ecsfiness710 さん、こんにちは。
私たちがプレイヤーのアカウントを確認したところ、11 月 18 日にプレイヤーが最初の賞金を獲得し、アカウント確認のために書類を提出したことがわかります。 11月23日、カジノブランゴの銀行部門は、元の身分証明書の品質が不十分であるため、新しい身分証明書を提出する必要があるとプレーヤーに通知しました。以下に電子メールのトランスクリプトが表示されます。
2023 年 11 月 23 日木曜日、午前 3 時 58 分に < > 書きました:
1 か月前 (2023 年 12 月 12 日、火曜日、午前 4:09)
「バンキング・ブランゴ」< >
もう一度送りましたが、カメラの調子が良くないのですが、お金を引き出す必要があります。明らかに私であり、同じ ID であるのに、どうして私の ID を確認できなかったのか理解できません。 1か月以上待っていますが、認証されるまでアカウントが無効化されていると言われたため、brangoでプレイすることさえできません。
検証リクエストをタイムリーに処理できるようにするために、Casino Brango は、プレイヤーが検証手順を開始するために引き出し可能な残高を持っている必要があるという要件を設定しました。このようにして、プレーヤーは賞金を受け取るために不必要に長時間待つことがなくなります。
カジノ ブランゴの管理
Hello ecsfinesss710,
Hello Mirka,
I hope that you are well and safe.
Please note that we have reviewed the player's account and as we can see that on November 18th, the player made his initial winnings and has submitted his documents for Account Verification. On November 23rd, Casino Brango's Banking Department has informed the player that a new identification photograph has to be submitted due to lacking quality of the original one. Below, you may see the e-mail transcript:
On Thu, Nov 23, 2023, 3:58 AM <> wrote:
Hello there,
Hope that you are well and safe.
Would you please upload a new selfie holding your ID with all details visible so we can finish the verification process?
You can do that through this link.
We kindly ask for your understanding of these requirements.
We are obliged to protect you and your personal data in order to enable you to play safely and to pay off your winnings in a secure way.
Kind regards,
Banking Brango
In the meantime, the player did not provide the required photograph and has only replied on December 12th. By that time, the player had no withdrawable balance, unfortunately. You may see the player's reply below:
a month ago (Tue, 12 Dec 2023 at 4:09 AM)
"Banking Brango" <>
I sent them through again but my camera isn't the best but I need to withdraw my money I don't understand how you guys couldn't verify my Identification when clearly it is me and the same ID. I've been waiting for over month and I can't even play on brango because you guys said my account is deactivated until its verified.
We have reviewed the player's account again and have confirmed that at the moment, the player has no withdrawable balance and therefore, the Verification procedure cannot be re-initiated.
In order to be able to tend to Verification request in a timely fashion, Casino Brango has set a requirement that a player must have withdrawable balance in order to start the Verification procedure. This way, players will not wait for an unnecessary extended period of time in order to receive their winnings.
We hope that you understand that the requirement is in place in order to help players get their winnings as quickly as possible, given that tending to players that have no withdrawable balance would create an overcrowded Verification queue.
Please let us know if any additional information is required.
Kind Regards,
Luke Newman
Casino Brango Management