私は 3 つのトーナメントに参加し、各トーナメントで賞金を受け取る前に次のトーナメントに参加して賞金を購入するのに十分な資金があったため、70 米ドルを入金しました。また、最後にカジノで要求された場合に賭けるべき残りの入金もありましたが、代わりに、次の規則に違反したとして、最後の賞金 150 米ドルが没収されました。
I played 3 tournaments which for I deposited $70 USD for I had enough money to play and buy the next tournament BEFORE I received any winnings from each previous tournament and I still had leftover deposit that at the end should’ve been wagered in the casino if requested, but instead my last winning of $150 USD was confiscated telling me that I broke the a rule that states as follows:
"Winnings from a previous tournament cannot be used to buy into another slot tournament. Tournament winnings that are generated from a previous tournament will be voided"
here is the link to the casino rules:
So I went into my account history and i confirmed that according to the timing and rules of the casino I never bought-in the next tournament using previous tournament wins because I always bought the next tournament before receiving the prize money from the previous tournament, instead I had leftover deposit money in my account and that’s what I used.
so I had contacted the casino cashier by email and they keep on giving the same answer over and over that I broke the rule, and that’s it. Even when I sent them the precise numbers according to the account history and my numbers match and they have sent back different amounts that don’t match at all.
please help!!
your loyal customer