します
Are you happy to give me your email? Then delete it once I have it? I can email you
現在、Casino Guruのセーフモードで閲覧しています。このモードでは、問題のあるギャンブルや責任あるギャンブルに関するコンテンツのみ閲覧できます。続行すると、このモードが解除されます。
受信フォルダーを確認し、下記メールアドレスへ送られたリンクをクリックしてください。 youremail@gmail.com