ゲーム、ボーナス、決済方法、お客様のアカウントに関する問題、責任あるギャンブルなど、Slotexo Casinoに関連することについて話したい場合は、ここでディスカッションすることができます。
I have withdrawn 950 euros from the slotexo company since the third and whenever I talk to them each of them tells me something different about my withdrawal they must be scammers
Έχω κάνει αναληψη στην εταιρεία slotexo 950 ευρώ από την τρίτη και όποτε μιλάω μαζί τους ο καθένας μου λέει κάτι διαφορετικο προκείμενο για την ανάληψη μου πρέπει να είναι απατεώνες
これまでにカジノからどのような説明を受けたのか、教えていただけますか? かなり長い間待たされているようですね。まともなカジノなら問題の解決に努めると思いますが、もちろん説明次第です。
Would you mind sharing with us what the casino has told you so far? It sounds like you have been waiting quite long. I presume a decent casino would try to resolve the problem, but of course it depends on the explanation.
Well, perhaps you would like to complain, would you?
Just let us know more details, and we shall see whether there's a way out.
カジノ側はこの遅延を克服するのに十分な時間があったと私はまだ思っていますが、あなたはそう思いませんか? 問題が引き出しリクエストの急増によって引き起こされる典型的な遅延に限定されているとしても、彼らはまだ解決策を見つける必要があります。
Thanks for the screenshot. What about the complait I suggested to you earlier?
I still think the casino has had enough time to get over this delay, don't you agree? Even if the issue is limited to a typical delay brought on by a spike in withdrawal requests, they still need to find a solution.
I would submit the complaint if I were you. It's free, no risks involved.
Hi, you can create it here, just click on this link. ⬅️
Hopefully we will be able to help or you will get the money before the casino is contacted.
If you have anything new, don't hesitate to let us know.
非常に悪いカジノですが、事前にレビューを読まずに、勝つことを期待して入金してしまったのは私の責任です。昨日から1500ユーロ入金して、最大300ユーロ勝ちましたが、すぐにまたなくなってしまいました。Verde Casinoで大金を勝ち取りました。もちろん、入金はしっかりしましたが、それでも1000ユーロか1500ユーロ勝ちました。しかし、slotexoはただのぼったくりで、出金しようともしなかったため、どうせいつも負けていたので、うまくいったかどうかもわかりません🤬🤬🤬プレイしないでください。非常に悪いカジノです
Very bad casino, but it's my own fault for not reading the reviews beforehand and still depositing in the hope that I would win! Deposited 1500 euros since yesterday and won a maximum of 300, but it was gone again very quickly! I won a lot of money at Verde Casino, of course I deposited well, but still won 1000 or 1500. But slotexo is just a rip-off, I didn't even try to cash out, so I don't even know if it would have worked because I always lost anyway🤬🤬🤬Please don't play, very bad casino
Sehr schlechtes Casino,bin jedoch selber schuld,vorher nicht die Kritik gelesen zu haben und trotzdem immer wieder eingezahlt,in der Hoffnung, ich Gewinne doch!1500 Euro seit gestern eingezahlt und höchstens 300 gewonnen,aber jedoch ganz schnell wieder gefressen!Hab bei Verde Casino richtig viel Geld gewonnen ,natürlich gut eingezahlt,dennoch auch mal 1000 oder 1500 gewonnen.aber slotexo ist nur abzocke, ich hatte nicht mal versucht mir auszahlen zu lassen,daher weiss ich nicht mal ob es geklappt hätte weil ich sowieso immer verloren habe🤬🤬🤬Bitte nicht spielen,sehr schlechtes casino
Sorry for your experience at this casino.
Unfortunately, it happens that not all the players will win, as it is purely based on luck.🤷♀️
Please try always to play responsively and within the limits.🙏
Be wary of this site, it's a scam, they repeatedly cancel payments finding a thousand excuses, I applied everything that the regulation on withdrawals says but they promptly give you the classic excuse of an error in the provider and to redo the procedure after 24 hours.
Be careful, don't play, they only take money and don't pay
Diffidate da questo sito è una truffa, annullano ripetutamente i pagamenti trovando mille scuse, ho applicato tutto quello che dice il regolamento sui prelievi ma puntualmente ti rifilano la.classica scusa di errore nel provider e di rifare la.procedura dopo 24 ore.
Attenti non giocate prendono solo i soldi e non pagano
こんにちは。この状況はどのくらい続いていますか? 出金をしようとして拒否されたとき、カジノは具体的に何と言いますか? 第三者の支払いプロバイダーを使用している場合、エラーは実際にはカジノ側ではなく、そのためカジノ側が何らかの方法で影響を与えることができない可能性があります。
Hi, how long has this whole situation been going on? What exactly does the casino tell you when you make a withdrawal and they reject it? If they use a third payment provider, it's possible that the error is not actually on their side and therefore they can't influence it in any way.
However, have you asked them if there is an alternative if you can't withdraw this way?
こんにちは、約 1 週間、チャットでもメールでも、すべて順調だといつも言われているのに、翌日すぐに取り消しのメールが届きます。私の支払い方法は効果的でどこでも使われている、つまり後払いです。すべて順調だと保証されるのに、取引は拒否されます。多くのことを理解できますが、実際には何かが間違っています。代替案は支払い方法の変更です。実際、今朝銀行振込を選択しましたが、IBAN を尋ねられただけでした。また別の言い訳にならないことを祈ります。
Hello for about a week, they always say both in chat and by email that everything is going well, then promptly the next day I receive the reversal email. My payment methods are effective and used everywhere, namely postpay, they assure me that everything is fine and instead no, the transaction is declined. I could understand many things but actually something is wrong. The alternative is to change payment method, in fact this morning I opted for bank transfer and they only asked me for the IBAN. let's hope it's not yet another excuse.
Ciao da circa una settimana, dicono sempre sia in chatt che per email che tutto procede bene, poi puntualmente il giorno successivo ricevo la mail di storno. I miei metodi di pagamento sono efficaci ed utilizzati ovunque ovvero postpay loro mi assicurano che va tutto bene ed invece no, la transazione viene declinata. Potevo capire tante cose ma effettivamente qualcosa che non va c'è. L'alternativa è cambiare metodo di pagamento, infatti stamane ho optato per bonifico bancario e mi hanno chiesto solo l'IBAN. speriamo che non sia l'ennesima scusa.
However I have everything recorded with screen shots and emails of all the conversations I had with them.
Comunque ho tutto registrato con screen shot e mail di tutte le conversazioni fatte con loro.
It's good that you have everything recorded. We will now need to hold out and see if the bank transfer goes through. Hopefully it will and it won't be another rejection.
I'll be waiting for your new reports.
こんにちは。週末も含まれているので、このカジノは営業時間内に出金リクエストに対応すると思います。これはかなりあり得ます。それでも、モードの詳細を共有していただけますか? たとえば:
Hello, since the weekend has been included, I would expect this casino to address withdrawal requests during working hours. This is quite likely. Still, do you care to share mode details, please? For example:
Is this your first withdrawal?
Does your account need to be verified? Have you asked the casino support for an update? As long as you use bare declarative sentence, I bet we won't get much further. 🙂
slotexo カジノでプレイして 800 ユーロを獲得しました。4 日経ってもお金が入金されません。どうすればよいですか?
I played at the slotexo casino and won 800 euros. It's been 4 days and they haven't credited me with any money. What steps should I take?
Επαιξα στο καζινο slotexo και κερδισα 800 ευρω.Εχουν περασει 4 μερες και δεν μου πιστωνουν χρηματα.Τι διαδικασια να κινησω;
In the account verification it says it has been done. They did not respond to emails and support says that the financial department will resolve it as soon as possible every day.
Στην επαληθευση του λογαριασμου γραφει εχει γινει .Στα email δεν απαντανε και απο την υποστηριξη γραφουνε οτι το οικονομικο τμημα θα το λυσει το συντομοτερο δυνατον καθε μερα.
受信フォルダーを確認し、下記メールアドレスへ送られたリンクをクリックしてください。 youremail@gmail.com