彼らのウェブサイトには gamstop がありますが、Gamstop のメンバーはいません。また、ログイン ページが異なるアドレスの 2 番目のログイン ページに移動するのにも奇妙です。
There not licensed with the Gambling Commission but are accepting UK players
I closed my account in 2024 and stated it was due to Gambling problems, the resfused to close it permanently and every 30 days it reopened. I played and lost again in Feb 2025, I asked then to close my account on the 24/12 5/02 and again on the 10/20 and they didn't. They eventually did after I asked for my deposits back.
The have gamstop on there website, but there no a member of Gamstop, what's also weird the log in page take you to a second log in page with a different address.
I won about £3000 but they only let you withdraw 400 at a time, this resulted in my losing most of it. I was left with 400. They asked for ID for a fully verified account. I submitted this and at this time they did close the account. I sent them additional documents and they still refused the withdrawal because they said the withdrawal method wasn't verified, yet I'd send then the document to verify it no less then 8 times. They cancel the withdrawal and refused to resubmit it so they made me re-open the account to resubmit it myself despite knowing I'm an addict.
The route deposits though may different companies, I'm concerned this is money alleged laundering, they also charge deposit fees and ask you to tip them when you withdrawal
They have fake trustpilot review on their awebsite
They failed to safeguard me , when I said I felt suicidal they did nothing ( im fine now dont worry )
Im not sure how much I deposited you can't view this information so the dispute amount might be inaccurate