私はほぼ 2 週間前に引き出しリクエストをしましたが、このプラットフォーム上でクラシーノから 1 件の不正確な応答があり、彼らは私の KYC 文書を取得しているので私が違反していないことを知っている利用規約を引用しました。
もしあなたが合法的で公正でまともなカジノになりたいという願望を持っているなら、あなたは現在多くの問題を抱えています, 私は真実と事実を側に持っており、出金の支払いを受け取るまでこれを手放すことを拒否します, 私は正々堂々と勝ちました。
この件を仲介してくれた CasinoGurus の協力に本当に感謝しています。
My life feels like it has been put on hold whilst dealing with this issue, it is consuming my thoughts each day as to how Crashino thinks that it it OK to treat their customers this way.
I have read through the Ts and Cs on the website and I haven't breached any.
There is nothing on your website that says British citizens can't play at your casino. Which seems your reason for closing my account.
I sent KYC docs, showing my address where I reside in Austria, my passport proving my ID.
Even though it clearly states on your website, "We are not licensed at this moment and this allows us to not require KYC procedures"
I played with my own funds, NO BONUS funds.
I contacted you daily to get updates, only to get told to be patient, then I get an email saying;
"Hi Steve,
Unfortunately we have closed your account and refunded your total deposited amount so far.
We apologize for any inconvenience caused."
The amount of time and stress caused by this is unacceptable and painful.
I made the withdrawal request nearly 2 weeks ago now, and have had ONE inaccurate response from Crashino on this platform, citing their terms and conditions which they know I didn't break because they got my KYC docs.
If I didn't find the casinoguru website I believe I would have had 0 contact from Crashino.
If you have aspirations to be a legitimate, fair and decent casino, you have many issues currently, I have the truth and facts on my side and refuse to let this go until I receive payment of my withdrawal, which I won fair and square.
I really appreciate CasinoGurus help in the intermediation of this.