私の申し立ての問題点は、カジノが NikoTPF の商人を経由していたことです。彼らは、Goldenbet とは何の関係もないと主張することができ、その逆もまた同じです。また、私の銀行はこれに対処するのがひどく、私がギャンブルをしたことを認めたため、適切に調査していないことはほぼ確実です。MCC はデジタル ゲームと商品であり、ギャンブルではありませんが、彼らはそれをそのように扱いました。私は大量の証拠とメール ログを送信しましたが、彼らは 50 分以内に却下しました。決定を下すどころか、それを読むのにさらに長い時間がかかったでしょう...
Issue with my claim is the casino went through a NikoTPF merchant, which they could argue isn't anything to do with Goldenbet and vice versa, also my bank is horrendous with dealing with this and pretty sure hasn't investigated properly due to me admitting i gambled, the MCC is digital games and goods, not gambling but they treated it as such. I sent a whole bunch of evidence and email logs which they rejected in under 50 minutes, would have taken a whole lot longer to read through it, let alone come to a decision...
They just give you the run around pretty much when you contact them directly, i have got to say, these casinos are smart in how they run this scam, but as more people fall foul to it, the banks, licensing bodies etc will pick up on it, and eventually these guys will get caught. They have to have some kind of paper trail to register the shell companies, and that's where they'll get caught.