今日は「Destream Services」に成功しました。誰かのサポートが必要な場合は?
I had success with 'Destream Services' today. If anybody needs support with them?
今日は「Destream Services」に成功しました。誰かのサポートが必要な場合は?
I had success with 'Destream Services' today. If anybody needs support with them?
残念ながら、Destream からのトランザクションがいくつかあります。任意のヒント?
私はつい最近、自分の経験について KGC に苦情を申し立てましたが、その返答は Stardust Global Ltd の利用規約を指摘するものでした。請求明細書に「別の名前が表示される可能性がある」としているが、実際にはそれをカバーしていない。むしろ、「無作為に偽の業者を利用する可能性があるので、知らないうちにお金を払ってしまう」といった感じです。
3.13。クレジット カード取引は通常、請求明細書に登録販売者として機能する「Stardust Global CCS Ltd」として記載されますが、異なる名前が表示される可能性があることに注意してください。請求明細書に関してご不明な点がございましたら、お気軽にカスタマーサポートまでお問い合わせください。
I have some transactions from Destream unfortunately yes. Any tips?
It's so sad how it's affecting so many people. I believe authorities and payment companies like VISA/Mastercard will pay more attention to this soon.
What's worrying is that regulators like the Kahnawake Gaming Commission (KGC) seem to be going easy on casino groups like Stardust Global Ltd. They're letting them continue these shady practices without much pushback.
I just recently complained to the KGC about my experience, but their response just pointed to Stardust Global Ltd's terms and conditions. They said "there is a possibility that a different name may appear" on billing statements, but that doesn't really cover it. It's more like, "there is a possibility that we will use a random fake merchant, so you'll pay them without knowing."
3.13. Please be aware that while credit card transactions are typically listed as 'Stardust Global CCS Ltd' acting as a Merchant of Record on your billing statements, there is a possibility that a different name may appear. If you have any doubts or questions regarding the billing statement, please feel free to contact our Customer Support for assistance
Have you got on to their support as of yet? They have a live chat on their website. Just keep pushing and checking everyday for an update.
Game Player、Titi Miti Limited、Playing Star、Gaming Group、Gamer TV があり、それらはすべて送信されました。彼らが何を持って戻ってくるかを見るのは興味深いでしょう。
Only sent them to the around a week ago. They are still investigating they told me in an email today.
I had Game Player, Titi Miti Limited, Playing Star, Gaming Group, Gamer TV - that has all been sent to them. Will be interesting to see what they come back with.
エスビア。ああ。 Wiievvevieh の aiiwbvebididbdbnsisisi znsllaiwbsb
Ejsbia. Aiiw. Wiievvevieh s aiiwbvebididbdbnsisisi znsllaiwbsb
Ejsbia. Aiiw. Wiievvevieh s aiiwbvebididbdbnsisisi znsllaiwbsb
私が最初に彼らに連絡したとき、彼らは金額を返金したと言いました。したがって、それらは、私が最初に連絡を取ることに成功した別の販売者にリンクされているに違いありません(誰なのかはまだ把握中です)。昨日、Playing Star などのリストを彼らに送ったばかりです。
When I first contacted them - they said they had refunded an amount. So they must be linked to another merchant who I had successfully contacted originally (still trying to figure out who). Have only just sent the list with Playing Star etc to them yesterday..
catch me on here and i can update if i find anything out
私はフォーラムに初めて参加しましたが、誤った記述子の状況に遭遇した経験があります。カラコア カジノを利用する人は皆、ガムストップのせいでそうしているのであり、カジノ側もそれを十分に認識しています。
Mydelivary、123Templates、Info@Stockimage、Nohtos など、リストは続きます。カジノは処理業者を責め、処理業者はカジノと支払いがプレイダムを通じてフィルタリングされている会社を責める😂
I am new to the forum but have had experience in the false Descriptor situation. Everybody who uses a Caracoa casino is doing so because of gamstop and the casinos are fully aware.
I have had payments go through companies in Nigeria,Budapest,Germany and the uk all show on my bank statement as office supplies etc all totally false.
Morally as gamblers we know that we gambled with these sites and used the credits but how do you trust a casino that is falsely processing payments in such a way what else is false,Game Play, RTP, etc ??
Mydelivary, 123Templates, Info@Stockimage, Nohtos, the list goes on. The casinos blame the processors the processors blame the casino and the companies the payments are bing filtered through play dumb😂
My banks have got involved and have stated this is a huge industry problem which the gamblers are being exploited. Keep sending the emails keep chasing the companies from experience they will reply in time.
私たちは法的問題を扱うことができないため、プレイヤーはまず銀行およびライセンス当局に連絡する必要があります。さらに、サードパーティの決済プロバイダーがほとんど関与しているため、これは私たちの手の届く範囲をはるかに超えています 🙁
Indeed, you make a valid point.
We are unable to handle legal matters, so players should contact the banks and the licensing authority in the first place. Additionally, 3rd party payment providers are mostly involved, hence, this is far beyond our reach 🙁
私が行った支払いは -
Zpaympf ザプラチナ
Hi There.
Not sure whether this thread is still active however I have read many people have manmaged to recieve refunds from certain people / places.
Please could you advise what you write to them in your emails? I have also fallen victim to these false advertised payment processor methods that many here claim is against mastercard rules.
The payments I have made go to -
Zpaympf Theplatinum
Nikotpf Dnlectro
Does anyone have any dealings with any of the above companies / merchants?
私はあなたのために全力を尽くします。 🤞
Yes, some of them managed to get money in the end, according to what they wrote here. I would be happy if someone would contact you and try to help you in this matter, and I would also be delighted if you could be advised to get the money back.
I will keep my fingers crossed for you. 🤞
Mydeliveryy は、この Web サイト https://www.taslink.ua/ に関連しているようです。ウクライナの決済処理業者からまだメールが返信されていません。
Hi There.
Mydeliveryy seems to be related to this website https://www.taslink.ua/ - Ukraininian payment processor that hasn't yet returned my email.
Still waiting on my bank to give me further information on other merchants but I have requested a chargeback through my back on as many payments as I can. As per forum advice telling my back on the grounds that the operation is legally subject to chargeback because you have never received any service from them.
Hopefully my bank is able to recover these funds, if not will have to reach out to every company and I suspect that wont work too well.
Monzo Bank UK を通じて数回支払いをしましたが、アプリを通じて 3 回の支払いをすぐに返金してくれました。悲しいことに、私が使ったお金のほとんどは Chase Bank UK に関連する別のカードからのもので、手続きにはもう少し時間がかかるようです。
Hi Jaro.
I had a few payments through Monzo Bank UK and they were able to refund 3 payments to me straight away through the app. Sadly, the most money I spent was from another card related to Chase Bank UK and seems the process may be a little more lengthy.
If anyone could reach out to help advice me further here, that would be great as I really need this money back tbh.
I reached out to my bank/s about chargebacks for these, this was the only one they were able to find more details on and gave me the company name which meant I could find their actual website however is shown as a completely different name on bank statement, disgusting really.
Have you had any luck on get any other refunds, and can I ask what you said on your chargebacks to get the refunds?
現在、Casino Guruのセーフモードで閲覧しています。このモードでは、問題のあるギャンブルや責任あるギャンブルに関するコンテンツのみ閲覧できます。続行すると、このモードが解除されます。
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