- TRX に約 21 米ドルを入金したというのは正しいですか?
- カジノの規約によると、使用した支払い方法の最低入金額はいくらですか?
- カジノは入金した金額の返金を拒否する具体的な理由を説明しましたか?
- この問題に関して入金やカジノとのやり取りを確認できるスクリーンショットやその他の証拠はありますか?
追加の詳細や関連する連絡事項がございましたら、お気軽に下記までご連絡ください。 petronela.k@casino.guruさらに調査を進めることができます。
苦情が非常に多く寄せられているため、しばらくお待ちください。苦情は 48 時間以内に公開するよう努めていますが、その後の対応には最大 7 日かかる場合があります。現在、1,000 件近くの苦情を処理しているため、解決担当者への苦情の割り当てにも時間がかかる場合があります。
Thank you very much for submitting your complaint. I’m sorry to hear about the issue with your deposit.
To better understand and assist you, could you please clarify the following points:
- Is it correct that you deposited approximately $21 USD in TRX?
- According to the casino's terms, what is the stated minimum deposit amount for the payment method you used?
- Did the casino provide a specific reason for refusing to refund your deposit?
- Do you have any screenshots or other evidence confirming your deposit or communication with the casino about this issue?
Please feel free to forward any additional details or relevant communication to petronela.k@casino.guru so we can investigate further.
Your cooperation is crucial for us to proceed with the case and work toward resolving this issue. Without your input and the necessary information, we won’t be able to mediate effectively on your behalf.
I hope we will be able to help you resolve this issue as soon as possible.
Thank you in advance for your reply.
Best regards,
Due to an exceptionally high volume of complaints, we kindly ask for your patience. While we strive to publish complaints within 48 hours, follow-up responses may take up to 7 days. Assigning your complaint to a resolver might also take longer, as we’re currently managing close to 1,000 complaints.
Thank you for your understanding. Wishing you a wonderful New Year 2025!