ラプターさん、次のアドレスまで連絡してください owen40060@gmail.com、さらにお話しさせていただければ幸いです。
Raptor, you can reach me at owen40060@gmail.com, I'll be happy to speak too you further!
ラプターさん、次のアドレスまで連絡してください owen40060@gmail.com、さらにお話しさせていただければ幸いです。
Raptor, you can reach me at owen40060@gmail.com, I'll be happy to speak too you further!
こんにちは、オーブン。私は 12 月初旬に依存症から回復しつつある間、まさにこの問題に苦しんでいます。
Flappy Casino についてこの苦情を投稿しました。そこではギャンブル ブロックを使用してなんとか 12 月 7 日に入金できましたが、すべてのStarscream LTD カジノが支払いプロバイダーと同じ種類のダミー会社の設定を使用していることもわかり、さらに ~11000 ドルを入金させられました。セーフティネットのないDKK。
Hi Oven, I am struggling with this exact problem during a relpase of my addiction in early december.
I posted this complaint about Flappy Casino, where I managed to deposit the 7th of December, depsite using gambling blocks , but I also discovered that all Starscream LTD casinos uses the same type of shell company setup as payment providers, making me deposit another ~11000 DKK without any safety net.
The impact of these practices on vulnerable individuals like myself is significant, and it's crucial to find ways to address and stop these deceptive tactics. I'm open to discussing this further and sharing more insights into my experiences. If there are any specific details or information you would like, please let me know.
このようなタイプのコーディング エラーが監査中に発見された場合、取引ごとに 1,000 ドルから 10,000 ドルの罰金が適用される場合があります。一方、決済処理業者は厳しい罰金に処される可能性が高くなります。クライアント センターのコードが間違っていると疑われる場合は、すぐに決済処理業者に連絡し、文書による修正を要求する必要があります。」
I find this a quite interesting read from a payment service provider:
"Despite the fact that miscoding is uncommon, a merchant may be coded as a low-risk merchant even if it falls into the high-risk category. This miscoding is frequently done by accident by the acquiring bank. Merchants, on the other hand, should never try to trick banks into miscoding their transactions in order to obtain lower exchange rates. Even though a merchant is engaging in high-risk transactions, if the bank considers it a low-risk merchant, it may be subject to less monitoring owing to miscoding. These merchants are referred to as "transaction launderers".
If such a type of coding error is uncovered during an audit, penalties of $1,000 to $10,000 per transaction may be applied. While a payment processor is more likely to face severe penalties. If one suspects that their MCCs have been miscoded, they should contact their payment processor right once and request a documented rectification."
I am sure you will recognise some of these!
Here is some from me
リストに (全額返金) と書きましたが、それは問題のカジノ、銀行、またはこれらの販売者を通じて行われたものですか?
In your list you write (full refund) , was that through the casino in question, the bank, or these merchants?
Thankful for any insight.
私はカジノと企業に手紙を書き、Webops の 1 件は多額の返金を行い、残りはそれほど多額ではありませんでしたが、返金または一部返金を行いました。 Companies House からの私の返信が興味深いと思いました。
Companies House は、登録簿に記載されている企業の正当性を確認できません。
I wrote to the casinos and the companies, the Webops one paid back a substantial amount, the rest were not as significant but nevertheless a refund, or partial refund. I found this interesting my reply from Companies House:
Companies House is unable to confirm the legitimacy of any companies that appear on our register.
We carry out basic checks to make sure that the documents delivered to us have been fully completed and signed, but we do not have the statutory power or capability to verify the accuracy of the information that corporate entities send to us.
We accept all information that such entities deliver to us in good faith and place it on the public record.
The fact that the information has been placed on the public record should not be taken to indicate that Companies House has verified or validated it in any way.
If you have had money taken from your bank account without your consent, I would advise you contact the fraud department at your bank or contact the police.
I can see we share "Mydelivery" in the list. I googled some of your merchants and found this interesting regarding "IBOXBANK" in your list
"The scheme involved the use of unlicensed online casino and sports betting offerings that were set up to accept payments using "miscoding" and bank transfers. Miscoding refers to the practice of entering incorrect category details when inputting the payment to deliberately obscure the source of the funds. "
非常によく似た Web サイトを運営している会社がいくつかあることに気づきました。彼らはナイジェリア/ラゴスに拠点を置き、ある種の電話通信サービスを提供しているようですが、実際に合法的な会社かどうかは別の問題です...
しかし、どの方からも返事がありませんでしたので、実際に返金されたことを知って驚きました (おめでとうございます!)
I noticed that I have a few companies with very similar websites. They are based in Nigeria/Lagos and seem to offer some kind of phone airtime services, but if they actually are legit companies is another question…
I haven’t got any replies from any of them though, so was surprisers to see you actually got a refund (congrats!)
Betnow.eu が返金してくれました
私たちの会話のとおり、例外としてそれぞれの払い戻しを行います。 -**** で終わるマスター カードに遡る 3 つのトランザクションはすべて、合計 $100.00 の最大期間 15 営業日です。
infracharm Technolog (全額返金)
Chitex Ltd (全額返金)
Betnow.eu refunded me
As per our conversation, we will do the respective refunds as an exception. All 3 transactions going back to the master card ending in -**** Total $100.00 maximum time frame 15 business days.
infracharm Technolog (full refund)
Chitex Ltd (full refund)
Betnow.eu が返金してくれました
デポジットID: ******66
取引日: 2023/12/10 20:45:07 ET
処理金額: 20 USD
トランザクションは明細書に次のように表示されます: INFRACHARM TECHNOLOG
デポジット ID: ******22
取引日: 2023/12/10 21:21:22 ET
処理金額: 30 USD
あなたの取引は明細書に次のように表示されます: CHITEX LTD
デポジットID: ******15
取引日: 2023/12/10 21:46:40 ET
処理金額: 49.99 USD
あなたの取引は明細書に次のように表示されます: CHITEX LTD
私たちの会話のとおり、例外としてそれぞれの払い戻しを行います。 -**** で終わるマスター カードに遡る 3 つのトランザクションはすべて、合計 $100.00 の最大期間 15 営業日です。
infracharm Technolog (全額返金)
Chitex Ltd (全額返金)
Betnow.eu refunded me
I sent them a strongly worded email with the transaction details as below, obvs Deposit ID i have hidden!
Transaction Details
Deposit Id: ******66
Date of transaction: 12/10/2023 20:45:07 ET
Amount Processed: 20 USD
Your transaction will appear on your statement as: INFRACHARM TECHNOLOG
Transaction Details
Deposit Id: ******22
Date of transaction: 12/10/2023 21:21:22 ET
Amount Processed: 30 USD
Your transaction will appear on your statement as: CHITEX LTD
Transaction Details
Deposit Id: ******15
Date of transaction: 12/10/2023 21:46:40 ET
Amount Processed: 49.99 USD
Your transaction will appear on your statement as: CHITEX LTD
As per our conversation, we will do the respective refunds as an exception. All 3 transactions going back to the master card ending in -**** Total $100.00 maximum time frame 15 business days.
infracharm Technolog (full refund)
Chitex Ltd (full refund)
ちょっと気になるのは、苦情をどのように表現するかということです。つまり、彼らは無視するだけで済む可能性が高いです - 個人として、私が知る限り何かで実際に脅すことはできないので、ほとんどはカジノの善意によるものだと思います。彼らが気にしたり返金を提供したりするかどうか?
Thanks for sharing. A question - in cases where you have got a refund - has it always been from the casino or has there been cases where the company in the bank statement have given the refund?
What I’m kind of curious about is how to phrase the complaints. I mean, they will most likely get away with it by just ignoring - as an individual, I cant really threaten with anything as far as I know, so I guess its mostly up to the goodwill of the casino If they care/offer a refund?
このリンクを参照すると、Mastercard への通知に関するセクション 8.7.2 があります。
「発行者が First Presentment/1240 メッセージに不完全、無効、または不適切な MCC が含まれている可能性があると信じる理由がある場合、発行者は電子メール メッセージで企業に通知することができます...」
私が入金したカードは Mastercard なので、例として使用しました。
I believe that everyone affected by this issue should report it through their card issuer/bank and put pressure on them to escalate this to Mastercard/Visa. This needs to be stopped; it goes beyond mere refunds.
Referring to this link, there's a section 8.7.2 about notifying Mastercard:
'If an Issuer has reason to believe that a First Presentment/1240 message may contain an Incomplete, Invalid, or Inappropriate MCC, the Issuer may notify the Corporation by e-mail message to...'
It seems the link provides a version related to Brazil, as I read further about penalty fees, but I think it appears applicable globally. I'm certain that Mastercard is interested in addressing such criminal activities.
I used Mastercard as an example since that's the card I deposited with.
Mastercard は心配していません。連絡してみましたが、カード発行会社に折り返しご案内します。マスターカードから得たものは何ですか?
Mastercard are not worried, I have tried to contact them but they refer you back to the card issuer. What have you had from Mastercard?
Hey all,
A bit late to this thread but have got the same issues multiple transactions on my card from lots of different companies that were then deposited to a casino.
Did anyone have any luck with getting their money back?
I got some funds back from reaching out to the merchants directly, helped that a couple where UK based. Others hard to find contact details for and others not replying, raised with my bank to look into.
It's crazy how they are allowed to get away with it. I have started doing that, the majority just don't reply to emails. And a lot of them are from Africa, UZB etc.. so a bit more tricky to find.
つまり、少なくとも、私がメールを送り始めてから彼らは賢明になろうとしたのです。彼らは古いゲームを 400 ドルなどで販売していましたが、今では正当に見せるために金額を適切な支払い額に変更しています。これは、トランザクション コードが表示されないようにマスクする方法です。ギャンブルとして扱うので、銀行がブロックしないようにします。 GameStop プレーヤーを餌食にする
Yeah loads from Uzbekistan also.
I had three merchants deductions. Checked their sites all the same company hosting game voucher codes etc..
I mean at least they tried to be clever after I started emailing them, they were selling old games for like 400 dollars etc and now they have changed the amounts to suitable payments to look legit, it's the way they mask the transaction codes to not appear as gambling so your bank doesn't block it. Preying on GameStop players
現在、Casino Guruのセーフモードで閲覧しています。このモードでは、問題のあるギャンブルや責任あるギャンブルに関するコンテンツのみ閲覧できます。続行すると、このモードが解除されます。
受信フォルダーを確認し、下記メールアドレスへ送られたリンクをクリックしてください。 youremail@gmail.com