Due to breaching the rules again, I'm banning your account.
Due to breaching the rules again, I'm banning your account.
もし彼らの言うことが正しくて、私たちが犯罪を犯していると考えているのなら、なぜ彼らは恐れ、このスレッドを削除するためにメンテナンスに連絡さえするのでしょうか? この連鎖は彼らにとって宝くじに当たるようなもので、ここにいる私たち全員が彼らによると「犯罪」を犯したのですから、彼らは私たちを訴えて賠償金を得るでしょう...そうですよね?
Hi, any chance you can reveal these casinos? I have a strong suspicion which casinos…
if they are right and they think we are committing a crime why are they afraid and even contact maintenance to remove this thread?. This chain would be a lottery win for them, here are all of us who have committed a "crime" according to them, they would sue us and get compensation... right?
Hei, onko sinulla mahdollisuuksia paljastaa näitä kasinoita? Minulla on vahva epäilys mitkä kasinot…
jos he ovat oikeassa ja heidän mielestään syyllistymme rikokseen miksi he pelkäävät ja ottavat jopa ylläpitoon yhteyttä tämän ketjun poistamiseksi?. Tämä ketjuhan olisi heille lottovoitto, täällä olemme kaikki me, jotka olemme syyllistyneet heidän mukaansa "rikokseen" he haastaisivat meidät oikeuteen ja saisivat korvauksia… vai?
You seem like a very confused person, take care and have a nice day. ☀️👌
Du verkar vara en väldigt förvirrad person, ta hand om dig och ha en fin dag. ☀️👌
- 決済ゲートウェイ、決済オペレーター、カジノに連絡して、MCC コードの誤りやトランザクション ロンダリングによる返金を求めることは違法ではありません。単に間違っていると思うと宣言するだけで、何も返金しなくてもかまいません。
- 同じ行為者に連絡し、例えばお金を受け取っていないなどの理由をでっち上げて返金を要求することは、詐欺行為である可能性があります。
- 銀行にカードの苦情を申し立て、カジノゲームのお金を受け取ったことを正直に伝えないことは詐欺行為であり、違法です。
- 銀行にカードの苦情を申し立て、それがカジノに使われたことを正直に伝えることは違法ではありません。ただし、銀行は、あなたが高リスク顧客であると判断した場合、あなたの口座を(一時的に)凍結するか、顧客としての契約を解除することができます。
スレッドを閉じる必要はありません。基本的な質問は間違っていません。「トランザクション ロンダリング」と誤った MCC コードの使用が合法かどうかはグレー ゾーンです。これは Mastercard と ViSA のポリシーにはまったく当てはまりませんが、法的にはグレー ゾーンです。これが、一部の人が返済を選択し、他の人が返済を選択しない理由でしょう。
Let's get this straight.
-Contacting payment gateways, payment operators, casinos and asking for a refund due to an incorrect MCC code and transaction laundering is NOT illegal. They can simply just declare that they think one is wrong, and not pay anything back.
-To contact the same actors and request a refund due to an invented reason, e.g. that you have not received the money, may be an attempt at fraud.
-Threatening any actor with violence, harassment, etc. may be illegal
-Making a card complaint to your bank and not being honest about receiving the money for casino games is an attempt at fraud, i.e. illegal
-Making a card complaint to your bank and being honest that it went to the casino is not illegal. However, the bank can choose to freeze your accounts (temporarily) or terminate you as a customer if they judge you to be a high-risk customer.
The thread does not need to be closed down. The basic question is not wrong. It is a gray area regarding how legal or not it is with "transaction laundering" and the use of incorrect MCC codes - it is absolutely not Mastercard and ViSA's policies, but legally it is more of a gray area. This is probably why some choose to repay and others do not.
As long as one adheres to this, and adheres to the truth, one cannot be convicted of any crime. On the other hand, I have also warned several times in the past that it is an attempt at fraud to lie to/withhold the truth from your bank if you make a card complaint. Even if you email these companies and lie and e.g. says you haven't received the casino deposit, it could possibly be fraud. However, I find it very difficult to see that they would think it worth pursuing an expensive legal process against any individual for such small sums.
Låt oss klargöra detta.
-Att kontakta payment gateways, betalningsaktörer, casinon och be om återbetalning på grund av felaktig MCC kod och transaction laundering är INTE olagligt. De kan helt enkelt bara förklara att de tycker att en har fel, och inte betala tillbaka någonting.
-Att kontakta samma aktörer och begära återbetalning pga påhittad anledning, t.ex. att man inte mottagit pengarna, kan vara försök till bedrägeri.
-Att hota någon aktör med våld, trakasserier etc. kan vara olagligt
-Att göra en kortreklamation till sin bank och inte vara ärlig med att man mottagit pengarna till casinospel är försök till bedrägeri dvs olagligt
-Att göra en kortreklamation till sin bank och vara ärlig med att det gått till casino är inte olagligt. Däremot kan banken välja att frysa dina konton (tillfälligt) eller säga upp dig som kund om de bedömer dig vara en högriskkund.
Tråden behöver inte stängas ner. Den grundläggande frågeställningen är inte felaktig. Det är ett gråområde gällande hur lagligt eller ej det är med "transaction laundering" och användning av felaktiga MCC-koder -det är absolut not Mastercard och ViSAs policys, men rent legalt är det mer en gråzon. Det är antagligen därför vissa väljer att betala tillbaka och andra inte.
Så länge man håller sig till detta, och håller sig till sanningen, kan man inte bli dömd för något brott. Däremot har även jag flera gånger tidigare varnat för att det är försök till bedrägeri att ljuga för/undanhålla sanningen för sin bank om man gör en kortreklamation. Även om man mailar dessa företag och ljuger och t.ex. säger att man inte mottagit casinoinbetalningen, skulle det eventuellt kunna vara bedrägeri. Jag har dock väldigt svårt att se att de skulle tycka att det är värt att driva en kostsam rättslig process mot någon individ för dett för sådana låga summor det handlar om.
おそらく、無認可のカジノではプレイしないという意味だと思います 🙂。一般的には、MGA、エストニア、キュラソー、その他の偽の管轄区域ではプレイしないという意味です。ライセンスを持っていると言っても、それがライセンスであるとは限りません。何のためのライセンスですか? 人を騙すためですか? 支払いを不正に処理するためですか?
I think you meant don't play at any unlicensed casino 🙂, which in general means no MGA, no Estonia or no Curacao or any other fake jurisdiction. Just because they say they have a license, doesn't mean it's a license. A license for what? Scamming people? Processing payments incorrectly?
This fraud is in any jurisdiction with fake international licenses. The fraud don't exist in, for example, the Swedish licensed casinos or the UK licensed casinos. Don't play at all if you are in a country that doesn't have a proper national license. We all know we're just giving away money to money launderers and tax avoiders by doing this. It's similar to buying drugs from criminals. It leads to violence, more crime etc etc.
I would say it's important to remember this in the long run.
Digikey、ブダペスト。(digikeyboard.com) は返金し、次のような説明をメールで送ってきました。彼らは何が起こっているのか正確には理解していないようです。
また、feastingmen.com / amegagame.com も本日払い戻しを行いました。
Digikey, Budapest. (digikeyboard.com) refunded and emailed me with this explanation: they dont seem to understand exactly what is happening.
Also feastingmen.com / amegagame.com refunded today.
So don't let yourselves be threatened. it is obvious that the Casinos are taking advantage of some companies here and it is they who are doing the wrong thing.
I think it been mentioned before, a lot of the merchants, (except the obvious Estonian shell companies), are unaware of the issue. They are just getting used as much as we are getting used by dubious suspicious payment processors/Gateways/aquiring banks that is the culprit.
Sweden or no Sweden, easy to spoof your location or account here too.
But so many obvious accounts trying to threaten us, saying we will be sued etc etc
How would they sue us using a casino guru username, lol.
カジノ グルはこのスレッドをすぐに閉鎖する必要があります
I would advise every single person to leave the thread. All financial institutions are aware of this now and are actively saving copies of people’s posts for their own investigations.
Casino Guru need to close this thread down immediately
lol, they will sue my casino.guru username
all financial instutitions, haha, like they would bother.
I uploaded the documents but they were removed!!
I haven’t been paid anything to silence people. I was passing on the message I received which clearly shows that this thread is illegal.
some of you claim to not care but I promise you will if they contact you directly.
Basically admitting on here to gambling but then claiming to not receive goods is an illegal offence. They are saying that we are capitalising on both playing with the funds and then getting money back. Also by us getting other people involved it makes it more serious as it’s a fraudulent scheme.
this is what they are telling me. I perfectly understand people wanting to keep their posts on here but it’s not worth it for me to do so receiving the threat.
もし彼らの言うことが正しくて、私たちが犯罪を犯していると考えているのなら、なぜ彼らは恐れ、このスレッドを削除するためにメンテナンスに連絡さえするのでしょうか? この連鎖は彼らにとって宝くじに当たるようなもので、ここにいる私たち全員が彼らによると「犯罪」を犯したのですから、彼らは私たちを訴えて賠償金を得るでしょう...そうですよね?
Hi, any chance you can reveal these casinos? I have a strong suspicion which casinos…
if they are right and they think we are committing a crime why are they afraid and even contact maintenance to remove this thread?. This chain would be a lottery win for them, here are all of us who have committed a "crime" according to them, they would sue us and get compensation... right?
Hei, onko sinulla mahdollisuuksia paljastaa näitä kasinoita? Minulla on vahva epäilys mitkä kasinot…
jos he ovat oikeassa ja heidän mielestään syyllistymme rikokseen miksi he pelkäävät ja ottavat jopa ylläpitoon yhteyttä tämän ketjun poistamiseksi?. Tämä ketjuhan olisi heille lottovoitto, täällä olemme kaikki me, jotka olemme syyllistyneet heidän mukaansa "rikokseen" he haastaisivat meidät oikeuteen ja saisivat korvauksia… vai?
We don't want to post what casinos are involved yet, because we are waiting to find out if they want to open a discussion with us. So we give them a few more days to get in touch.
the casinos won't sue anybody for sure, it's just kinda tactic, so you stop emailing them
on the other hand, I guess a good half of guys here try in fact dispute funds for the services they received and spent, I tried as well.
asking for a refund in this case directly from providers/casinos won't get you into legal trouble but if you raise it to the bank/other instances on a constant basis - that could be a matter lol
2 つのカジノが最初に casinoguru に連絡してこのスレッドを削除したと理解しています。その後、casinoguru は彼らと会話をしたいと考えましたが、彼らはそれ以上連絡を取りませんでした。
I understand that 2 casinos first contacted casinoguru to remove this thread? after which the casinoguru wanted to have a conversation with them and they did not communicate anymore.
Ymmärsin niin, että 2 kasinoa otti ensin yhteyttä casinoguruun tämän viestiketjun poistamiseksi? jonka jälkeen casinoguru halusi käydä heidän kanssaan keskustelun ja he eivät komminikoi enään.
私も銀行の明細書でこれに気づき、もううんざりしていたので、少なくとも資金の一部を取り戻そうと思ったので、しばらくこのスレッドをフォローしていました。昨日、私が取引に異議を申し立てた後、銀行から直接連絡があり、「多数の顧客が、3Dセキュア経由で完了した複数の取引に異議を申し立てている」ことに気づいたと言われました。彼らは全員、異議申し立ての背後に同じ話を主張しており、この問題は銀行によって調査中であり、私の銀行口座も現在調査対象になっていると言われました。これはおかしいです!!! この件で他に連絡を受けた人はいますか?!?! これから何が起こるのでしょうか??
Been following this thread for a while as I also noticed this on my bank statement and thought I'd recover some of my funds at least as I was getting fed up with it all.. I was also contacted yesterday by my bank directly after I disputed my transactions and have been told that they have noticed ''numerous clients disputing multiple transactions which were completed via 3d secure'' all claiming the same story behind their disputes and said that the matter is being investigated by the bank and my bank account is now part of the investigation WHICH IS NUTS!!! Has anyone else been contacted about this?!?! What is going to happen now??
What explanation did you give/on what grounds did you request a card complaint?
Vad gav du för förklaring/på vilka grunder begärde du kortreklamation?
It is impossible to say if you do not tell us the basis on which you made the complaint. What did you write to the bank when you made the complaint?
Det är omöjligt att säga om du inte berättar vilken grund du gjorde reklamationen på. Vad skrev du till banken när du gjorde reklamationen?
You don't need to worry. An investigation is always conducted. Such an investigation is necessary. It is these investigations that lead authorities and banks to take action. An investigation does not mean that you are a suspect; it is about understanding what happened and how it happened.
Remember that we are suffering from gambling addiction, and these gambling companies exploit us because of it. They allow us to deposit money, but when it comes to withdrawals, they delay the process, citing minor rule violations. They demand an array of documents, all to exploit the customer's addiction and wait until the money is gambled away, only to then offer the customer a bonus to deposit even more money.
These casinos claim to offer a service. However, a service is not just letting customers waste their money on a slot machine. A service from a gambling company should include safe gambling practices, secure payments, and responsibility towards the customer's well-being, including their financial situation.
I find it wonderful that the banks are finally taking notice. I encourage everyone to highlight these issues.
現在、Casino Guruのセーフモードで閲覧しています。このモードでは、問題のあるギャンブルや責任あるギャンブルに関するコンテンツのみ閲覧できます。続行すると、このモードが解除されます。
受信フォルダーを確認し、下記メールアドレスへ送られたリンクをクリックしてください。 youremail@gmail.com