私はそんなことはしませんでした。この件について伝えるメールを何通か送りましたが、「賭けの履歴を再確認するべきです」「出金はキャンセルされました。つまり、あなたが行ったということです」というような返事が来ました。私ではないことを証明するために私の IP アドレスをチェックするよう彼らに依頼しました。
I won 5215EUR and i made a withdraw request (5215eur, then i waited about 36hours and they cancelled my withdraw and said they have maxinum limit 5000eur per week. That was fine, i made another withdraw request 5000eur. Then i waited almost 96 hours and they cancelled my withdraw without saying any reason. I asked from live support whats going on and they said that i should do another withdraw request and they will send email from their KYC team and i should answer quickly. I got email where they requested selfie with my ID. I sent it and made withdraw request. Then i waited about 64 hours just to see my account has 0,11e money left. I can see from my betting history that withdraw was cancelled and money was played with some 360eur bonus buys and huge amount of 100e single bets.
I didnt do that. I sent couple of emails telling this case and i got answers like "you should double check your betting history" and "withdraw was cancelled, which means it was made by you". I requested they to check my ip addresses to proof that it wasnt me,
but they answered absolutely nothing about that question.