それにもかかわらず、彼らは1か月以上前に私の出金リクエストを妨害しました。2024年12月28日に40.111 USDT、2024年12月9日に0.02475 BTCです。昨日、彼らは、規約によれば、特定の理由がなくても、誰のアカウント残高も没収する権利があるというメールを送ってきました。今度は私の番でした。明らかに、彼らの気まぐれで(ランダムか、わかりませんが)、私のアカウントは閉鎖され、残高が没収されることになりました。
個人 VIP マネージャーとの最後の電子メールによるやり取りは、2024 年 12 月 25 日です。
- 他のプレイヤーとの共謀に参加すること
- 不当な利益を得ることを目的とした戦略の開発
私にはこう聞こえます。プレイヤーは、どんなゲームでも、まったく体系化されずに、論理も何もないランダムな賭け以外の方法でプレイすることは許されていません。実際、カジノでのプレイは規約によって完全に禁止されています。どんなゲームでも、どんなプレイも立ち入り禁止です (目を閉じて、狂った盲目の狂人のようにマウスをクリックする場合を除きます)。
たとえば、ブラックジャックで同じ賭け金で 10 ラウンド連続でプレイすることは、賭け金を一定に保つという体系的な戦略を示しているため、許可されていません。ランダムに賭けていることを示す場合にのみ、規約に違反することはありません。
彼らは本当にそのような制限を課し、そのような条項を望みどおりに施行できるのでしょうか? 冗談抜きで、私のアカウント残高はボーナスなしで蓄積されました。どのカジノゲームでも、長期的に一貫してお金を稼ぐ戦略を挙げることができますか? それはばかげています。カジノは単にそのようなゲームを提供していません。
私がプレイしたゲームはどれもマルチプレイヤーゲームではなかったため、共謀の疑いをかけるのも馬鹿げています。私のプレイでは共謀戦略を利用する技術的な方法はまったくありませんでした。彼らがこの「共謀カード」を持ち出したのも、他にもっと良い方法が思いつかなかったからだと思います。誰が知っているでしょう?! 彼らがどれほど必死で非倫理的であるかは信じられないほどです。彼らはただお金が欲しいだけなのでしょうか? 彼らのビジネスは破綻していて、彼らは単に気にしていないのでしょうか?
彼らは私の口座残高を払うべきだと思います。Casino Guru さん、どう思いますか? これは何かの重大なミスでしょうか、それとも本当に彼らの詐欺でしょうか? とんでもないことです!
I played at bets.io mainly without bonuses and, over time, only made losses. Occasionally, I played their cashback bonuses on slots, but I almost always lost everything. I played slots with those occasional cashback bonuses, otherwise table games and video poker when my account didn't have any bonus. I definitely wasn't a winning player. I never took a single deposit bonus.
Nevertheless, they jammed my withdrawal requests more than a month ago: 28.12.2024 for 40.111 USDT and 09.12.2024 for 0.02475 BTC. Yesterday, they sent an email stating that, according to their terms, they have every right to confiscate anyone's account balances, even without a specific reason. Now was my turn. My account was obviously selected, by their whim maybe (randomly, I don't know?), to be closed and the balances confiscated.
My last communication with the personal VIP manager by email, Dec 25, 2024:
Hello Joe!
Nice to meet you! My withdrawal has been pending for a very long time already. Could you process it soon already?
.they refused to reply.
I got this email now:
Hello! Unfortunately, your account has been closed.
According to our Terms and Conditions, Anti-Fraud section,
During the process of checking the player data, violations of the following "ANTI-FRAUD POLICY" clauses were found:
The Company has a strict anti-fraud policy and utilises various anti-fraud tools and techniques.
The player is not allowed to use any strategies playing any table games, such as roulette, card games and others.
The Casino reserves the right to cancel all Player`s winnings in case of using such strategies and actions, but not limited to:
- participating in any type of collusion with other players
- development of strategies aimed at gaining of unfair winnings
Guided by paragraph 6 of the same section:
At its absolute discretion, the casino reserves the right, without any obligation and without specifying the reason or providing prior notice, to close your player account, cancel winnings, confiscate deposits, and demand compensation from the player for any damage caused if there are suspicions or evidence of manipulating the casino system, using prohibited gaming strategies, or colluding with other individuals.
Thank you for understanding!
Kind regards,
VIP Department of Bets.io
I point out something from their message:
The player is not allowed to use any strategies playing any table games, such as roulette, card games and others.
This is how it sounds to me: The player is not allowed to play in any other way but randomly throwing whatever bets without logic totally unsystematically, in any kind of game, whatsoever. Practically speaking, playing in their casino is completely prohibited according to their terms: any type of play in any game is off-limits (unless I close my eyes and click with the mouse like a crazy blind madman).
For example, playing let's say 10 rounds in a row with the same bet amount in blackjack, isn't allowed, since it shows some systematic strategy = keeping the bets constant. Only if I show that I stake randomly, I wouldn't breach their terms.
This is what they say.
Can they really impose such a restriction and enforce such a clause as they wish? Seriously, my account balances were accrued without bonuses. Can you name a strategy that consistently makes money in the long term in any casino game? That’s absurd. Casinos simply don’t offer such games.
It’s also ridiculous to accuse me of collusion, as none of the games I played were multiplayer games. There was absolutely no technical way to utilize any collusion strategy in my play! I feel they brought up this 'collusion card' too because they couldn’t come up with anything better—who knows?! It’s unbelievable how desperate and unethical they are. Are they just out for money? Maybe their business is collapsing, and they simply don’t care?
I think they should pay me my account balances. What do you think, Casino Guru? Could this be some sort of a bad mistake, or is this truly a scam on their part? This is outrageous!