17. サービスを一時停止、終了、またはキャンセルする当社の権利
17.1 当社は、当社の絶対的な裁量により、いつでも、理由の如何を問わず、以下の場合を含め、いかなる理由においても、お客様のサービスへのアクセスを制限し、および/またはお客様のアカウントを一時的に停止、または永久に終了することができます。
(e) お客様が、お客様自身、当社、または第三者に対して法的責任を生じさせる可能性のある、または当社の事業の遂行全般に悪影響を及ぼす可能性のある行為をしていると当社が疑う場合。
(f) お客様が当社または他のプレイヤーを不当に利用している、またはその他の方法で不当な行為をしていると当社が判断した場合。
(i) お客様が本規約に重大な違反をした(または違反した可能性がある)と当社が疑う場合。
17. Our rights to suspend, end or cancel the Services
17.1 We may, at our absolute discretion and at any time, restrict your access to the Services and/or temporarily suspend, or permanently terminate, your account without cause and for any reason, including but not limited to if:
(a) we suspect that you are engaging in illegal or fraudulent activity;
(b) we are required to do so by any applicable law, rule or regulations;
(c) there is a material technological failure which prevents us from offering the Services;
(d) you do not, within a reasonable time of our requesting it, provide us with information that may be required for us to provide the Services to you;
(e) we suspect that you are acting in a manner which may create a legal liability for you, us or third parties, or which may be detrimental to the conduct of our business generally;
(f) we deem that you are taking unfair advantage of us or of any other player, or that you are otherwise acting unfairly;
(g) we suspect that you may be having financial difficulties;
(h) you are prohibited from interacting with the services due to any term of a contract of employment, or restriction of any professional body which applies to you; or
(i) we suspect that you have (or may have) otherwise materially breached these Terms.
This is the Term upon which the account was closed
Sir, I had won a big amount, so my account was blocked without any mistake, my account was verified.