If you need any help, please don't hesitate to ask for it.
It makes us sad to see this happening to our users.
If this bothers you, then you should definitely take a break. Just enjoy the game, sleep is essential. It's good you're here, good luck
I think this is quite difficult in someone's case. I guess if the player can't handle it, then I would seek professional help. It's not fun to find yourself in this situation and I wish everyone who is in it to get out of it as soon as possible.
I'm honestly curious why you formulate your response in this way and not point the player towards the vast amount of Responsible Gambling content you have on your site?
For example
or in this case (which IMHO is clearly a cry for help, they literally say they're addicted)
Or at least point out that there's links about finding help at the top of this page?
Whenever someone asks for help, we are always here, but thank you anyway. We appreciate it.
それで、何か他のことをする時間はいつありますか? 仕事をしていますか? それとも家族がいますか? このゲームは楽しみのためだけにしましょう 🙂
so, when do you have time to do something else? do you work? Or have a family Dear? lets makes this games only for fun 🙂
Instead of a thank you for asking a question, I'd rather have an answer. 😉
So please allow me to ask the question again: someone was/is clearly asking for help here, why did you respond without any 'help'?
「私は 24 時間プレイしているのに、あなたはどうなの?」というのは、あなたが思うほど珍しいことではないのですが、いずれにしても、助けを求めるのはかなり無理があったと私は思います。
少なくとも、客観的になってください。たとえば、私はあなたの「懸念」はむしろ荒らし行為だと考えています。それは都合がいいのでしょうか? そうではないと思います。
Greetings. Your admirable commitment astounds me; however, your presumptions disappoint me greatly.
We do our best to help if we believe someone is in dire need; if not, we simply do not see the need, so we ask. This is just a forum.
"I play 24 hours a day and you do?" is not as uncommon as you might think, so in my opinion, it was pretty far to cry for help in any case.
At the very least, please be objective. For example, I consider your "concern" to be more of a trolling. Is that convenient? I guess it is not.
I suggest we move on.
荒らしですか?私は正直に質問し、iGaming 業界での長年の経験に基づいて実際の実用的な提案をしています。私はただあなたのサービスの向上を手助けしようとしているだけです。
この投稿のタイトルは「このゲームにはまっています」です。そして、彼らは1 日 24 時間プレイしていると話しています。これ以上プレイするのは文字通り不可能です。これが珍しいことではなく、助けを求める叫びでもないと言えるでしょうか?
Trolling? I'm asking honest questions and making real practical suggestions based on years of experience in the iGaming industry. I'm just trying to help you make your service better.
The title of this post: "I'm addicted to this game." And they speak of playing 24 hours in a day. It is literally impossible to play more. How can you say this is not uncommon nor a cry for help?
I've worked at one of the largest online operators worldwide, a post or comment like this would lead to immediate and permanent account closure - even if it was 'just a joke'.
PS, my apologies for accusing you of being a bot, I've edited that out.
彼は私たちの申し出に応じましたか? いいえ。
あなたの職歴を知っている人が心配してくれるのは素晴らしいことですが、ここはカジノではないことを忘れないでください。このフォーラムは「24時間365日監視」されているわけではないという事実を別にすれば、プレイヤーはこの無料フォーラムで金銭の損失について話し合うことができます。カジノとは異なり、私たちは潜在的な危害を防ぐためにすぐに行動を起こすことはできませんが、誰かが切実に困っているのを見つけたら、 責任あるギャンブルのリーダーであるシモンに相談します👈。
プレイヤーが率直な質問に答えないなら、特に翌日も他のスレッドで一般的な話題について議論し続けるなら、そのプレイヤーは明らかに切実な助けを必要としていない。これはライブチャットではないので、Romi の返答は後から来たことにご留意ください...🤷♂️
違いを理解していますか? プレーヤーのフォーラム アカウントを閉鎖するのはあまり意味がありません。なぜなら、それはカジノ アカウントではないからです。実際、そのようなプレーヤーがアカウントを開いたままにしておくと、他の人と困難な状況について話し合ったり、助けを求めたり、世話をしてもらったりできるという利点があります。言うまでもなく、推測が早すぎると、フォーラム メンバーを非常に怒らせる可能性が高くなります。
Hi there,
Oh, I see now. It seems you have mistaken us with casino live chat support.
As a professional, I assume you would concur that, however, we can review the other posts this player has made thus far; given the history, it would be unjust to place undue pressure on this player. Based on my experiences, the thread's name does not mean only addicted participants are involved.
Have you noticed this player complaining about a lack of services?
No. Instead in other threads, he normally continues to post his ideas.
Has he responded to our offer? No.
Although it is admirable that someone with your work history is concerned, please remember that this is not a casino. Aside from the fact that this forum is not "inspected 24/7," players can discuss money loss in this free forum. Unlike casinos, we are unable to take immediate action to prevent potential harm, but if we see someone in dire need, we consult with Šimon - our Responsible Gambling Lead 👈.
You are correct though; if any player says the casino supports this, immediate action is needed to avoid further losing. I hope the difference is now obvious.
The player is clearly not in dire need if he does not answer a straightforward question, particularly if he continues to discuss a general topic in other threads the next day. Kindly note this is not even live chat, thus the Romi's response did come later...🤷♂️
Although I appreciate your effort, I advise you to ask the palyer first the next time and keep in mind that we are not in a casino where there is an immediate risk of losing money. If any player asks for help, he will receive it once we get back to his posts.
Do you please understand the difference? It makes little sense to close a player's forum account because it is not a casino account at all. Actually, there are benefits for such a player to keep the account open so he can talk about possible hard times with others, seek help, or be taken care of. Not to mention being so quick in assumption will more likely result in very engry forum members.
もちろんです! 実際のお金を賭けなくても、ほとんどのカジノ ゲームをデモ モードでプレイできます。通常デモが利用できない唯一のカジノ ゲームは、ライブ カジノ ゲームです。
ゲームのデモが見つかる 3 つの場所は次のとおりです。
また、リスクのない方法を好む場合は、デモ ゲーム以外にも、カジノ ゲームを無料でプレイできる方法があります。どのようなものか知りたい場合は、実際のお金でプレイする前に、まずデモ ゲームをプレイして、アカウントの管理方法とプレイ方法を確認してください。幸運を祈ります。
Definitely! You should be able to play most casino games in a demo mode, without having to bet real money. The only casino games that aren’t typically available to demo are live casino games.
The three places where you can find game demos include:
-Directly from a game providers website
-From an online casino
-From a review site
Also, beyond demoing games, there are other ways that you can play casino games for free, if you prefer to take the risk-free route. If you’re curious about what they are, u should try play demo first before play using real money, so u know how to manage ur account and how to play. Good Luck!!
期待はしませんが、デモ版で成功した場合は、通常版でも間違いなく成功するでしょう。たとえば、プロバイダーによっては複数の RTP オプションを提供しているため、カジノの RTP は、当サイトでゲームのデモ版をプレイした場合と同じではない場合があります。
Hello, I see that another player has joined and answered your question. I'd say it's probably good to see what mechanics and design the game has. What kind of features are there and stuff like that. It's more for me to get to know the game.
I wouldn't count on it, but if it's successful in the demo version, then it will definitely be successful in the normal version as well. For example, some providers offer multiple RTP options, so the casino may not have the same RTP as if you played the demo version of the game on our site.
So it's more of an informational thing I would say. 🙂
現在、Casino Guruのセーフモードで閲覧しています。このモードでは、問題のあるギャンブルや責任あるギャンブルに関するコンテンツのみ閲覧できます。続行すると、このモードが解除されます。
受信フォルダーを確認し、下記メールアドレスへ送られたリンクをクリックしてください。 youremail@gmail.com