Yes very odd the thing is the bank told me they move fast the criminals and take the money and close down and move on making it hard to recover funds
Yes very odd the thing is the bank told me they move fast the criminals and take the money and close down and move on making it hard to recover funds
GDPR の要求に関しては、それは SAR 要求と同じですか? また、規制されていない海外の企業がそのような要求に従わない場合、最終的に誰が責任を負うのでしょうか? キュラソーのように、企業がそれらに従わない場合、それは依然として大きな問題ですか?
In terms of GDPR requests, is that the same as an SAR request? And who is ultimately the authority for companies who don't comply with those kind of requests when they are unregulated and offshore? Like in Curacao is it still a big deal if a company does not comply with those?
was only a small amount around 500
I emailed them tuesday and money was returned next day one replied and the other Cloud smart hosty just refunded no email
For Ownr i used email support@ownrwallet.com
And for cloud smart you are using the correct email address i never got a reply from them the money was just returned straightaway so i was lucky with them by the sounds of it
返金についてはCloud Smart Hostyでした
今後の大きなものは、canapay 6k+ redwerkonline 4kとzpdg 3kです。
On the refunds it was Cloud Smart Hosty
as it was one that had not replied to my email i was surprised to see the money returned and so quickly
My big ones to come are canapay 6k+ redwerkonline 4k and zpdg 3k
Cannot find emails for the last 2 spoke to canapay already
Same for me i thought these was great to start with and by chance i came across this forum read all to comments from page one to now gathered as much info from other members here and started my own course of action never again will i go to these scammers really opened my eyes
My bank has been great as well due to me having all blocks on cards and account for what i thought was gambling and have been honest saying they should be able to help because they have used the wrong codings to bypass my blocks ive had since start of 2024
So im now sitting waiting and hoping for good news in the coming weeks so i can enjoy christmas
私は smartpayments.ee の仲間に電子メールを送り、EU、エストニア、マネーロンダリングなどの当局や消費者の多くに CC で送信しました。
見てみましょう!! 私も同じことをお勧めします
I have emailed smartpayments.ee buddy, and I have CC'd loads of authorities in and consumer people from EU, estonia, Money laundering etc.
They didn't respond to my emails back in June so I showed that too! I think I'll get a response now 🤣
We will see!! I recommend doing the same
Emailed both these
And CC'd in all these:
Pofskin の背後に誰がいるのか知っている人はいませんか? あるいは PXTB ですか? まだこの 2 つが見つからないので、これで終わりです。
Does anyone happen to know who is behind Pofskin? Or PXTB? I'm still missing those two and then I'm done.
weiß zufällig jemand wer hinter Pofskin steckt ? Oder PXTB ? Diese beiden fehlen mir noch dann bin ich durch.
確かに、これらが私が GamStop に登録している英国のものと同じくらい良いものになると考えるのは愚かでした。そして確かに、一部の銀行は支援したいのですが、一部の銀行はこれらの詐欺師がさまざまなコードを使ってシステムを回避してお金を得ていることを認めたくないのです。
みんながお金を取り戻せることを祈っています。そして、これが私がこれらのサイトを再び使う最後になることを願っています。この後、私のもう一つの趣味であるゴルフに戻り、太陽の下でもっと楽しむことを楽しみにしています 🙂
Yes it was stuoid to think these would ever be as good as the uk ones which im on gamstop for and yes some banks want to help some dont want to admit these scammers have bypassed there systems with different codes to obtain money
like my bank says all the gambling blocks in the world would not have stopped these scammers at all
i hope everyone gets there money back and it would be the last time i ever use these sites again im now hopefully looking forward to going to my other addiction after this and enjoying it more in some sunshine which is Golf 🙂
受信フォルダーを確認し、下記メールアドレスへ送られたリンクをクリックしてください。 youremail@gmail.com