私の名前は O** Q** です。ブランゴ カジノで丸 1 年ほどプレイしており、ここだけでなく姉妹サイトでも完全に暗号通貨を使用して数え切れないほどの入金をしてきました。最近、24/03/29 の誕生日にカジノから魅力的なボーナスを受け取りました。 200FSで80%の入金ボーナスでした。これは、最低 20 ドルの入金が必要なルールなしのボーナスでした。
2024 年 3 月 31 日に、私はライトコインで送金する最低額の 20 ドルの入金伝票を作成しました。これを作成した直後に、カジノから提供された入金伝票に記載されている正確な金額の LTC を送信しました。送金を確認し、入金伝票に記載されている正確な金額を送信したことを確認し、取引の処理に必要な少額のブロックチェーン手数料を別途負担することを確認しました。暗号通貨送金が到着し、約 10 分後に確認されました。残高を確認すると、有効化されているにもかかわらずボーナスが追加されていないことに気付きました。そこで私はサポートに連絡して、サポートしてもらえるよう情報を提供してみることにしました。
問い合わせをすると、チャットで Kecia Reed という名前のエージェントに会い、この問題を伝えた後、調査すると言われました。数分後、彼女は戻ってきて、ボーナスの条件には 20 ドルの入金が必要で、私は 19.99 ドルしか入金しておらず、システムがそれを許可していないため、ボーナスを有効にしたり例外を設けたりすることはできないと簡単に告げました。
その失礼な発言の後、私は彼女に監督を呼んでくるように要求しました。私がスーパーバイザーに尋ねた後、彼女は、スーパーバイザーもボーナスを有効にするためにボーナスの条件を変更することはできないと言うことに決め、そのメッセージから数秒以内に私にそのメールを紹介し、私がまばたきする間もなくすぐにチャットを閉じました。 ……
カジノでの私のユーザー名は O***0001 で、私のアカウントは電子メール o***@gmail.com で登録されています。私が使用し、この入金中に有効化した bday ボーナス コードは BIRTHDAY200 です。今日は私の誕生日週間であることを考えると、このようなことをすべて経験する必要はありませんでした。ただ単に事実として、私はたくさんのことを計画していて、他のカジノや誕生日ボーナスもたくさん持っていました、そして私はまた、遊んで使いたかったのですそのため、私には非常に厳しい時間枠がありました。悲しいことに、最終的にこの誕生日の入金ボーナスを受け取るのか、それとも返金の形で入金した資金を取り戻すのかにかかわらず、この問題を解決するために私が費やさなければならないプロセスと余分な時間と労力のせいで、すべてが台無しになり、中断されます。
この状況について考慮すべきこと、そして心に留めておくべきことは他にもあります。私はかつてここで毎日プレイヤーをしていましたが、時折関係なく、今でも戻ってきます。昨年私はここで忠実なプレイヤーであったので、安全ですおそらく私はこことその姉妹サイトで合計 10 グランド以上を入金してプレイしたと思います.... ただし、一つだけ確かなことは.... これらのエージェントは明らかにそうする必要がないということです。誰かへの返答や恐怖 この種の行動による影響。カジノの顧客やプレイヤーに対する彼らの無能さと軽蔑が完全に明らかになるように、チャットでの会話の全文を添付します。
My name is O** Q**, I've been playing at brango casino for about a full year now and ive made countless deposits using strictly crypto here and at all it's sister sites as well. I received a attractive bonus recently from the casino for my birthday that would be on 03/29/24. It was a deposit bonus of 80% with 200 FS. It was a no rules bonus that required a minimum deposit of 20$.
On 03/31/2024 I created a deposit slip for the minimum $20 amount to be sent over in Litecoin and immediately after creating this I sent over the exact amount of LTC listed on the deposit slip that had been provided by the casino, I double checked the transfer and made sure that I sent the exact amount listed on the deposit slip and made sure to separately cover the unsubstantial blockchain fee required for processing the transaction and the crypto transfer arrived and was confirmed roughly 10 minutes later. Upon checking my balance I noticed the bonus wasn't added despite being activated. So I decided to try reaching out to support to inform them so they could help.
Upon making my Inquiry I was met by an agent named Kecia Reed in the chat who said she would look into it after I informed her of the issue. After a few minutes she returned to briefly tell me the terms of the bonus required a 20$ deposit and that she wouldn't be able to activate it or make any exceptions because I only deposited $19.99 and that the system doesn't allow it.
Appalled by that response I tried explaining to her however that I did indeed make the $20 deposit and I sent over the exact amount requested by the casino, she immediately brought the blockchain processing fees explaining its possibilities being the reason and immediately followed up with insisting that there was nothing she could do, infuriated by these excuses and the situation itself I tried to explain that I covered all the fees and sent what was asked of me and even emphasized the fact that it was just a penny. She unsympathetically apologized and again insisted she couldn't do nothing then very boldly mentioned that if it was the " whole $20 it would've added immediately".
After that disrespectful remark I demand she go get me a supervisor. After I asked for the supervisor, she decided to mention that supervisors cannot change the terms of bonus to activate it either, and within seconds of that message referred me to the email then immediately shut the chat in my face before I could even blink...........
It's safe to say at that moment I was ready to explode, my hands couldn't stop shaking from how pissed off I was by the treatment and by the nerve that agent had to be like that, it had been a while since the last time I had played at this casino or it's sister sites but it was clear to me at that point, that not only had the chat support still not improved or changed but that it in fact has seemed to gotten a whole lot worst.
Desperate to solve this issue I decided to give it another shot and reach back out to support and immediately ask for a supervisor and do try in any way possible to get this issue solved and convince them to make this right. This time I had been met in the chat by an agent whose name was Kelsey Miller and long story short after nearly an hour of attempting to get this agent to reason with me and just to let me speak with a supervisor. I got repeatedly rejected and refused support and eventually also hung up on
My username at the casino is O***0001 and my account is registered under the email o***@gmail.com The bday bonus code I was using and had activated during this deposit is BIRTHDAY200 ...... I really did not want to have to go through all this considering it is my bday week and for the mere fact I had a whole lot of stuff planned out and also have a bunch of other casinos and bday bonuses,I also wanted to play with and use so for that I was on a very tight time frame. Sadly all that is ruined and disrupted because of the process and extra time and work I will have to put in order to solve this issue whether it's finally getting this bday deposit bonus or whether it's retrieving my deposited funds in the form of refund.
Something else to consider about this situation and to also keep in mind.... I once was a daily player here and regardless from time to time I still come back and in the last year that I've been a loyal player here it's safe to say I've probably deposited and played with a sum value of over 10 grand here and at it's sister sites..... One thing I believe must be for certain though.... is these agents clearly don't have to answer to anyone or fear Any repercussion for this type of behavior. I will attach the full chat conversations so that their incompetence and disdain form casino customers and players is on full display.
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