Why is it Mastercard dont do anything yet Visa do everything they can to help you ive had all my visa ones refunded
but anything on my mastercard bank they refuse to even look at the issue and decline to assist you and same with a complaint they just reject it my mastercard is only a smaller amount compared to my visa but still any bank with a mastercard is useless and the merchants just dont reply
Ok terrible ! I just stated that they took gambling transactions but it is in their t&c’s that this is illegal activities
私と同じように、Mastercard も、商品が受け取られずに 45 日後に何が起こるか確認するのが最善です。
Same as me, Mastercard you are best off going goods not received and see what comes after the 45 days.
返金された金額について、VISA に直接苦情を申し立てましたか、それとも銀行を通じて苦情を申し立てましたか。また、どのような内容の手紙を書きましたか。
Did you complain directly to VISA for the ones you were refunded or through your bank and what did you write to them?
アドバイスが少し必要です。magicwin.bet でプレイしましたが、完全に怪しいサイト、違法ライセンス、偽の住所だとは気づきませんでした。続ける必要はありません。数回入金しましたが、気づく前に騙されたとわかっていました。その後、入金に対して送られてきた領収書を見て、デジタルグッズ エンジニアリング、キプロス、アイルランド、エストニア、ケニアでのコンサルタント業をしていました。銀行の明細書を確認したところ、引き落とされた金額も入金額と違っていました。そこでメールを送信しました。すぐにブロックされ、何の応答もありませんでしたが、それでもプロモーション メールが大量に送られてきます。Artstrid という商人の 1 人に連絡して、銀行から詳細を入手しました。商人は、取引とカードの詳細を番号で隠した明細書を送るよう要求したので、それに従いました。違法ギャンブル サイトへのマネー ロンダリングに加担しているという断固たるメールを送った後、返金したという返事がありました。2 ~ 5 営業日以内に口座に入金されるとのことでしたが、10 営業日経ちましたが、まだ何も起こりません。応答がありません。今のところ彼らからは一切連絡がありません。また、銀行から、私のカードで 750 ユーロの取引が試みられたという通知も受け取っており、これはケニアのナイロビからのものだったので銀行に電話する必要がありました。私のカードは不正使用されました。銀行にチャージバックを申し立てるのは時間の無駄で、彼らは水を溜めようとする茶こしと同じくらい役に立たないので、どうしたらいいのかわかりません。銀行を FO に持ち込む手続き中です。彼らは私のクレームを調査しず、期限内にクレームに対処せず、回答を 5 か月間待たされ、たらい回しにされ、個人的な健康に関する侵害的な質問をされ続けました。FO の女性でさえ不快に感じていました。その口座にはまだ 290 が残っているので、資金または預金を返金してもらいたいのですが、サイトは違法サイトであるため私のメールに返信しません。預金を返金する必要があります。誰か詳細をご存知ですか?
利用規約のどこにも、サードパーティの支払いプロバイダーを使用しているとは記載されておらず、Santeda International BVが支払いを処理すると記載されています。
ゲームは不具合だらけで、リールが連続して回転し、ボーナス ラウンドから外れ、リロードしても何も得られず、ログインしているのに再度ログインするように言われ続け、ゲームが継続的にクラッシュします。
Need a bit of advice played on magicwin.bet didn't realise it was a total dodgy site illegal licence fake address no need to go on.Made a few deposits yes I know more fool me before I realised then I saw the receipts that they sent me for deposits digital goods engineering, consultancy in Cyprus Ireland estonia and kenya, so I checked my bank statements and the amounts taken where also different more than what I deposited .so I sent email .instantly blocked and no response whatsoever but still getting bombarded with promo emails .I reached out to one of the merchants Artstrid I got details from bank .merchant requested I send statment over showing transaction and card details with numbers covered which I did .they responded saying that they refunded money after I sent them a firm email saying they where complicit in money laundering to a illegal gambling site.They said money would be in account within 2 to 5 working days it's now been 10 working days and still nothing .no response from them at all now .I have also had notification from bank that a transaction for €750 was attempted on my card and I needed to call the bank as this was coming from nairobi kenya. My card has been compromised. I don't know what to do as raising a chargeback with my bank is a waste of time as they are as useless as tea strainer trying to hold water and I am in the process of taking my bank to the FO for not investigating my claim and not dealing with claim within time frame made me wait 5 months for answer continuously giving me run around and asking me personal invasive health questions .which even the lady from FO found disturbing .I still have 290 in that account so I either want the funds or my deposits back but the site is not responding to my emails as it's an illegal site my deposits need to be returned anyone any deets on these
Kashia empire
Much appreciated
Also anyone any info on skinsonly this one is a baine of my life the owner is a criminal and has a amalgamation of companies scamming people used by Santeda group i can't find any contact for this only fake details these have also helped themselves twice
Donbet.com is trading under a expired gambling licence jaz it expired in oct
I am also having problems with these muppets
No where in terms and conditions does it state uses 3rd party payment providers it states Santeda International B.V processes payment
Does not show seal on site for status of licence which by law of Curaçao must be shown now either green or browny/orange to either represent pending or valid and they don't
Games are full of glitches constantly getting thrown out reels continuously spinning thrown out of bonus rounds then when reloaded you get nothing ,kept being told to log back in when I was logged in games continuously crashing .
I sent email regarding these points I was instantly blocked i requested a copy of all my transactions a copy of all the merchants as they need to keep a record of transactions game play everything for 90 days they refuse to answer anything I presented to them just the generic email .but sent me this which made me laugh are they bloody serious
Additionally, for enhanced transparency and verification, you are encouraged to cross-reference these transactions with your official bank statement. This will ensure that all financial activities are accurately documented and align with your records
Well they don't align now do they since when is gambiling come.under beauty or books or finance gamestore clothes anything but gambiling .I put it to them and sent them the information regarding the criminal activity of the merchant they use and network and geuss what they did not address it surprise surprise. They know what they are doing .so yeah they are giving our banking details to criminals and they don't care because it's all a Web of sophistication and starts from top then curaco gambling board these licences mean jack if you complain it falls on deaf ears.
That should be fraud and instant refund on it all if they tried to take money out your account I got this ages ago on another bank account
そう思うかもしれませんが、Mastercard の場合、銀行は詐欺として訴えようとはしません。VISA なら間違いなくそうするでしょう。
You would think so but if it’s on Mastercard the banks are not willing to raise as fraud. VISA then definitely will do it.
My credit card ones VISA little hassle but all good in the end. Mastercard debit, Chase are terrible with it flag as fraud ignored, goods not received then they raise them but state they want the merchant to refund directly before helping.
Barclaycard、VISA は直接対応せず、カード発行会社のみが対応しますが、VISA の条件は Mastercard よりもはるかに優れています。
Barclaycard, VISA directly won’t deal with it only the card issuer will but VISA terms are much better than Mastercard.
商品が受け取られなかったと報告するのが最善です。支払いを済ませていれば、Mastercard やカード発行会社は詐欺として請求しません。
Best off doing goods not received, if you made the payments then Mastercard/the card issuer won’t raise them under fraud.
現在、Casino Guruのセーフモードで閲覧しています。このモードでは、問題のあるギャンブルや責任あるギャンブルに関するコンテンツのみ閲覧できます。続行すると、このモードが解除されます。
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