I have a case with FOS regarding the bank that works with ClearJunction. The FOS have said that TransferOp/PayOP is not fraudulent. If anyone has any evidence to prove that that they are, cal you forward it me on
Check their website:
Contact our support team
OBPAY.NET provides open banking billing services for a variety of websites
If you have a question about a charge on your bank statement from OBPAY.NET then please contact one of our customer service agents
ありがとうございます。そのサイトをチェックしてみます。ただし、私のブラウザではギャンブル サイトにリンクされているのは なので、 サイトが現在空白として表示されているため、同じサイトかどうかはわかりません。
Thank you, I will check out that site but the one in my browser that the gambling site linked to is so not sure if it’s the same one or not as the site is showing as blank to me now.
いくつかの古い銀行取引明細書を確認したところ、キュラソー島のライセンスを持ついくつかの賭博/カジノ Web サイトにクレジット カードで入金したところ、ケニアやナイジェリアなどの国のランダムな会社名が表示されるだけで、Google で検索してもほとんど表示されないことに気づきました。 。
入金自体は成功しましたが、通常、販売者カテゴリ コード 7995 があった場合、私の銀行はこれらの取引を拒否するはずでした。
I have gone through som older bank statements and noticed that deposits i’ve made with credit card to a few betting/casino websites with a Curaçao license just show random company names in countries like Kenya, Nigeria etc that barely show up when I google them.
The deposits themselves were successful,but normally, my bank should’ve rejected these transactions If they had the merchant category code 7995.
My suspicion is that the gambling websites have tried to bypass bank restrictions by making it look like i’m buying e.g clothes and something like that.
My question is - is this even allowed under the Curacao license or in general? And would it be a valid complaint to raise, or will they just ignore this?
I have a case with FOS regarding the bank that works with ClearJunction. The FOS have said that TransferOp/PayOP is not fraudulent. If anyone has any evidence to prove that that they are, cal you forward it me on
私はバンクーバー警察とカナダのマネーロンダリング対策サービスに連絡しました。あなたもそこのメディアに連絡して、詳細を Payop に転送すべきです。彼らはそれを好みません。
残念ながら、FOS は私たち全員の救世主ではありません。ギャンブル ブロックが設定されていて、支払いがギャンブル用であったことを証明できれば、支払いが多額でなければ、FOS はおそらくあなたに有利な判決を下すでしょう。ギャンブル ブロックが設定されていない場合、FOS はあなたに有利な判決を下すのに苦労しますが、あなたが販売業者に連絡を取ろうとした場合は、商品およびサービスのチャージバックを提案します。
I reached out to the Vancouver PD and Anti-Money Laundering services in Canada. You should also contact media there and then forward the details to Payop - they don't like it.
FOS aren't some saviour for us all unfortunately. If you had a gambling block in place and can prove the payments you made were for gambling then they will probably rule for you if there aren't lots of them. If you have no gambling block then they struggle to rule in your favour, but will suggest Goods and Services chargebacks if you have made attempts to contact the merchants.
Had a gambling block on my account, payop aren’t responding to my emails and I emailed fintrac and they said payop aren’t registered in canada
Have been thru quite a lot of UK FOS decisions on chargebacks for gambling and almost all side with the bank and therefore not favourable. The process also takes months
has anyone actually had a positive outcome from this?
まったくその通りです。先日、さまざまな銀行の FOS 決定を調べていたところでした。
彼らのこの結果を確認する価値はあります。驚きました。彼らはケースレビュー担当者のおかげでとても幸運でした: 😇
You’re absolutely right, I was just looking through the FOS decisions across various banks the other day.
It’s worth checking out this outcome from them, it blew my mind, they got hella lucky with that Case Reviewer: 😇
彼らは、Revolut に対する私の訴訟の 1 つに関与していると確信しています。名前は見覚えがあります。素晴らしい結果ですね。
Im sure they are involved in one of mine against Revolut the name looks familiar that is a great result !
Ah that’s good, fingers crossed you get a decent outcome too!
The majority of my transactions were through Revolut and I found their internal Complaints team to be useless so probably going to go to the FOS soon too.
Yes they are useless ! they have not even replied to one of mine and instead replied to the original one again with a completely different story and stuff made up !
Payop から何か返金してもらえましたか? 返金してもらえたことはありますが、銀行振込で、カジノに送金されたお金が各メールに表示されるので、チャージバックできません😩 私のアカウントはギャンブルがブロックされていて、数年間ブロックされていますが、銀行振込はブロックされないので、これで困っています
Did you manage to get anything back from payop? Iv had these but they were bank transfers that show on each email the casino the money went too so won't be able to chargeback 😩 Iv got gambling blocks on my account & have done for a few years but they don't block bank transfers so I'm stuck with this one
for all the UK people try reporting the casinos to this email too
its the UK gambling commission, if they're unlicensed in the UK it's illegal for them to offer services, let's hit them where it hurts and report them to the authorities
BBC Panorama の特別番組で、Revolut が詐欺に対して基本的に何もしないことについてずっと見ようと思っている番組がある。同じことだと言っているわけではない。もっと微妙な問題だとはわかっているが、確かに、Revolut はこうした問題で馬鹿げているようだ。
There’s a BBC Panorama special about them I keep meaning to watch about how Revolut basically do nothing about fraud. I’m not saying this is the same thing I realise it’s more nuanced but yeah, Revolut seem to take the piss with matters like these.
Every time I deal with their live chat or Complaints Team it’s like talking to AI, they just regurgitate the same crap about ‘not supporting this kind of activity’ using their bank even though I made them aware of it several times and they did nothing to help me block such transactions just kept letting thousands be sent to the dodgy unlicensed casinos.
現在、Casino Guruのセーフモードで閲覧しています。このモードでは、問題のあるギャンブルや責任あるギャンブルに関するコンテンツのみ閲覧できます。続行すると、このモードが解除されます。