I did the bank are playing silly beggers. I had international blocks and gambiling blocks on my account when these transactions where made they took the payments out in € when I asked the bank why they allowed the transaction to go out they said the merchants actually took the payments in £ due to MISCODING to override the system. But the bank put them through as € payments if they knew it was happening then why didn't they stop it so they have admitted fraudulent transactions. Smh they don't want to admit their error. Then they tell me about my ip address which is irrelevant saying I use my online banking so what. As I said my ip address is registered to my sons buissness server at a data center 300 miles away all they can see is when I log in and out of online banking.
Pixeleum はあなたを助けません。彼らは取引はブロックチェーン上にあり、あなたがアートを購入したと主張するでしょう!! 彼らは泥棒です
Pixeleum won't help you. They will say the transactions are on the blockchain and that you have purchased art!! They are thieves
Has your card been cancelled if you send bank statements I would cover any sensitive information like account number address ect. If your card has been cancelled then there is nothing they can do with it. I don't think they can do anything with the first 6 digits of a card but double check call your bank regarding this, if you have an open case and get some advice
Yes the casino is definitely illegal I also asked them to close my account due to me turning gambling due to dealing with being diagnosed with C.long story short they didn't they allowed me to deposit 1400.00 and play for 24hrs solid tried to withdraw funds would not let me wanted ID. Kept trying to upload ID and send via email and they would not except it. Couldn't log in one day. Spoke to advisor who said platform. Was working try different device. So did still nothing. Did a bit of digging and the ukgc had blocked the site on Google to UK players. Been emailing them regarding my funds for over a month now and nothing
Only to action fraud I recived a letter today asking if I need support
Thats why you should contact the merchant. The name of the company on your statement and ask them to issue you a refund. It is clearly that the casino is sh*t and simply don't care as they got their money. This is typical behavior of some rogue casinos.
I have all the transactions apart from 1 company ewave seem to be all related to each other I have the address for ewave finally. But all the others are basically coming from a Web portal In portland st in London. I reached out to grotobook who replied and asked me for ID a picture of me holding it and a photo of my bank card Lol. They said I sent them the cancelled card details first 4 and last 4 numbers. They came back and said. They had a numerous transactions for that card. When I asked for order details of items purchased account number address where items where sent to ect ect they refused to send me this information. I told them if they don't provide this I will pass all the correspondence on to the bank they said the bank will side with them as I made the payments through a secure server
ewave の住所はどこですか?ストラスブールですか?
Where is the address for ewave - is it strasbourg?
Its all evidence for you, keep hold of it. I am aware of portland St and I have a friend in the police who is going to investigate 🔎 so this will be next week! Maybe get crime numbers then and we could be refunded
I received a response from them after doing so in there response they stood firm on the lies that they are just an art company and I purchased art from them they used the line all transactions in question were processed correctly with full 3D Secure (3DS) verification and state I received art will now contact my bank to raise a chargeback as I have received no art, they will most likely facilitate fake transactions to back there statement.
私が彼らを執拗に追い回したので、彼らは私を詐欺で追及すると脅しました!! 本当に銀行に電話して、このすべてを整理する必要があります
They threatened to pursue me for fraud because I kept hounding them!! I need to call the bank really and sort all this out
Pixeleum.io 気にしないよ、まだ毎日メールを送ってるよ。悪党だね、ハハハ!!
Pixeleum.io I don't care, I'm still sending them emails everyday. Scoundrels haha!!
私も同じ脅迫を受けました。それは、彼らが実際にはアート会社であるにもかかわらず、怪しいビジネスをしているからだと思います。銀行に連絡してチャージバックを申請することが、今や唯一の選択肢かもしれません。Visa と Mastercard は、正直に言って、このすべてを止めるべきです。
Received same threats too it’s because they actually are an art company I believe but do shady business.Contacting your bank and raising a chargeback may now be the only option. Visa and Mastercard honestly need to put a stop to all this.
なるほど、販売業者が Ewave であれば、Ewave にメールを送信して (連絡先の詳細はここで見つかるかもしれません)、何も受け取っていないので注文状況の更新を依頼する必要があります。
I see, well if the merchant is Ewave you should send a mail to Ewave (maybe you can find the contact details here) and ask them for an update on your order status as your received nothing.
They are right that the bank will side with them if you file for a fraud chargeback since you did authorize the payment yourself. But if you file a chargeback for no delivery of goods or for cancelled orders you have more chance for a successful refund as the merchant needs to proof they send the goods which they can't.
現在、Casino Guruのセーフモードで閲覧しています。このモードでは、問題のあるギャンブルや責任あるギャンブルに関するコンテンツのみ閲覧できます。続行すると、このモードが解除されます。
受信フォルダーを確認し、下記メールアドレスへ送られたリンクをクリックしてください。 youremail@gmail.com