I asked the casino for DSAR because i want to link the deposits with the bank transactions then i'll try to raise them with Revolut. But Revolut is the worst bank
I asked the casino for DSAR because i want to link the deposits with the bank transactions then i'll try to raise them with Revolut. But Revolut is the worst bank
Oh yh them they are terrible would not do mine at all but the scum had bought crypto with my card so probably no chance its with the FOS now
I work for a bank and unfortunately the FoS won’t touch crypto usually - it’s a bloody mess. Hopefully you get sorted
Assume everyone has seen the above?
Thanks I doubt they will to be honest im not bothered it is £6000 but I have already got back £6-£7000 more than I lost anyway would be nice to win it though pay some loans
これらのサイトはすぐにゲームオーバーになる可能性があるようですが、IP をブロックしても無駄で、Web アドレスの名前を変更するだけです。27 億ポンドの支出は多額のため、政府が今や嗅ぎ回っているのも不思議ではありません。被害者の話はすべて私たちの話と同じです。
No just read it this would mean any transactions should be refunded no chargebacks needed reading this they say they do not tolerate it in any way ! nonsense you ask for a refund and get told where to go !
It looks like the game could be up soon for these sites but blocking ip is useless they just rename the web address. £2.7 billion spent is a lot no wonder the government are sniffing about now the victims stories are all the same as ours.
I hadn't seen this so thank you for sharing. I can see the casino i played on mentioned and I went to them first but they are ignoring my request for a refund and continue to email and text me despite telling them I am a problem gambler! I am going to contact the banks today.
これらのサイトはすぐにゲームオーバーになる可能性があるようですが、IP をブロックしても無駄で、Web アドレスの名前を変更するだけです。27 億ポンドの支出は多額のため、政府が今や嗅ぎ回っているのも不思議ではありません。被害者の話はすべて私たちの話と同じです。
No just read it this would mean any transactions should be refunded no chargebacks needed reading this they say they do not tolerate it in any way ! nonsense you ask for a refund and get told where to go !
It looks like the game could be up soon for these sites but blocking ip is useless they just rename the web address. £2.7 billion spent is a lot no wonder the government are sniffing about now the victims stories are all the same as ours.
Revolut のゲームは終わりました。私は Guardian の編集者にメールを送り、ある特定のサイトでのチャージバック拒否に関する彼らとのやり取りをすべて添付しました。彼らがすぐに暴露されることを願っています。また、控えめに言っても疑わしいいくつかの商店と Revolut を結び付けることもできます。
Game is up for Revolut - I have sent an email to the editors at the Guardian and attached all communications with them in regards to a denial of chargeback on one particular site. Hoping they will be exposed soon. I can also link Revolut to several merchants who are questionable to say the least.
That is great news then good work !
They have had it coming for a while now.
They are 100% working with these sites and coaching staff to play dumb.
素晴らしい仕事です。私はまた、他のカジノ運営者や疑わしい決済処理業者に関するメールをガーディアン/オブザーバーに送っています。この記事を書いた記者の一人へのメールは次のとおりです。 。
以下は、この記事に寄稿したInvestigate Europeのジャーナリストへのメールです。E
Good work. I am also sending some emails on other casino operators and dubious payment processors to the Guardian/Observer. Here is the email for one of the reporters who wrote the article - shanti.das@observer.co.uk.
People should send in their experiences and get more of these rogues exposed publically - it is the only way to get this stopped.
Here is the email for the journalist at Investigate Europe who also contributed to the article: Email@maxencepeigne
素晴らしい仕事です。私はまた、他のカジノ運営者や疑わしい決済処理業者に関するメールをガーディアン/オブザーバーに送っています。この記事を書いた記者の一人へのメールは次のとおりです。 。
以下は、この記事に寄稿したInvestigate Europeのジャーナリストへのメールです。E
Good work. I am also sending some emails on other casino operators and dubious payment processors to the Guardian/Observer. Here is the email for one of the reporters who wrote the article - shanti.das@observer.co.uk.
People should send in their experiences and get more of these rogues exposed publically - it is the only way to get this stopped.
Here is the email for the journalist at Investigate Europe who also contributed to the article: Email@maxencepeigne
Anyone contacting the reporters should also send a list of these scam websites who are laundering funds for these casinos as well. I am certainly going to - particularly those ones that are registered as Ltd Companies at Companies House UK at postal only addresses with the directors residing overseas in Latvia/Georgia/Ukraine/Russia etc
The Spanish authorities are ex officio reporting these casinos for operating without a license. I asked if they detect charges with false customer codes. I'm waiting for a response. However, they are reporting and fining them €5 million for not having a license, which they obviously never receive.
Las autoridades españolas están denunciando de oficio a estos casinos por operar sin título habilitante. Yo hice una consulta si detectan los cargos con código de clientes falsos estoy pendiente de respuesta no obstante ellos denuncian y sancionan por 5 millones de euros por no tener título habilitante que es obvio que nunca reciben
i am going to expose Canapay
I got some deadly evidence what will take it down
受信フォルダーを確認し、下記メールアドレスへ送られたリンクをクリックしてください。 youremail@gmail.com