私にメールを送ってください: radka@casino.guruここでアカウントを作成するときに使用したメールアドレス(「マイプロフィール」セクションのアカウントにある登録メール)を介して、アカウントを完全に削除します。
Please send me an email: radka@casino.guru via the email address you used when creating an account here (registration email which can be found in your account in section "my profile") and I will delete your account permanently.
Has anything gone wrong, please?
If you need any help, just ask.
Hi Radka
Can you close my account as well please !
My email registration is:
If you want to delete your account in a casino, you'll have to contact the customer support and tell them you request a self exclude, alternatively tell them you want your account to be closed, mind you,when requesting....make sure you provide them your email address, the one you used in opening the account.
Hello, you have to write to the support in the different casinos. You get free spins first so that you can remain a customer and play for longer.
Hallo, sie müssen den Support in den verschiedenen Casinos anschreiben. Sie bekommen erstmal freispiele damit sie noch länger Kunde bleiben und spielen.
残念ながら、これまでにプレイしたすべてのカジノのすべてのアカウントを閉鎖する究極のツールはありません。 🙁
Sadly there is no ultimate tool to close all accounts in all casinos you have ever played in. 🙁
We're trying to develop such tool, but it's far from ready yet.
Just a kind note, if you fight any form of gambling addiction, always inform the casino, about this reason for self-exclusion.
The option is almost always found in settings, at the end of everything
Hmm, that's not true. But if you almost always found this option in settings, can you take a screenshot and show it to us maybe ?
I can't agree with this either, because when the account is deleted, the name disappears, which is replaced as we can see- Anonymized. The thread will still be visible.
I'm sorry, since you have an open complaint. I just can't do that now.
Are you really sure you don't need help with your issue? I can ask the Complaint Team to close the complaint in order to close this account, is this what you want, please?
Well you've clearly done nothing on my behalf but no leave the complain open stop messaging me as to provoke abuse and reaction as your very unproductive but no leave it open I'll just block you on my end so you know they are fraudulently taking people's money unfairly and you have a neck that's all you have to defend this casino or any for that matter as I've seen loads of complaints on this forum stating it happened to loads of people so
何百もの未解決の苦情があることをご存知ですか。したがって、チームは各ターンに 1 週間の猶予期間を設けています。これはガイドに記載されています。ご覧になってもよろしいですか?
Could you just stop being offensive?
As an admin of this forum, I ask you one last time. Any other offensive post will be deleted.
You know there are hundreds of open complaints, thus the Team has a week for each turn, this is stated in the guide, care to take a look?
You need to be patient. I hope you can understand that.
Have a nice weekend!
投稿はやめます 自分を守るだけです 攻撃的なことはしないでさようなら
I will stop posting I'm just defending my self I wish not to be offensive and googbye
それで、今日あなたからメッセージを受け取りました。はい、私が気づかなかったいくつかの条件違反があった可能性があるため、これにはまだ異議を唱えたいと思っていますが、問題のお金はボーナスとして満たされていないため、自動的にカジノに返金されるべきであり、お金は決して返金されるべきではありません他のカジノではゲームが許可されていないため、彼らがやったことをしてもよいという条件があることを私は知らなかったので有罪になりますが、そこで彼らがやったように、プレイヤーが無期限にお金を失うことになることは決してありません、彼らが私と同じことをするはずはありませんでした。」私はただの顧客であり、彼らは191.00を盗んで私を不法に罰しました、それは非常に不公平です、そしてそれはそこにあるゲームです、アンドー 正直に言うと、40.00は公正に蓄積され、ルーレットで勝った150.00は賭け金を規制するものであるため、はい、それは私によるものではありませんでしたが、彼らはそうすべきです私の実際の賭け金からボーナスの賭け金の一部を差し引いて、これらのユニットが侵害されたことを公平に見てください、この問題をもう一度見てもらえれば私が盗難の被害者であることがわかります、これは違法であることがわかりました、私が連絡すれば彼らは訴訟される可能性がありますゲーム手数料
So I got a message from you today I do still wish to dispute this as yes some terms could of been breached that I was unaware of but the money in question should of automatically been returned to the casino as bonus not fuffilled and the money should never be conviscated as I was unaware of there terms that they can do what they did as other casinos have not allowed games but that should never cause the player to loose his money indefinitely as they have done there not supposed to do wats they did as I'm just the customer and they punished me unlawfully by stealing the 191.00 that's very unfair and it's there games ando I can honestly say 40.00 was accumulated fair and the 150.00 I won on roulette so as regArds the wager yes it was not me according but they should deduct somega of the bonus wager against my actual wager so the breached these units fairly you can see I'm the victim of theft if you can relook at this issue just I found out this is illegal they can be sued if I got in touch with the gaming commission
There available on there end if anything they shouldn't be allowed to do business period as it's there site that did not abide and broke a law and can be fined I believe as I done nothing illegal only played there games
受信フォルダーを確認し、下記メールアドレスへ送られたリンクをクリックしてください。 youremail@gmail.com