2 月 18 日以降にアカウント閉鎖をリクエストしたのは事実ですが、ギャンブル依存症という理由を述べていません。通常、アカウント閉鎖をリクエストし、カジノでもうプレイしたくないという理由を述べる場合、単にプレイをやめるという選択肢があります。レストランで嫌な思いをして、食事に行かなくなったのと同じです。また、多額の損失を被ったプレーヤーの間では、その場の勢いでカジノにアカウントを閉鎖してほしいと言うのが一般的です。数日後、彼らはアカウントの再開をリクエストし、通常通りプレイします。一部のプレーヤーは、これをカジノから何らかのキャッシュバックやボーナスプレイを得る機会として利用します。これらのケースでは、プレーヤーは自分で完全に決定を下す能力があり、プレイしたいからプレイし、いつでもやめることができると想定されています。カジノでさらにお金を使うことを強制するものは何もありません。したがって、アカウント閉鎖のリクエストから実際の閉鎖までの間に入金されたものは、強制執行できません。
通常であれば、カジノは3月5日にあなたの自己排除リクエストを受け取り、3月8日までにアカウント閉鎖の手続きを済ませているため、このケースはもう解決しているはずです。これはすべて妥当な期間内です。しかし、ギャンブル依存症のためアカウントを閉鎖せざるを得なかったという理由だけで、あなたのアカウント残高を没収するのは不公平だと私たちは考えています。したがって、このケースは未解決のままであり、AllySpin Casinoとの合意に達することを願っています。これが、3月5日時点のあなたのアカウント残高について私が問い合わせた理由でもあります。
Dear coolies,
I understand your frustration, but hopefully I can address your concern well enough with this explanation:
While it is true you have requested an account closure since 18th February, you have not stated a reason being gambling addiction. Normally, when asking for an account closure and stating the reason being you don't want to play in the casino anymore, you have an option of simply stop playing. It's the same as if you had a bad experience in a restaurant and stopped going there for your meals. Also, it is a common practice amongst players after incurring a heftier loss, to say in the heat of the moment they want the casino to close their account. Few days later they ask for it to be re-opened and they play as usual. Some players even use this as an opportunity to get some kind of a cashback or a bonus play from the casino. In all of these cases, it is assumed that the plyer is fully capable of making decisions for themselves, and they play only because they want to and can stop at any time. Nothing forces them to spend more money in the casino, so anything that is deposited between the request of account closure and the actual closure, is not enforceable.
Now if the player asks for an account closure and clearly states they have a gambling problem - this is completely different story. Gambling addicts are not in control of their own compulsive behaviour, and can spend all their money in the casino and ruin their lives. That is why such cases neds to be taken care of with utmost importance and care. In such cases account should be closed ASAP (or at least the options for depositing and playing games should be disabled) so the player is safe. If the casino ignores such urgent request and allows the player to keep depositing and losing money even longer - before finally closing the account - in such cases we believe the player is entitled for their deposits to be returned (minus any winnings withdrawn in the meantime) if those deposits happened between the self-exclusion request and an actual account closure.
Normally, this case would have been closed by now, as the casino received your self-exclusion request on 5th March and processed the account closure by 8th March - all this being within a reasonable time period. However, we find it unfair to confiscate your account balance only because you have a gambling problem and had to close the account. Therefore, this case remains opened and I hope we can reach an agreement with AllySpin Casino, and this is also a reason behind my inquiry about the amount of balance on your account on 5th March.