KYC は非常に重要かつ不可欠なプロセスであり、カジノが正当な所有者に資金が送金されたことを確認するプロセスであることをご理解ください。すべてのプレイヤーに物理的に会い、身分証明書と書類を確認する余裕はないため、ギャンブル施設が確認手続きを完了できる唯一の方法です。本格的な認可を受けたカジノは KYC を軽視するものではなく、この徹底したプロセスを完了するには数営業日かかる場合があります。
(i) 身分証明書: 出金するには、有効な身分証明書のコピーを提示する必要があります。身分証明書とは、パスポート、運転免許証、身分証明書などを指します。書類の表と裏のコピーを送信します。特に、確認を行うために、身分証明書の写真の一部を入手することに関心があります。文書内のすべてのデータが明確に判読できることを確認してください。
(ii) クレジット/デビット カード: アカウントへのチャージに使用したクレジット カードの表面/裏面のコピー。すぐに確認できるよう、すべての詳細がはっきりと読めるようにしてください。セキュリティ上の理由から、カード表面の中央の 8 桁の数字とカード裏面の 3 桁のセキュリティ コードを隠してください。
(iii) 住所証明: 公共料金請求書またはクレジット カード明細のコピーを送信するだけです。書類は最新のもので、フルネームとアカウントに登録されている住所が含まれている必要があります。クレジット カードの明細書をお送りいただく場合は、カード番号に対応する中央の 8 桁を忘れずに取り消し線で消してください。
(iv) 公証された文書: 文書は資格のある公証人によって公証され、その信頼性を証明するために署名および押印される必要があります。
Please understand that KYC is a very important and essential process, during which the casino makes sure that the money is sent to the rightful owner. As they don't have the luxury of being able to physically see all of the players and check their identification and documents, this is the only way gambling establishments are able to complete the verification procedures. None of the serious and licensed casinos take KYC lightly and it might take a few working days to complete this thorough process.
As part of the standard procedure, the casinos request their clients to provide a bank statement and a utility bill. This is to verify if the address and other personal information you have provided in your profile match the data on these documents.
The casino states directly on the website which documents are requested as part of the verification process:
We may require you to submit some or all of the following documents:
(i) Identity document: to make a withdrawal you must present a photocopy of a valid identity document. An identity document means a passport, driving license or identity card. Send a copy of the document front and back. In particular, we are interested in having the part of your identity document with your photograph in order to carry out our checks. Check that all data in the document is clearly legible.
(ii) Credit/debit cards: front/back copy of the credit card used to top up the account. Please ensure all details are clearly readable so we can check them quickly. For security purposes, please cover the middle eight numbers on the front of the card and the 3-digit security code on the back of the card.
(iii) Proof of address: simply send a copy of a utility bill or credit card statement. The document must be recent and include your full name with the address registered on your account. If you send us your credit card statement, remember to cross out the middle eight digits corresponding to the card number.
(iv) Notarized Documentation: Your documents will need to be notarized by a qualified notary and signed and stamped to demonstrate their authenticity.
Could you please advise if you have already provided any additional documents besides your ID and when exactly did you send the last one? Have you provided all the required documents as soon as possible and in the correct format?
Please understand that KYC is a very important and essential process, during which the casino makes sure that the money is sent to the rightful owner. As they don't have the luxury of being able to physically see all of the players and check their identification and documents, this is the only way gambling establishments are able to complete the verification procedures. None of the serious and licensed casinos take KYC lightly and it might take a few working days to complete this thorough process.
As part of the standard procedure, the casinos request their clients to provide a bank statement and a utility bill. This is to verify if the address and other personal information you have provided in your profile match the data on these documents.
The casino states directly on the website which documents are requested as part of the verification process:
Potremo richiederti di inviare alcuni o tutti i seguenti documenti:
(i) Documento di identità: per effettuare un prelievo è necessario presentare la fotocopia di un documento di identità in corso di validità. Come documento di identità si intende il passaporto, la patente di guida o la carta di identità. Trasmetti copia del documento fronte – retro. In particolare, a noi interessa disporre della parte del tuo documento di identità con la tua fotografia per poter eseguire le nostre verifiche. Controlla che tutti i dati del documento siano chiaramente leggibili.
(ii) Carte di credito/debito: copia fronte/retro della carta di credito utilizzata per effettuare le ricariche sul conto. Assicurati che tutti i dettagli siano leggibili chiaramente per consentirci di verificarli rapidamente. Per motivi di sicurezza, copri gli otto numeri centrali riportati sulla parte anteriore della carta e le 3 cifre del codice di sicurezza riportate sul retro della carta.
(iii) Prova dell'indirizzo: sarà sufficiente inviare la copia di una bolletta o dell'estratto conto della carta di credito. Il documento deve essere recente e riportare il nome completo con l'indirizzo registrato sul tuo conto. Se ci invii l'estratto conto della carta di credito, ricordati di cancellare le otto cifre centrali corrispondenti al numero della carta.
(iv) Documentazione notarizzata: i tuoi documenti dovranno essere autenticati da un notaio qualificato e firmati e timbrati a dimostrazione della loro autenticità.
Could you please advise if you have already provided any additional documents besides your ID and when exactly did you send the last one? Have you provided all the required documents as soon as possible and in the correct format?