My bank have raised the disputes but are refusing a provisional refund, honestly they are all a bunch of clowns when doing chargebacks.
My bank have raised the disputes but are refusing a provisional refund, honestly they are all a bunch of clowns when doing chargebacks.
Bank did the same to me refused the refund but raised the chargebacks I have 2 weeks left for them to dispute them
Which according to the banks own terms and also Mastercard terms is actually incorrect. I have added it to my complaint but I to waiting 45 days when they should do a provisional refund, it comes down to denying the consumer access to their money so hopefully back for Xmas period
Thats how they do it mate it was the same with me both times its held in a suspense account you get it eventually
First time for me, 7 on credit card after a 1 working day, 3 on debit card same day but these ones same debit card company stating Jan 27th, I think they make it up as they go along haha
Some are more cautious than others I suppose different internal rules
同じ質問ですが、Falcora Finance で満足した人はいますか? 彼らの Web サイトを使用してメールを送りましたが、応答がありません。カード購入ではなく、より迅速な支払いであるため、銀行は何もできません。新しい APP 法の下では保護されないのでしょうか??
Same question again but has anyone had any joy with Falcora finance? I have emailed them by using their website but no response. Bank can’t do anything as they are faster payments not a card purchase . Is there no protection under the new APP law??
I also think VISA chargebacks are easier to obtain, the companies using Mastercard have been nothing but hassle for me
The annoying fact is Mastercard literally state once a dispute is raised we return the money to the issuer, yet Chase claims that’s not the case. These are really small amounts as well but it’s just principle of it
少額ではリスクがないと思います。私の場合は常に 15000 ポンド以上なので、一時的な払い戻しが行われないのは理解できます。ただ使うことができれば、私もそうしません 😃
I do not see the risk in the small amounts mine are always £15000 or more so I can see why they do not issue a temp refund I could just spend I would not either 😃
私はチェースの CEO オフィスに苦情を申し立てることができ、彼らは 1 時間以内に返答してくれました。まだ回答は得られていませんが、基本的にはマスターカードが述べているように一時的なもので、私に返送する必要があるとのことでした。銀行が私たちに請求を迫る可能性があるため、私はより大きな金額を受け取りますが、25 ポンドや 50 ポンドの請求であれば、なぜ私にそれを隠しておくのでしょうか。
I have managed to raise my complaint to the CEO office at Chase they responded within an hour, haven’t got an answer yet but basically said as Mastercard state it can be temporary then it needs to come back to me. I do get larger amounts as it could mean the bank chasing us for them but when they are £25 and £50 ones then really why keep that from me.
銀行にチャージバックを申し立てるには、MCC コードが提供されていない商品だけであると言う必要がありますか?
Hello all,
ive reached out to some of the merchants , once they email back saying there is no transactions linked to my account, and they tell me to bank,
what do I raise the chargeback as with the bank , do I mention MCC codes are just out goods not provided ?
also I mentioned in chat to my bank bank before that about the casino ect and gambling in live chat (that’s saved ) but never mentioned witch transactions as such, they suggested a chargeback . But im worried if i raise it as goods not received that will know it was gambling anyway . So how should I raise it ? UK bank.
thanks anybody.
私は、artstrid と finnart の連絡先を見つけることができたので、お手伝いできるかもしれません。
I may be able to help I managed to find contacts for artstrid and finnart.
They were slow at responding but said they’d issued refunds and it would show in my account in a few days.
Those few days has passed and my bank can’t see any sign of the refunds so I chased it up but haven’t had a response in 2 days-hoping they keep to their word
それは電子メール経由ですか? Finnart は取引の証拠を求めて私に連絡してきましたが、これは偽の請求書を提供するために行われたという直感があったので、私は直接銀行に問い合わせました。誰が紛争を提起したのか、Artstrid からは何も連絡がありません。
Was that via email? Finnart got back to me wanting evidence of transactions but my gut feeling is this is done to provide false invoices so I have gone direct to bank. Who have raised the dispute, nothing from artstrid.
理想的には、不正を認めることになるため、異議申し立ては行われないため、間違った MCC 経由でチャージバックをしてもらう必要があります。しかし、ギャンブルのため、銀行にこれを実行させることは困難です。最も簡単な方法は、商品を受け取らないことですが、異議申し立て/虚偽の請求書の対象となる可能性があります。実際に試したいことによって異なりますが、これらがオプションです。
私は両方経験しましたが、間違った MCC は大きな課題でしたが、最終的には成功しました。他の人は苦労したり、拒否されたりしました。
Ideally you want to get them to chargeback via incorrect MCC as they won’t come back with a challenge as it’s admitting fraud. But getting the banks to do this is difficult due to gambling, the easiest way is goods not received but that can be subject to a challenge/false invoices, it really depends on what you want to try but those are the options.
I have done both, incorrect MCC was a huge challenge but they did it the end others have struggled/had theirs rejected.
Goods and services was easy to raise but now the bank are refusing a provisional refund despite Mastercard saying that is the process, but good news is it’s raised.
驚いたことに、Artsrid の方が 2 人の中では対応が優れているようです。
私は各社のウェブサイトに掲載されている企業規則を検索しましたが、どちらの規則も他の企業にリンクしており、企業に関する情報は非常に限られており、Artsrid がリンクしていた企業は今年 10 月に解散したようです。
Yes it was via email they both asked for the below:
Please provide us with the following details so we can assist you.
Photo of your credit card showing the first six and the last four digits of your card number
Email/wallet address used to the transaction on your query
Bank receipt with your name on it
I scribbled out any important details such as ccv etc, after a few update requests artsrid said this was refunded on 28/08/2024 which was the day they asked for these details but may take a few more days to come(still waiting to see that refund).
Finnart essentially said the same as the above after a few chasers although a different refund date.
Surprisingly Artsrid seem to be the better of the two at responding.
I did search the company regs listed on their websites, both regs lead back to other companies and info on the companies is very limited with the one Artsrid linked back to apprently been dissolved in oct this year
現在、Casino Guruのセーフモードで閲覧しています。このモードでは、問題のあるギャンブルや責任あるギャンブルに関するコンテンツのみ閲覧できます。続行すると、このモードが解除されます。
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