No genuine casino would reopen your account if you closed it and stated you had gambling problems
カジノや指導者チームからのアカウントの閉鎖には 24 時間、または営業日かかるという返信もいくつかあります。しかし、これはギャンブル依存症の自己排除ではなく、通常の口座閉鎖に関するものである可能性があります。これは非常にデリケートな問題であり、多額の損失につながる可能性があり、また他の問題である可能性もあります。
Yes, that’s true. I had closed my accounts with different casinos and when I asked to reopen they refused even if I was trying to open an account with a shared management casino or sis. Casino.
gambling addiction should be treated seriously by the casinos if a player mentions that casino should act immediately with no hesitation to permanently close the account with no possibility of reopening.
i see some replies says from casinos or guru team closing accounts takes 24 hrs or in business days. But that could be about normal accounts closing not self exclusion of gambling addiction , because this is a really sensitive matter, and could lead to a big loss in money and also could be other things.
カジノがそのような要求を処理するために最大 72 時間の時間を許可していると言えます。私たちは、この制限は中毒プレイヤーであっても許容できるものであると考えています。すべてのカジノが、チャットでのリクエストに応じて簡単にアカウントを閉鎖できるわけではありません。
I can say that we allow casinos up to 72 hours to process such demands. We consider this limit tolerable, even for addicted players. Not every casino can simply close your account per a request made in the chat.
I wish the business standard would be more suitable.
What about if the account was closed ( gambling addiction) same time and blocked?? And then it was reopened after offering some promotion.
これは DelOro カジノのことだと思いますが、正しいですか?
I bet this is about DelOro Casino, am I correct?
Well, that depends on the way the account was closed. If the reason (gambling addiction) was stated clearly as a reason for the account closure request (self-exclusion), it should have never been reopened again. Account closures done under such conditions must be permanent. This is what I see as the responsible approach.
If you mention gambling as a problem when you ask for account closure, they will block you immediately and not allow you to reopen any account with them or their linked casinos. If they do, then they are most likely a scam casino which will take your money and not pay you anything
I think it depends on your message. if you gonna write about gambling addiction, there is no way they gonna reopen it I think. but if u say permanently, then there is no any addiction, no?
You made a great point!
It's indeed a huge difference between an ordinary account closure and self-exclusion due to gambling addiction.
Once any player requests self-exclusion because he can't bear the pressure, the casino should never reopen such an account again. Thus, it's crucial to specify the reason directly.
On the other hand, every other request might be just temporary.
Well said. But lots of casinos do not adhere to the rules or policies of gambling addiction and take advantage of the players and make them deposit more money with promotions and offers.
I imagine such things may happen.
So when that happens, we try to resolve it fairly, if possible. Also, our Safer Gambling Lead, Šimon is constantly trying to keep this important topic open at every international summit or conference because we hope to achieve improvement through discussion and understanding. Not an easy task.
Thank you for your reply.
I have filed a complaint at the complaint section.
That was really wise of you to do. Hopefully, we will be able to see the resolution of your case soon.
no they should not open your profile when you say you are not controling yourself. thanks for these forums they need to follow the responsible gambleing rules but i have hope that everyone is a human and understand that if you are compulsive you should not be allowed to gamble
Certainly, I would say that self-exclusion should always be taken seriously by casinos and therefore players don't do it for fun. Of course, we know that it's not always the case that casinos look at it the same way, but I think they should also want to take credit for making sure that addicted players don't get more into their casino. It would certainly have a positive effect on their reputation.
Additionally, all casinos should have the options for self excluding available on the casinos website so the player can exclude anytime weather limited time or permanent.
プレイヤーが自己排除を望むなら、それは永久的であるべきだと私は言います。 一時的に望むだけなら、アカウントを閉鎖するのがその方法であるべきです。 中毒であることを認めるのは非常に難しいため、プレイヤー自身でさえ、自分が悪い状況にあるかどうかわからない場合があります。 そのため、場合によっては、カジノから完全に排除され、戻れないようにするのが最善です。
If a player wants to self-exclude, I would say it should be permanent. If he only wants to temporarily, then closing the account should be the way to do it. Sometimes even the players themselves may not know whether they are in a bad situation or not because it is very difficult to admit that you are addicted. So in some cases it's best if you are completely removed from the casino and can't go back.
現在、Casino Guruのセーフモードで閲覧しています。このモードでは、問題のあるギャンブルや責任あるギャンブルに関するコンテンツのみ閲覧できます。続行すると、このモードが解除されます。
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