ゲーム、ボーナス、決済方法、お客様のアカウントに関する問題、責任あるギャンブルなど、Goldhorns Casinoに関連することについて話したい場合は、ここでディスカッションすることができます。
「安全性指数の説明」というタブに書かれています。リンクを調べてみてください。そういえば、平均以上というのは、私にはそれほど高く聞こえません。安全性指数は、実証された事実に基づいた非常に徹底したプロセスであることを知っておくといいかもしれません。このような質問のために用意した究極のガイドを自由に読んでください: https://casinoguru-en.com/our-casino-reviews
Hi there.
It is written in the tab called "Safety Index explained". Try to investigate the link, please. Speaking of which, an above average does not sound that high to me. Perhaps it would be good to know that the Safety Index is a very thorough process, based on proven facts. Feel free to read the ultimate guide we prepared for such questions: https://casinoguru-en.com/our-casino-reviews
In any case, have you personally experienced something unfair at this specific casino, please?
Goldhorns Casino に飛び込んで、素晴らしい賞品を獲得する準備はできています。聞いたレビューは期待できそうですが、賢くプレイするコツがあれば教えてください。どんなアドバイスやフィードバックでも本当に助かります!
I’m ready to dive into Goldhorns Casino and hopefully win some great prizes. The reviews I’ve heard are promising, but I’d appreciate some tips on how to play smart. Any advice or feedback would be really helpful!
So I would say that use reviews are not counted in the overall Safety index, because it could happen that waves of fake reviews would come in and thus user feedback could be perfect. So it's more for the players to see what kind of experience other players had with the casino. Of course, everyone can have a different experience, and what you describe, long waits for withdrawal and other things, are certainly sad and should not be the case.
カジノに関わっていない者として、KYC プロセスについて詳しく説明するのは難しいですが、これらの経験が、少なくとも読む価値のあるルールを理解するのに役立つことを願っています。失礼に聞こえるかもしれませんが、残念ながら、ほとんどの問題を基本に還元すると、最初にルールが重要になります。
カジノ側が苦情の中で状況全体をどう説明するのか、とても楽しみです。その後、たとえばサポート業務が不十分だったかどうかがより明確になることを期待します... 3 週間というのは通常の期間ではありません。
As someone who is not involved with the casino, it is difficult to elaborate on the KYC process, but I hope that these experiences will help you comprehend the rules being worth reading, at least. I imagine it may sound rude, but sadly, when we reduce most issues to the basics, the first goes the rules.
I'm eager to see how the casino explains the whole situation in the complaint. After that, hopefully it became clearer whether it was a poor support job, for example... Three weeks are not a normal time frame.
Just in case this has not been mentioned yet, the Safety Index indicates how likely you are to get all winnings won in accordance with all the rules. It does not indicate how fast the process will be; for that, we recommend browsing user reviews plus the forum. I can say the wrong understanding of the Sagety Index value is very common, so I'd like to help avoid that.
おっしゃる通りです。問題は、誰かが偽の会話や偽のレビューを投稿していると非難する前に、100% 確信を持たなければならないということです。しかし、こうしたことが増えていることは確かです。そのため、安全性指数がこうしたことすべてに影響されないようにするために、フォーラムの投稿やユーザーのレビューは安全性指数の計算には含めません。これは、多くのプレイヤーが「フォーラムで悪いレビューを投稿したり、問題を説明したりしている私たちの数が見えませんか? 気にしないのですか?」と言う傾向にある点に戻ります。逆の状況、同じ論理です。
Hey there,
you're correct. The thing is that we have to be 100% certain before we can accuse anyone of posting fake conversations or fake reviews. Yet I can confirm these things are increasing. So, in order to keep the Safety Index untouched by all of this, no forum post or user reviews are included in the Safety Index calculation. This takes us back to the point where many players tend to say, "Can't you see how many of us have been posting bad reviews and explaining issues on the forum? Don't you care? " The opposite situation, the same logic.
Yes, we care; thus, everything players are willing to escalate is processed through the complaint process, which is specifically designed to affect the Safety Index value. Of course the whole topic is quite complex, so do not hesitate to ask specific questions, please.
Daily, we do our best to uncover biased reviews and browse the forum to find anything suspicious; the evidence, however, will always be the hardest part.
私が知る限り、検証に問題があるようです。結局、検証を通過できなかったのですか? 推奨どおりに送りましたか?
At least in some cases it would be useful, especially for bonuses. Also restricted countries and other things to let players know some things in advance.
From what I've learned, I've seen problems in verification. You didn't manage to get through it in the end, did you? Did you send it to them as they recommended?
受信フォルダーを確認し、下記メールアドレスへ送られたリンクをクリックしてください。 youremail@gmail.com