こんにちは。彼らとの間にそのような不快な経験があり、お金が支払われなかったのですか? それとも、今も彼らと取引しているのですか? 遠慮なく、詳細をお話しください。
Hi, did you have any such unpleasant experience with them and they didn't pay you the money? Or are you dealing with them now? Feel free to say more about it.
こんにちは、jaroさん。正直に言うと、カスタマーサービスは最初は素早いように見えますが、すべて嘘です。私は749ポンドの支払いを受けましたが、受け取っていません。応答がなくなったので、自分なりの方法で対処しています。WINBETNVと姉妹会社のSPICY JACKPOTSには近づかないでください。
Hi jaro, To be honest the customer service seems quick at first but it is all lies.I have had a payment of £749 which I have not received. Well I am dealing with it in my own way because the stopped responding.just stay away from WINBETNV & any sister companies SPICY JACKPOTS
Okay then, thank you for the clarification. If you decide you need help elsewhere, feel free to write and we will try to look into the whole case.
Anyway, did they also tell you why you haven't received the money yet, is there a specific reason behind it?
皆さんの活動には感謝していますが、スパイシー ジャックポットが返信しないため、苦情が 1 つも解決されていないことが Web サイトからわかります。彼らはそのアカウントをレビューしていますが、それはナンセンスで、支払うつもりはありません。この業界にいるあなたは、WinbetNV に出会ったことがあるのではないでしょうか。
I appreciate what you guys do but I can see on your website that none of the complaints are resolved because spicy jackpots do not reply. They are doing a review on that account but that is rubbish,they have no intention of paying. I guess being in the industry you must have come across WinbetNV?
評価していただきありがとうございます。Winbet に遭遇したかどうかという、あなたが尋ねていると思われる質問を理解するのに役立てていただければと思いました。おそらく、「doctorspins、superb1、winnercasino、galaxyspins を含む」カジノについてでしょうか?
Thanks for the appreciation. I just thought you could help me understand the question you seemed to be asking, the one about whether we have come across Winbet. Is it perhaps about casinos "including doctorspins, superb1, winnercasino and galaxyspins"?
The thing is, our website is highly customized, and for many regulated countries, officially unlicensed casinos are hidden; the UK and Germany are great examples of that. Thus, you may not be able to see all the reviews.We have to follow the local regulators dictation... Perhaps this could be the answer?
受信フォルダーを確認し、下記メールアドレスへ送られたリンクをクリックしてください。 youremail@gmail.com