Good evening, I would like to report a lot of things for this bet, that fortuna robs people promises a bonus will write from then to then deposit money and then we will describe the bonus .. So I put in 10 minimum was so much and I waited all day and did not give any It has happened to me many times and when you warn them you are still the worst and they will do nothing and for the next time they have been hacking games, the casino server and internal errors are falling out, even when you are playing. I played the casino I spun and when the win was 2.50 the game turned off and I was canceled from the fort, then three more times with a win of 3.50 and then 4.00 No winnings were credited to me and no deposit was returned to me it's been a lot of times but it's been going on. For a long time and how they rob and their mistake but when I wrote to them so on and off three days no one called and if I did not call anything. And in the end they declared that nothing bad happened, they said nothing would come back .... Thieves
Dobrý večer, chcela by som nahlásiť veľa veeela veci na túto stávkovu, ze fortuna okráda ľudí sľúbi bonus napíše od vtedy do vtedy si vložte peniaze a potom vám popíšeme bonus.. Tak som vložila 10 minimum bolo toľko a celý deň som čakala a nedali ziadny stalo sa mi to už veľa krát a keď ich upozorňite ešte ste najhorší a nic neurobia a za ďalšie v poslednej dobe im sekaju hry vypadáva casino server a interné chyby a to aj keď hráte. Casino som hrala točila som a vtedy keď bola výhra 2,50 vypla sa hra a odhlasilo ma z fortuna, potom ešte tri razy pri výhre 3,50 a potom 4,00 ani jedna výhra mi nebola pripísaná a ani vklad vrátený nebol stalo sa mi to už veľmi veľa krát ale už to trvá. Dlho a ako oni okrádajú a svojou chybou ale keď som im písala tak na odbili a tri dni sa neozval nik a keby ja sa neozvem nič. A nakoniec vyhlásili ze nič zlého sa nestalo vraj nič nevrátia.... Zlodeji