もちろん絶対にダメって言いましたよ! 99 ドルを維持できます。
KYC は、詐欺を防止し、年齢制限の順守を保証するだけでなく、運営者が責任あるギャンブル対策を講じ、問題のあるギャンブラーを排除するのにも役立ちます。顧客のギャンブル活動を監視し、支出パターンを評価することで、運営者はギャンブル依存症などのギャンブル問題を発症するリスクのある顧客を特定できます。
オンライン カジノの KYC 要件に準拠するために、プレーヤーは通常、さまざまな個人情報 (場所、年齢) の提供を求められます。これにより、資金、つまり出所の正当性を確認するだけでなく、カジノはユーザーが本人であるかどうかを確認できます。遊ぶ余裕がある。
良い点としては、テクノロジー主導の KYC により、ユーザー ID を認証し、不正行為やギャンブルの問題のその他の兆候を検出するための、より効率的かつ正確な方法が提供されます。
I am glad some people have had some luck with the online casinos. I have had nothing but bad luck. It is not the loosing part that bothers me, it is the withdrawal verification according to the KYC procedure. I have read up on this policy and before they even take a deposit from you to begin with, they are supposed to verify you are who your claiming to be. duh!
They ask for me to send them a copy of my bank statement?? WTH
Of course I said absolutely not! You can keep your $99.
I continued to argue with them about this , why didn’t they askme to verify myself while they were accepting my money, why would I be contact a representative and complaining if I was an imposture. Also why would an imposture want to withdrawal money and put it back in my account and not their own. This is so stupid.
They continued to throw up this KYC procedure policy. So I then copied the complete thing and highlighted the part that says "The importance of KYC in online casinos.
Besides preventing fraud and guaranteeing compliance with age restrictions, KYC helps operators ensure responsible gambling measures and filter out problem gamblers. By monitoring customers’ gambling activity and evaluating their spending patterns, operators can identify those at risk of developing gambling problems, such as gambling addiction.
Explaining the KYC process in online casinos.
To comply with KYC requirements for online casinos, players are typically asked to provide a range of personal information (location, age), This way, apart from checking the legitimacy of the funds, i.e., the source, the casino can verify whether the user can afford to play.
In terms of the positives, technology-driven KYC provides a more efficient and accurate way to authorize user identities and detect fraudulent behavior, along with other signs of problem gambling.
Just FYI: I feel like they are trying to stop us from having a gambling problem. Not to protect our identities and from our information being stolen
if anyone knows anymore about this procedure please educate me , why they ask for a dang bank statement !!! And let me add it can not be altered at all or it will be rejected. Lol