今回の大会は、前回とは大きく異なります。ゲームをしてコインを獲得するつもりはありません。 CasinoGuruは、インターネット上で見つけることができるすべてのカジノに関する最も有用なデータを取得することを常に目指していることをすでにご存知でしょう。私たちは常に、オンラインカジノの世界に向き合い、私たちの基準に従って最高のものをお勧めするのに役立つ正直なレビューを作成することを目指しています。
正解も不正解もないので、23.6でランダムに選ばれます。 2021.両方の質問に答える人は、最終抽選に2枚のチケットを受け取ります。
Hi everyone!
This time, our competition will be very different compared to the previous ones. We're not going to play a game and win coins. You already know that CasinoGuru always aims to get the most useful data about all casinos we're able to find on the Internet. We always aim to create honest reviews that will help you to get oriented in the world of online casinos and recommend you the best ones according to our criteria.
The question is: Do players follow our advices or do they love to play in casinos that aren't good enough according to us? You need to tell us!
The prize
We play again for a $100 Amazon voucher (or equivalent in a currency that you prefer)
How to win?
Everyone has the same chance to get 2 tickets into the final raffle. You get one ticket when you tell us what's your most favourite casino where you play and you get the second ticket when you tell us why do you prefer to play in the casino? Is it because of great bonuses, promotions, loyalty program, friendly customer support, games selection, anything else? Let us know!
What's your most favourite casino?
Why do you like to play there?
How are we going to choose the winner?
Since there's no right or wrong answer, one of you will be randomly chosen on 23.6. 2021. Those of you who will answer both questions will get 2 tickets into the final raffle.
Good luck!