2014 年にオンラインでギャンブルを始めて以来、物事のストレスが減り、勝利が増え、出金に関する争いはほとんどないように思えました。
2018 年以来、私は $10,000 以上の勝利を 4 回達成しました (人生が変わるわけではないことはわかっていますが、何かが変わることはあります)。 1 つは正当化され、1 つは正当化されず、現在のものはまだ解決されていません。
ベンダーは、このプロセスを内外で知っています。両方の規制当局を何度も通った結果、ベンダーはストーリーのバージョンを簡単に伝えることができ、プレイヤーが 100% 有効な証拠や文書を持っているかどうかに関係なく、それを詳しく説明しているように思われます。請求。
しかし、売り手として、あなたは彼らにまったく違うことを言わなければなりません。このベンダーや他のベンダーが意図的に「プレイヤーを間違った方向に誘導」したり、混乱させたり不明確な指示を与えたりする可能性がないため、ベンダーはプレイヤーの信用を傷つけ、誤解を招き、気をそらし、最終的に家を手に入れるような偏向的な理由を発明することができます.彼らが望む結果をもたらし、1 セント硬貨を支払う必要がなくなります。
お聞きしたいのですが、ベンダーとして優れたスタックと見なされる引き出しがデスクに出くわした場合、また、1 週間の分散 (または規制当局がまだ調査を行っているかどうかについて、プレイヤーが無効であると主張することを即座に却下することが彼らの次の行動であることを知っているので、規制当局を誤解させませんか?
すべてのベンダーは、公平、公正、公平な紛争解決の代表者ではありません。ここまたは他のゲーム コミュニティ プラットフォームやフォーラムでの「ステータス」について。
はい!はい、そうです!! 🙂
PS..この投稿が承認されるかどうかは完全にはわかりませんが、承認されることを願っています。これはどこにも見つからない X の議論だからです。それはますます悪化しているからです。
ところで、CR Rewards で「ダイヤモンド ステータス」レベルを達成することの本当のメリットを知っている人はどれくらいいますか?
あなたがそのレベルに到達し、VIP ポイントで 100 の cpl を確実に獲得するという理由だけで、FAQ セクションに記載されている本当の素晴らしいものを得るという理由だけで、そこに到達するすべてのプレイヤーの 2% 未満であると言ったら、私を信じますか?実際にそれらの特典を受け取る....そして、誰がそれらを取得し、誰が取得しないかを彼らがどのように決定するかを推測することはできません........
SInce I started gambling online, in 2014, things seemed less stressful, more wins and hardly any withdrawal disputes.
But as the industry has evolved, and more and more platforms pop up everyday, the fun and excitement that used to be here, I feel is gone.
SInce 2018, I have hit 4, $10,000+ wins (I know it aint life changing but it does change some things) and I have had to fight for 3 of the 4 withdrawals. 1 was justified, 1 wasnt, and my current one still isnt resolved.
But what does a player do when the vendor goes out of there way to intentionally give false information to both KGC & Ecogra??
What happens then?
The vendor knows this process inside and out. After going through both regulators more than once, I seems to me that the vendor can simply tell their verison of the story, and it is taken as they spell it out, regardless of what proof or documentaion a player might have in the 100% valid claim.
How fair and concise can this process possibly be when as a player, you must provide every little detail to successfully have a chance at getting your fairly won cash.
But as a vendor, you just have to tell them something totally different, as its taken as the word of God. With no possibility of this or any other vendor intentionally 'steering a player in the wrong direction' or givng them confusiing or unclear instructions, so that the vendor can discredit the player, invent some deflective reason that misleads, distracts and eventually gets the house the result they want, and saves them from paying out a single dime.
Vendors all know this process and also count on the normal or next step that a regulator will take.
Let me ask you, if any withdrawal came across your desk that you considered a good stack, as a vendor, and if you knew you even played a small part in a player NOT getting his money, if the variance of a week (give or take) on whether or not a regultor was still investigating or not, would you not mislead one, knowing that their next course of action would be to immediately dimsmiss that players claim as invalid?
To absolve yourself of any wrong doing AND to avoid payment to the player all together? You damn rights you would.
Lets be realistic, without naming ANY of these vendors who grab the lions share of the Canadian market anyway, i have dealt with their SupportCenter many times and they LOVE being the deciding or majority vote in whether or not they allow a player to enjoy their winnings or absolutely just stomp their hopeful dreams and thoughts of paying off their car or whatever and think nothing of it. Im sure they all sit around, have chuckle and go for lunch.
ALL VENDORS are not the poster children for fair, just, unbiased dispute resolution. Regardles of their 'status' here or any other gaming community platform and forum.
But whats that you say.....You have every withdraw request transaction#, recorded chats and organized email notifcations and verification requests all dated and timelogged, proving without a doubt that this vendor acted maliciously, unethically and unprofessionally?
Yes! Yes I do!! 🙂
Well, thats too bad because they told us their side and that good enough for us. Therefore we must dismiss your claim as invalid.
Now tell me, is that a fair, just, and ethical dispute resolution process?? In my opinion, it not even close.
if it was fair ( or closer to more fair i should say), it would be as close to real court as possoible. Or at least the notion that, "Its not what you can say or what you heard, ITS WHAT YOU CAN PROVE!"
PS..Im not entirely sure if this post will get approved, but i hope it does because this is the X discussion that is nowhere to be found. It needs to be because it is getting worse and worse.
"Those who KNOW, don't care....
And those who CARE, don't know...."
By the way, how many of you know the REAL benefits of attaining a 'Diamond Status' level in CR Rewards?
Would you believe me if I told you that just because you get to that level, and sure get a cpl hundred in VIP points but the real awesome things they list in the FAQS section, that less than 2% of all players who get there, actually receive those benefits....And you'll never guess HOW they decide who gets them and who doesnt.......