Casino Intenseは、Sterplay HoldingLtdによって運営されています。SterplayHoldingLtd。は、ライセンス番号GLH-OCCHKTW0708182018の下でCuracao GamingAuthorityによってライセンスおよび規制されています。ベリーズの法律に基づいて設立されたSterplayHolding。登録番号171349および登録住所:New Road 35 Belize City、Belize。
支払いはSterinvestSe、登録番号によって処理されます。 29031087、住所:Kaprova 42/14、プラハ、チェコ共和国110000。SterplayLicenseに代わって代理人として行動するSterinvestSe。
I made a deposit and then won around 2000€, when I tried to make a withdrawal they tried to delay it as much as possible with documents etc.
At that point I noticed there is something fishy going on when I read about 1000€ max withdrawal and up to 14days withdrawal processing time..
Then I tried to press the withdraw button, well there wasn't one!
Then I contacted chat I was told in their customer service chat that I need to make another 50€ deposit to withdraw my 1000€, I tried to ask why and where could I find this in the rules the chat operator told me that this was "this was explained to you by management".
Later I contacted chat and got explained that it happened to be a "bug" (wonder to how many people this bug happens) and there was no such rule requiring 2deposits.
This added a significant delay to my first withdrawal process so In the weekend I ended up canceling my withdrawals and lost around 2000€ while I was drunk, later I contacted their management and was told that it was my own reason that I lost and has nothing to do with the fact that the withdrawal process got delayed because of a "bug" that was first explained to me as a rule.
Then they tried to silence me with 130€ which according to them consisted of my deposits to the site, which was 150€ actually. I was accepting the loss of the another 1000€ but this first withdrawal could have been processed on time.
This is propably their way of doing things, avoid at all costs, even the license seems weird Curacao geming, under laws of belize payments processed in chech?
Casino Intense is operated by Sterplay Holding Ltd. Sterplay Holding Ltd. is licensed and regulated by the Curacao Gaming Authority under license number GLH-OCCHKTW0708182018. Sterplay Holding incorporated under the laws of Belize. Registration number 171349 and registered address: New Road 35 Belize City, Belize.
Payments are processed by Sterinvest Se,Registration no. 29031087, address : Kaprova 42/14 ,Prague, Czech Republic 110 00. Sterinvest Se acting as an agent on behalf of Sterplay License.
For this matter please write the below agreement and take a photo of it as a selfie with the written agreement in your hand (face and arm visible).
In your written agreement please write down your full name and "I understood and agreed that Sterplay Holding Ltd will refund the amount of 130 euros that consists in the total deposits that I have done in the Casino Intense. I took by myself this decision to deposit and to accept the refund of the mentioned amount. By accepting this I erase any other statements, complains that could be negative, wherever might occur.
I assume that if I do not respect this agreement legal actions will be taken against me and the refund will be canceled.
Send please the written agreement of that document + a selfie with the written agreement.
Looking further to hear from you.