このカジノでは、11 か月前に再び問題が発生しました。あなたは私がそれをうまく解決するのを手伝ってくれました、そして彼らはそれが間違っていたことを認めています.
11 か月後、このカジノで再びプレイし、2023 年 2 月 11 日に 500 ユーロを入金し、3 日で問題なく 896 を引き出すことに成功しました!!
2023 年 2 月 16 日に合計 900 ユーロを入金し、勝った後、2000 ユーロの出金を申請しました。なぜ彼らは支払いに進まないのですが、私には答えがなく、彼らは私に待つように言います!
私のアカウントは完全に検証されました 私は彼らと多くの取引をしました - 私はボーナスやフリースピンなしでスロットとルーレットだけをプレイしました - スポーツや仮想ゲームをプレイしたことはありません. .
dear casino guru,
with this casino i had again problems before 11 months. you helped me successfully to solve it and they admit that it was mistaken.
after 11 months i play again in this casino i deposit 500 euros on 11.02.2023 and i succesfully withdrawn 896 without any problem in 3 days!!
on 16.02.2023 i deposit totally 900 euros and after winning i apply for withdrawl 2000 euros.after 2 days i realise that they have return these money to my casino account..i am asking 2 days now to tell me which is the problem, why they dont proceed to the payment but i have no answer and they say to me to wait!
its like i live the same problem with them - they behave the same!
my account is completely verificated i have made many transactions with them - i played only slots and roullette without any bonuses or free spins- i never played sports or virtual games.. i play only from one pc - one IP - i have only one account.
i cannot understand why i have again problems with them specially when they had admit in the past that they block my account by mistake! so big mistake!
i hope that you ll help me again one more time!
i send to you screenshots from my game history and live chat from them.