Yep, I breached the banks regulations apparently but I sent the disputes team a big email explaining the situation because I obviously didn't want my bank to get shut down. They called me twice but both times I was in work. I called them back and I was on hold for 45 minutes and I never called them back. But I sent them an updated email on Friday regarding it all so I'm waiting for a call. If I don't get 1 this week I'll call them myself. I admitted I made gambling transactions and that I relapsed due to personal circumstances going on, gambling is always my way out. But if they hadn't disguised transactions I wouldn't have been able to gamble so for me the blames on the merchants. I will be arguing that I didn't agree for other merchants to have my bank details, especially in foreign countries like Ukraine, Nigeria, Kenya. I've since had my Google mail attempted to be hacked multiple times and also transactions try to be taken from my account, my phone number spoofed, suspicious?
The chargebacks were classed as fraud because the merchants obviously said they provided goods. So end game was I got a warning due to that. But I let the bank know the real issue and it seemed they wanted to cooperate. We will see what happens. If I even get 2 merchants back I will be happy because it will be over 2500. Its a fresh start lol.
I'm with natwest buddy
返金のための有料サービスは、法律事務所/弁護士からのみ提供されるべきです。ここで助けを求めて金銭を要求するユーザーは、特に広告の投稿が 1 つしかない場合は詐欺師である可能性が高いです。
Sounds like a real scammer to me.
The only paid service for refunds should be provided from law firms/lawyers. Every user that claims here to help and ask money is likely to be a scammer especially when he/she has only one post advertising..
Hope the Mods can intervene.
Did you use the mail in the T&C mentioned?
So not the one on the website.
wexslide の連絡先情報を見つけることができましたか?
Did you have any luck finding contact details for wexslide?
This topic is also more clear on the issues we are dealing with on this topic. And with 142 pages it might be a good time to switch to a new topic and close this one to make it easier. I will try to set up a post with most merchant names and their contact details to make it easier for most of us to reach out.
Thanks but aren't they just going to read the other one as well though?
Eventually yes, but that will happen with everything.
The only benefit is that the new topic will hopefully be more clear with the info players need.
Hi did you ever get an email from paymentz about this in the end?
タイトルだけでは問題は解決しません。人々は自分の商人名を Google で検索して最終的にこのプラットフォームを見つけたり、この Web サイトの検索ボタンを使用したりできるからです。
The title will not solve it as people can google on their merchant name and eventually find this platform or use the search button on the website here.
However, it is a great topic we have but hard to find merchant names and contact details here that should get easier.
現在、Casino Guruのセーフモードで閲覧しています。このモードでは、問題のあるギャンブルや責任あるギャンブルに関するコンテンツのみ閲覧できます。続行すると、このモードが解除されます。
受信フォルダーを確認し、下記メールアドレスへ送られたリンクをクリックしてください。 youremail@gmail.com