こんにちは。このゲーム プロバイダーはどこで賞金を支払わないのでしょうか。また、なぜあなたに支払うべきなのでしょうか。もう少し詳しく説明していただけますか。このゲーム プロバイダーのどのカジノでプレイしていますか。特定のゲームで、勝利の組み合わせがあっても、期待どおりに賞金が支払われなかったり、まったく支払われなかったりする問題がありますか。それとも、他に何かお考えがありますか。
Hello, where does this game provider not pay your winnings and why should it pay them to you? Can you describe it in a bit more detail? What casino do you play at on this game provider? Do you have a problem with a certain game not giving you money as it should or not at all even if you have a winning combination or do you have something else in mind?
私が以前カジノをプレイしていたサイトは、ゲームプロバイダーのクラッシュ Aviator から私のアカウントを非アクティブ化したと私に告げました。私のアカウントには 4000 万 8000 タカが入っています。カジノサイトは、ゲームプロバイダーによって非アクティブ化されたため、何も関係がないと言われました。私が以前プレイしていたサイトの名前は www.fancywin.com です。
私のアカウントは現在 10 か月間使用されていません。収入が多すぎるため、アカウントが無効になっています。
The site where I used to play casino told me that they had deactivated my account from the game provider crash Aviator.I often have forty million eighty thousand taka in my account.The casino site has been told they have nothing to do with it, it has been deactivated by the game provider.The name of the site I used to play on www.fancywin.com
My account has been inactive for ten months now.My account has been deactivated because I earned too much money.
Hey, do I understand correctly that the casino has blocked your account? The game provider can't block your casino account, but obviously there may have been an investigation if they were involved. Do you have any email or communication from them that you could send here? Maybe we could find out a bit more.
I've also looked at the casino in question, and I'll say right off the bat that it wasn't a good choice, and with such a Safety Index, I'm not too surprised that problems have arisen. Have you seen it as well?
So try to answer my questions and let's see if something can be done.
I contacted the casino site and they told me that the game provider has permanently closed my account.
According to what I have read, your account is under investigation and therefore you have a blocked account. The game provider, according to the casino, has requested to check your gameplay, so you will have to wait until this is over and see what they tell you.
Didn't they give you a timeframe for when it should end?
That amount you have... Tell me how much it is in Euros?
Onaj iznos koji imas...Reci mi koliko on iznosi u Eurima?
I see that the account is under investigation and the reason is the game Aviator. Something happened while playing the said game.
How much did you win in the aviator game? ( how many euros?)
Vidim da je nalog pod istragom a povod je igra aviator. Nešto je se desilo tokom igranja pomenute igre.
Koliki si iznos osvojio u igri aviator? ( koliko eura?)
私のアカウントは 6 か月間停止され、その後アカウントが非アクティブになりました。カジノ サイトに問い合わせたところ、アカウントは無効になっており、ゲーム プロバイダーによって非アクティブにされていると言われました。
My account was suspended for six long months and then they in-active my account.I contacted the casino site and they told me my account is no longer valid and has been in-active by a game provider.
32,000 ユーロ。大金ですね。そのお金は Aviator というゲームで獲得したのですか、それとも他のゲームで獲得したのですか。いくらですか。
32,000 euros. That's a lot of money. Did you win that money in the game Aviator or did you play other games and for how much?
32.000 eura. To je ogroman novac. Da li si taj novac osvojio u igri aviator ili si igrao i druge igre i za koliko v
私のアカウントは 6 か月間停止され、その後アカウントが非アクティブになりました。カジノ サイトに問い合わせたところ、アカウントは無効になっており、ゲーム プロバイダーによって非アクティブにされていると言われました。
My account was suspended for six long months and then they in-active my account.I contacted the casino site and they told me my account is no longer valid and has been in-active by a game provider.
I can understand the suspension since your account was controlled by the game provider on aviator. What puzzles me is that it took so long and when after half a year you got to the account, you still can't withdraw. Did the casino take this money from you as well or do you still have it in your gaming account?
I would also like to add that this casino was not a good choice at all as it has a low safety index and I pray that you get paid or that we are able to help you.
I hope that will be possible.
どうやってお金が獲得されたのか知りたいです。ゲームに何か不具合があるのでしょうか? 飛行士ゲームでこれだけのお金を獲得するのはほとんど不可能です。
1 回の飛行セッションにいくら投資しましたか? どのくらいのオッズで資金を引き出しましたか?
I'm trying to find out how the money was won. Is there some glitch in the game? It's hardly possible to win this much money on the aviator game.
Perhaps there was an error with the game provider and they suspended the winnings.
The provider should not ban your account. The provider rents the game to a specific casino. The casino is the one who pays out the money. Not the provider.
It is possible that such an amount was won by some mistake.
How much did you invest in one flying session? At what odds did you withdraw your money?
How did you win so much money on aviator?
Pokušavam da saznam kako je osvojen novac. Da li je došlo do nekog kvara na igrici. Teško je moguće osvojiti ovoliki novac na aviator igri.
Mozda je došlo do greške kod provajdera igre pa su tako suspendovali dobitak.
Provajder ne bi trebalo da zabrani tvoj nalog. Provajder iznajmljuje igru određenom kazinu. Kazino je taj koji isplaćuje novac. Ne provajder.
Moguće da toliki iznos je osvojen nekom greškom.
Koliko si ulagao u jednu sesiju letenja aviona? Na kojoj kvoti si dizao novac?
Kako si osvojio toliki novac na aviatoru?
When I log in to my account now, it says the account is inactive.I contacted casino site and they said my account will not be fixed.At one point he cheated on me.
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