9.3 お客様は、当社が要求するすべての文書および情報を遅滞なく、いかなる場合でも当社からの要求後30日以内に速やかに提供し、当社のチェックの実施に協力しなければなりません。当社は、お客様が要求された文書、情報、および支援を提供するまで、お客様のアカウントを閉鎖または制限する場合があります。お客様が上記の期限内に当社の合理的な満足のいく方法でこれを行わない場合、当社はお客様の賞金を没収し、お客様との取引関係を終了し、お客様のアカウントの残高をお客様に返金する場合があります。当社はまた、チェックが当社の満足のいく方法で完了するまで、お客様のアカウントへの支払いまたはアカウントからの支払を保留する場合があります。
Dear all,
Thank you for your patience!
We have conducted a thorough investigation into the matter, and would like to inform you that the customer's account was closed as they did not pass the verification of their payment method, including after a reminder from our team.
We understood and acknowledged the customer's inability to provide the Mifinity wallet history in the PDF format, when it was expressed to us on 4th of September 2024. As per our reply from the 7th of September, we accept the transaction history that consists of the screenshots (that were already in customer's possession), simply compiled into a PDF file. An additional reminder regarding the documents was sent to the customer on October 24th. However, we have not received the requested documentation in the needed format until the 8th of November, the date when the account was closed.
The customer's account was closed in accordance with the Terms and Conditions, namely the following article:
9.3 You must promptly provide us with all of the documents and information we might request, and assist us in conducting our Checks, without undue delay and in any event within thirty (30) days of our request. We may close or limit your account until you provide the requested documents, information and assistance. If you fail to do so to our reasonable satisfaction within the deadline indicated above, we may confiscate your winnings, terminate our business relationship with you, and return the remaining balance of your account to you. We may also withhold any payment to/from your account until the Checks are completed to our satisfaction.
To summarize - we have provided the precise instructions for the customer to complete verification, however, despite the instructions and reminders, the documents in the required format were not provided. As a result, the verification was considered failed, the account was closed and the winnings were deducted in accordance with the Terms and conditions.
We hope this helps reach the resolution of the case.
Best regards,
Cadabrus team