Yep. What did you answer? Has anyone been paid by them?
Japp. Vad svarade du ? Har nån fått utbetalt av dom?
Yep. What did you answer? Has anyone been paid by them?
Japp. Vad svarade du ? Har nån fått utbetalt av dom?
答えることはあまりありません! Mydates のサポートに直接メールを送りました。
There is not much to answer! I have written directly to the support at Mydates.
Finns inte mycket att svara på! Jag har skrivit direkt till supporten på Mydates.
Hello, I am in the same position as you.
I don't know how to proceed with this but I hope to have a solution or a refund.
Hola estoy en la misma posición que ustedes.
no se como actuar estoe pero espero tener una solucion o un reembolso.
過去 1 ~ 2 週間で、Elegro 以外で実際に払い戻しを受けた人はいますか?
Anyone actually got any refunds except Elegro the last week or two?
It looks like Elegro might have stopped it now too, so what are you guys doing?
There is no other option for card complaints.. they don't know what to do now.. They know that people are afraid to involve the bank. But you are not doing anything wrong in involving the bank as long as you do not claim that you did not make the purchase yourself and etc. You have the right to complain and have it tried by the bank. I mean, what do you really have to lose? As long as you are honest about it.
Kortreklamation finns inget annat alternativ.. dom skiter i vilket nu.. Dom vet att folk är rädda för att blanda in banken. Men man gör inget fel i att blanda in banken så länge man inte påstår att man inte gjort köpen själv och o.s.v. Man har rätt att reklamera och få det prövat av banken. Jag menar vad har man o förlora egentligen? Sålänge man är ärlig om det så.
There is no other option for card complaints.. they don't know what to do now.. They know that people are afraid to involve the bank. But you are not doing anything wrong in involving the bank as long as you do not claim that you did not make the purchase yourself and etc. You have the right to complain and have it tried by the bank. I mean, what do you really have to lose? As long as you are honest about it.
Kortreklamation finns inget annat alternativ.. dom skiter i vilket nu.. Dom vet att folk är rädda för att blanda in banken. Men man gör inget fel i att blanda in banken så länge man inte påstår att man inte gjort köpen själv och o.s.v. Man har rätt att reklamera och få det prövat av banken. Jag menar vad har man o förlora egentligen? Sålänge man är ärlig om det så.
Yea, I am not doing anything, I was done on about 6th of May, received some refunds. Stopped gambling since then which feels nice. Already saved so much money last month and this will be the same. Feels very good.
I guess some chargebacks are the only option right now for others, but even that might not work.
I just wish people stopped gambling in general at these fraudulent casinos, that would be the biggest win.
They do not suspect you of money laundering, but they are trying to protect you against suspicious transactions. Most likely they just want you to call and confirm you are aware of the transactions and all is good.
They might have certain merchants on suspicious lists, as these are not real merchants but fake merchants to process casinos transactions, which is not really ok.
Or, it's just not normal transactions for you as a customer, and they try to protect you by blocking them.
You should see it as a blessing and stay away from all these casinos.
Could be.
Rolletto is a santeda casino who generally use Elegro and pakora.eu. I have had refunds from stockimagemart. Maybe a lot of people have now and it flags up with banks
先週、Santeda または Quickbit とその関連会社すべてから払い戻しを受けました。
Got a refund last week from either Santeda or Quickbit and all their affiliates.
Don't know which ones as no one has replied to my emails, but can get back to you when I know.
Fick återbetalning förra veckan från antingen Santeda eller Quickbit och alla deras dotterbolag.
Vet inte av vilka då ingen har svarat på mina mejl, men kan återkomma när jag vet.
返金された取引はどれですか? Quickbit やその関連会社でいくつかあるので、期待できそうです
What transactions did you have that you were refunded for? Sounds promising as I have some at Quickbit/their affiliates
Vilka transaktioner hade du som du fått återbetalt på? Låter lovande då jag har några på Quickbit/deras dotterbolag
GoldenBet にメールを送り、全額返金を依頼しました。また、QuickBit にも連絡し、同じ内容を書きましたが、どちらからも返信はありませんでしたが、2 日後にすべての取引が返金されました。
Emailed GoldenBet and asked for a full refund. Also contacted QuickBit and wrote the same thing, never got a response from either of them, but 2 days later all transactions were refunded.
Mejlade till GoldenBet och bad om att få allt återbetalt. Kontaktade även QuickBit och skrev samma sak, fick aldrig något svar från någon av dem, men 2 dagar senare var alla transaktioner återbetalda.
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Quickbit が返金してくれることを願っています。👌👌☀️
I have also contacted Goldenbet, they immediately refused to refund and responded quite quickly to emails.
So hope Quickbit refunds. 👌👌☀️
Jag har med kontaktat Goldenbet, dom vägrade direkt att återbetala och svarade rätt snabbt på mail.
Så hoppas att Quickbit återbetalar. 👌👌☀️
They lie. I now wrote via Mydate's support and got a reply from the same people. That is, those who said they had nothing to do with it
Dom ljuger. Jag skrev nu via Mydates support och fick svar av samma personer. Dvs dessa som sa att dom inte hade med det att göra
現在、Casino Guruのセーフモードで閲覧しています。このモードでは、問題のあるギャンブルや責任あるギャンブルに関するコンテンツのみ閲覧できます。続行すると、このモードが解除されます。
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