Thanks man. Yeah I am trying to like find out about both but don't seem to be working so good. But big thanks for the clarification about the legal form
Thanks man. Yeah I am trying to like find out about both but don't seem to be working so good. But big thanks for the clarification about the legal form
ポーランド商工会議所によれば、Goriwire は QB EUROPE AB の完全所有である (サポート - Quickbit)
メールアドレスは次のとおりです: support@quickbit.com
Per Polish chamber of commerce, Goriwire is wholly owned by QB EUROPE AB (Support - Quickbit)
Their email is: support@quickbit.com
Ola からのメールには、カジノに連絡するようにという返信しかなく、彼はロボットのように同じ答えを繰り返します。
私も Quickbit の CEO に連絡を取ろうとしましたが、彼はメールを無視し、LinkedIn で私をブロックし、何の返答もありませんでした。
これを進めて税務当局に報告してもらえますか? これはスウェーデンの会社で、私はスウェーデンに住んでいます。
You only get a response from Ola to the email that you should contact the casino, he keeps repeating the same answer like a robot.
I have also tried to contact the CEO of Quickbit, he ignores the email and blocked me on LinkedIn with no response.
Can you go ahead with this and report them to the tax authorities? this is a Swedish company and I live in Sweden.
feels like you should be able to do something.
Exactly the same with me
I've raised chargebacks on some of the payments but my bank won't allow me to raise on the remainder for some reason
I've also flagged with Swedish financial authority who have said they will investigate the Swedish arm GORIWIRE
Say that you will contact the Swedish Financial Supervisory Authority, ARN, the Tax Agency and the police.
Säg att du kommer att ta kontakt med finansinspektionen, ARN, Skatteverket och polisen.
Have done it now, said I will contact the police and the Tax Agency as they should be interested in the illegal casino transactions, if we don't get our money back as soon as possible.
Revolut はロシアの所有なので、それほど驚くことではありません。彼らは、逃れられる違法行為で繁栄しているのです。
Revolut don't really let through any CB's
Revolut is Russian owned so not really surprised, they thrive on illegalities that they can get away with.
And, refund and charge back is different. a Refund is initiated by the merchant or casino, so that means they've decided to refund it.
A chargeback is a different things. I suggest you do some research.
過去 120 日以内に行われた複数のクレジットカード取引に対するチャージバックを申請する手順についてアドバイスを求めています。チャージバックを申請した後、状況を説明するメールが中間支払い会社に送信されることに気付きました。ただし、具体的な手順がよくわかりません。誰か、ステップバイステップで説明していただけませんか?
チャージバックの理由についてですが、 「商品が発送されなかった」または「荷物が届かなかった」という主張は、請求書の提示が必要となり、虚偽となるため問題になる可能性があると理解しています。そのため、これまでさまざまな場所から行った 10 件の取引のそれぞれについて、どのような説明をすればよいかアドバイスを求めています。
さらに、異議を申し立てる取引が 50 件以上あります。1 つの Excel テーブルで、それらすべてに同じ説明を使用できますか? 異議を申し立てることができる取引の数に制限はありますか?
最後に、銀行が私の申請を拒否した場合、Mastercard に MCC コード エラーについて異議を申し立てることはできますか? 前述のように、各企業はソフトウェア、ハードウェア ストア、または請求書支払いセンターに似ているように見えます。
Hello everyone,
I'm seeking guidance on the process of applying for chargebacks for several credit card transactions made within the last 120 days. I've noticed that after applying for the chargeback, emails are sent to intermediary payment companies to explain the situation. However, I'm unclear about the specific steps involved. Could someone please provide a step-by-step explanation?
Regarding the reason for the chargebacks, I understand that claiming "the product was not sent" or "the shipment did not arrive" could be problematic since it would require providing invoices, which would be false. Therefore, I'm seeking advice on what to say for each of the 10 transactions I've made from different places.
Additionally, I have over 50 transactions to dispute. Can I use the same explanation for all of them in a single Excel table? Are there any limitations to the number of transactions I can dispute?
Lastly, if my bank rejects my application, can I appeal to Mastercard for an MCC code error? As mentioned earlier, each company appears to resemble a software, hardware store, or bill payment center.
なぜなら、カジノは 99.9% のケースで返金に応じないからです。
Can the casino really ignore and refuse to release contact information to some companies that we cannot find on our own?
Otherwise, we should be able to demand information about all of these to simplify refunds.
I mean we have every right to know where our payments have gone and how we can contact them.
Because the casino refuses to help in 99.9% of cases with a refund.
なぜなら、カジノは 99.9% のケースで返金に応じないからです。
Can the casino really ignore and refuse to release contact information to some companies that we cannot find on our own?
Otherwise, we should be able to demand information about all of these to simplify refunds.
I mean we have every right to know where our payments have gone and how we can contact them.
Because the casino refuses to help in 99.9% of cases with a refund.
Yes! The casino will deny you such information. According to the casino, they only offer games, i.e. they have nothing to do with the payments. They are between you and the 3rd party. So they mean that the casino has an agreement with you to offer you games and an agreement with a 3rd party that transfers your money to the casino
Ja! Casinot kommer att neka dig sånna uppgifter. Enligt casinot se erbjuder dom endast spel, dvs dom har inget med betalningarna att göra. Dom är mellan dig och 3parten. Så dom menar på att casinot har avtal med dig att erbjuda dig spel och avtal med 3 part som förmedlar din pengar till casinot
なぜなら、カジノは 99.9% のケースで返金に応じないからです。
Can the casino really ignore and refuse to release contact information to some companies that we cannot find on our own?
Otherwise, we should be able to demand information about all of these to simplify refunds.
I mean we have every right to know where our payments have gone and how we can contact them.
Because the casino refuses to help in 99.9% of cases with a refund.
これまで何度も述べてきたように、ここでの勝利はお金を取り戻すことではありません (それはボーナスではありますが)。ここでの勝利は、可能であればカジノからブロックされ、複雑な人物になり、チャージバックを主張してブロックされ、できれば他の場所でもブラックリストに載ることです。そして、この情報、つまり、プレイヤーとして彼らがあなたをどう扱うか、誰があなたのお金を手に入れるのか (犯罪者、ロシア人など) を学び、そして願わくば、あなたが少しでも正気であれば、これらのカジノにお金を払うのをやめて、代わりに自分自身のために貯蓄や投資を始めるでしょう。なぜ、お金をただ彼らに与えることで、犯罪者やその他の人々を支援したいのでしょうか。
It's also important to remember, that these are all scam companies and casinos.
No real casino would process payments this way. So that and that they are all in scam jurisdictions high in corruption such as Malta, Estonia and Curacao, they don't have to do anything.
As been mentioned many times before, the win here is not getting money back (although that is a bonus) the win here is to get blocked by the casinos if possible, be a complicated person, maybe claim you going to chargeback and get blocked, hopefully blacklisted at other places too. And to learn this information, how they treat you as a player, who gets your money (criminals, Russians, etc) and hopefully, if you are a bit sane, you will stop paying money to these casinos and start saving and investing in yourself instead. Why would you want to support criminals and other by just giving your money away to them.
現在、Casino Guruのセーフモードで閲覧しています。このモードでは、問題のあるギャンブルや責任あるギャンブルに関するコンテンツのみ閲覧できます。続行すると、このモードが解除されます。
受信フォルダーを確認し、下記メールアドレスへ送られたリンクをクリックしてください。 youremail@gmail.com