Sorry mate I only do posts on here there is nothing more I can say than what is on here really
Hello guys…I am coming to you all for advice cap in hand….I have ruined my life gambling it has finally hit home my wife and family have left me I’m about to be thrown out my mothers house aswell…do any of you have any advice on how to gain funds quickly.I need to find a deposit for a room or I’m going to be homeless…I’m at the end of my rope and feel like I have reached the end and I’m afraid I’m going to do something stupid pleaee any Advice would be so grateful appreciated
専門家の助けを求めることが一番です。地元の慈善団体をご存知ですか? サポートホットラインは利用できますか? 少なくとも部屋の状況を解決するのを手伝ってくれる人はいますか?
一般的に、最善の選択肢はサポート センターに連絡することです。 リストはこちらです。👈 緊急の場合は、次の番号にダイヤルしてください。
+44 330 094 0322
+44 138 424 1292
+44 191 414 6446
I won't pretend I can imagine what you're facing, but I will try to get at least some theoretical tips. Sorry if it sounds spaced out.
Seeking professional help is number one. Are you aware of any local charity organizations? Support hotline available perhaps? Anyone who would help you resolve at least the room situation?
Generally the best option is to get in touch with a support center; the list is right here. 👈 In dire need, just dial these numbers:
+44 330 094 0322
+44 138 424 1292
+44 191 414 6446
I expect the people on the line to be able to guide you through this.
もしチャージバックが 50,000 ポンドだったら、私の家はチーズでできています!! 😂 あなたは、ここにいる人々に、どうにかしてお金を取り戻せるだろうという誤った希望を与えているだけだと思います。彼らがギャンブラーであることは明らかです。
If you got £50000 in charge backs my house is made of cheese!! 😂 I think your just giving people on here false hope to think they will somehow get their money back. You can tell they are gamblers.
I really think this is not necessary....
We've "known" each other for quite some time, so I can tell you're better than this. Read this whole thread, and surely you'll find other persons worth the doubts. Just try to be fair with your judgements. 🙏
これは、私たちが一般的なギャンブルの慣行に変えようとしてきたビジョンの 1 つです。
ただし、ある程度のグローバルな保護を実現するには、 https://gamban.com/やhttps://betblocker.org/などのブロッキング アプリを使用して、デバイス上のオンライン ギャンブル サイトやアプリへのアクセスをブロックできます。別のオプションとして、当社独自のセルフ エクスクルージョン ベータ ツールがあります 👈
簡単に言えば、現在のところ、既存のオンライン カジノから完全に自己排除する方法はありません。🙁
Hello to Germany!
This is one of the visions we've been trying to transform into the common gambling practice.
As of this moment, a player struggling with problem gambling symptoms cannot self-exclude on a global scale. This means that although the player self-excludes on one of the above-mentioned levels, there are still many ways in which players can bypass these self-imposed measures.
However, in order to reach somewhat of a global protection, you can use one of the blocking apps, such as https://gamban.com/ or https://betblocker.org/, to block access to online gambling sites and apps on your devices. An alternative option is our own Self-Exclusion Beta Tool 👈
Simply put, there is currently no way to completely self-exclude from existing online casinos. 🙁
Allthough I do not see how this informaion could possibly benefit players. More or less this 3rd party involment deepens the gray zone, I'd say...
KTM と Kryptonim については正しいようですが、確認を待つことにします。
正しい場合は、次のメールを送信できます (これは、誤った販売者コードを使用しているすべてのヨーロッパの販売者に対して機能するはずです)。
日付に、デビット カード 111122--3344 から御社に取引を行いました。しかし、これらの支払いに誤った MCC コードを使用していることが判明しました。これは、MasterCard および VISA の規則で禁止されています。さらに、欧州連合外で運営されているカジノの支払い代理人として活動しており、ヨーロッパ市場を違法カジノとしてターゲットにしていることも判明しました。これも、AML のさまざまな理由とギャンブル法によって厳しく禁止されています。
この問題を解決するために、金額の全額返金を要求します。末尾が 3344 のデビット カードで、X 件の取引が行われました。支払いの詳細については添付ファイルを参照してください。
1 週間以内に解決してください。解決しない場合は、銀行にこの件を報告し、MasterCard と VISA に違法行為について通知します。これにより、加盟店契約の停止や、より厳しい制裁を受ける可能性があります。また、必要に応じて、関係当局に報告し、違法なカジノ運営を助長する行為を暴露します。
加盟店が支払い先を確実に見つけられるように、デビットカードまたはクレジットカードの最初の 6 桁と最後の 4 桁を伝えてください。それだけで十分です。
これらの商人は違法カジノを手助けしているので、自らが負うリスクを認識しており、MasterCard と VISA は自社のネットワークがこのように悪用されることを許したくないため、いかなるトラブルも起こすリスクを冒しません。
Seems to be right about KTM and Kryptonim, while I will wait for a confirmation.
If its correct you can send them the following mail (this should work with every European merchant which uses incorrect merchant codes):
On DATE(S) I made transactions from my debit card 111122--3344 to your company. However, I discovered that you are using incorrect MCC code for these payments, which is prohibited under the MasterCard and VISA rules. Additionally, I discovered that you are acting as a payment agent for casinos operating outside the European Union, targeting the European market as illegal casinos, which is also strictly prohibited due to various AML reasons and gambling legislation.
To resolve this issue accordingly, I request a full refund of AMOUNT. For my debit card ending in 3344, there were X transaction made. See the attachment for payment details.
Please resolve this within one week. If not, I will escalate this matter to my bank and notify MasterCard and VISA about your illegal practices. This could lead to a suspension of your merchant agreement or other more severe sanctions. Also, if needed I will report this to the relevant authorities to expose your practices that facilitate illegal operating casinos.
Looking forward to my refund and your reply!
To ensure that the merchants can locate your payments give them the first 6 digits of your debit/credit card and last 4 digits. Only those are enough for them!
Since these merchants are facilitating illegal casinos they are aware of the risks they take and wont risk any trouble as MasterCard and VISA don't want to be involved in allowing their networks being abused in this way.
Totally agree with you ,but i do feel that the casino should be held fully accountable for these processors as the majority of them are unregulated or unlicensed and this is a big red flag as the terms and conditions of their licence states they must use regulated payment providers. So theoretically the onus is also on the casino for using dodgy payment providers who then in turn use even dodgier 3rd party merchants the casinos know exactly what the game is .
Europlay Ltd USD (アテネ) - アカウントに「ナイジェリア」と入力するとこれが表示されるので、これは実際にはナイジェリアに拠点を置いていると思われます。
RampNow (ウェブサイトのメールは機能しません)
Does anyone have contact details for:
Europlay Ltd USD (Athens) - I suspect this is actually based in Nigeria as when I type Nigeria into my account this shows up.
RampNow (their website email doesn’t work)
Advertising Services (Brussels)
あなたのおっしゃることは非常に合理的で論理的です。これまでのところ、法律と規制は、その 2 つの属性のどちらにも当てはまらないことがほとんどであることがわかりました。しかし、このトピック全体を一般的な仮定に縮小するのは嫌です。私には商人のこの分野における直接的な経験が不足しているため、おそらく限界に達しました。
What you're saying is very reasonable and logical. Thus far, I have discovered that laws and regulations are rarely either of the two attributes. But I would hate to reduce this whole topic into a general assumptions. I'm lacking the first-person experiences in this field of merchants, so I probably reached my limit.
Well, thank you for your time and also for all the support you have been carrying around.
Hi Craig ,I am so sorry to read your post ,but belive me most people including myself have been down this road .The 1st step is admitting things have got out of control and the impact it's had on the people around you .It's difficult to comprehend when it all comes crashing down around you and you feel there is no solution or way out .You have now got to the point where it has turned your life upside down and you are panicking about what is going to happen next .
My advice to you is try not to panic .If any of these sites where off shore gambiling sites operating without a uk gambiling licence check your bank statments and see what the transactions are processed under if they are for other goods or merchants you may have a good chance of recoup some money back.If UK sites did they follow correct procedures kyc checks Affordability checks ect as alot of these casino arnt following the correct procedures .I know this is a sensitive question have you any IVA or DRO or CC judgments on you credit file ? If so uk casinos should not allow players to gamble unless they provide source of income also they need to do a Affordability check after certain threshold is reached after 30 days if you deposit that amount within a shorter time then it would trigger the casino .As for your family you say you live with your mum ? If you can and you feel your mum is a reasonable person and she is prepared to listen .take a quite moment to sit down and talk to her explain that you are sorry for what has happened and there is no way you wanted this to happen. You had no idea that things would spiral out of control and effect your loved ones explain how you feel .what you are doing to rectify the situation even if it means you do not have any access to bank account it's about building that trust up again and taking the temptation away .Gambling is an addiction. I gambled not because I enjoyed it or the thrill of winning it ended up becoming a habit and basically chasing losses that in hindsight you do not win back .The casino always wins that's just the logic but once you become a addict this will not register .it's just 1 more deposit and before you know it thousands down .It's like telling a drug addict not to have a hit of drugs doesn't work .I understand your family being upset and angry with you at the moment but they need to see you making a conscious effort to do something to help yourself .even speak to Dr ask wife to go with you .But you definitely need your families support right now .There is also support groups for families with gambling addiction Hopefully once you have spoken to your mum open and honestly your home predicament will change .if not then ask for a little time to raise funds to find suitable accommodation .Your mum can always give you a letter of eviction that you can give to council they may find you tempory accommodation due to marriage breakdown and being made homeless .I also know they help with advance rents for accommodation well they did a while back .But please if you get desperate and need help pick up phone and call the Samaritans or I know it's not much consolation jump in here as there is always someone around that will say hello and help you as much as we can .we are a good bunch of people and hate to see anyone go through an awful time .Stay strong .
You have no idea how glad I am to hear that. You have been good too!
I could do it as I have old account and it will tell me when payments are declined from merchants their is no money in that account what's the website
estolio limitedのメールアドレスを知っている人はいますか?
How can I contact Visa?
Does anyone know the email for estolio limited?
I wrote them a registered letter this week, so I'll see, but it seems to me that their Vašina are illegal in the Czech Republic.
Jak mohu kontaktovat visu?
Neví někdo email na estolio limited?
Psala jsem jim doporučený dopis tento týden, tak uvidím, ale přijde mi, že jejich Vašina jsou v České republice nelegální.
You are not dissapearing are you Paul it won't be the same without you popping in and out with your knowledge?
Casino Estolio Limited は、自国でギャンブルが禁止されている人にもサービスを利用させることができますか、それとも何か問題があるのでしょうか?
Can Casino Estolio Limited allow someone who is banned from gambling in their country to use their services, or is there something wrong with that?
Mohou casina estolio limited nechat využívat služby někoho, kdo je ve svoji zemi vyloučeny z hazardních her, nebo je na tom něco špatně?
現在、Casino Guruのセーフモードで閲覧しています。このモードでは、問題のあるギャンブルや責任あるギャンブルに関するコンテンツのみ閲覧できます。続行すると、このモードが解除されます。
受信フォルダーを確認し、下記メールアドレスへ送られたリンクをクリックしてください。 youremail@gmail.com