
すべてのカジノゲームにはハウスエッジがあり、低リスクの賭けでもカジノの収益性を確保していることを覚えておくことが重要です。したがって、そのようなゲームプレイを罰する正当な理由はありません。 賭けパターンと戦略の禁止に関する当社の立場で述べたように

これはあなたの問題に対する満足のいく解決策ではないことは理解しています。しかし、未解決の苦情による評価の低下は、カジノのアプローチを変えるのに役立つかもしれません。カジノが対応することを決定した場合、苦情を再開し、メールで通知されます。それまでの間、カジノのゲーム管理機関であるカナワケ・ゲーミング委員会に、こちら(紛争解決 - カナワケ・ゲーミング委員会)または直接メールで連絡することをお勧めします。 complaints@gamingcommission.ca 、苦情を申し立ててください。ゲーミング管理局には、プレイヤーを支援するためのオプションやツールが他にもあるかもしれません。彼らの対応をぜひ教えてください( michal.k@casino.guru )。今回はあまりお役に立てず申し訳ありません。今後このような失望を避けるために、サインアップする前に各カジノのレビューを確認し、評価の高いカジノでのみプレイすることをお勧めします。
Dear 1979mandm1979,
I recently engaged in a comprehensive discussion with the casino representative regarding your situation. While I understand their perspective that your gameplay aligns with their definition of bonus abuse as mentioned here:

We however need to question the assumption that switching from high-risk to low-risk betting after a significant win gives the player an unfair advantage. This behavior is quite reasonable, as even avid gamblers tend to become more cautious after winning, fearing potential losses.
It's important to remember that all casino games have a house edge, ensuring the casino's profitability even with low-risk bets. Therefore, there is no valid reason to penalize such gameplay. As we mentioned in Our Position on Banning Betting Patterns and Strategies

Although I was trying to explain our position and find a suitable solution with the casino team, sadly, they maintained their initial decision. We had to close this complaint as unresolved, which will have a negative effect on the casino rating.
I understand this isn't a satisfactory solution to your issue. However, the decrease in the rating caused by unresolved complaints might help to change the casino's approach. If the casino decides to react, we will reopen the complaint, and you will be notified by email. In the meantime, I recommend you contact the casino gaming authority, the Kahnawake Gaming Commission here Dispute Resolution - Kahnawà:ke Gaming Commission or directly to their email at complaints@gamingcommission.ca, and submit a complaint to them. The Gaming Authority might have more options and tools to help players. Please let me know how they responded (michal.k@casino.guru). I am sorry I could not be of more help on this occasion. I can only recommend checking the reviews of each casino before you sign up and only playing in good-rated casinos to avoid disappointments like this in the future.
Best regards,
Casino Guru