ただし、優れた VPN サービスは無料ではありません。有料サービスなので、慎重に選び、できるだけ多くのことを学び、自分にとって価値のあるオプションかどうかを判断するようにしてください。たとえば、仕事の目的でインターネット接続を保護する必要がない場合や、自分の場所を「隠す」必要がない場合は、VPN は必要ないかもしれません。
I forgot to say one thing! Silly me...
Good VPN services, however, do not come for free; it is a paid service, so be picky and try to learn as much as you can to decide whether it is a worthy option for you. If you don't need to secure your internet connection, for example, for job purposes, or "mask" your location, you may not need it.
I found this description quite easy to comprehend; it might help you too:
"A VPN, which stands for virtual private network, establishes a digital connection between your computer and a remote server owned by a VPN provider, creating a point-to-point tunnel that encrypts your personal data, masks your IP address, and lets you sidestep website blocks and firewalls on the internet."