こんにちは、ぜひお手伝いしたいのですが、私はスロットをプレイしないので、このゲームがどのように呼ばれるのかわかりません。説明に従って検索できるキーワードを Google に入力してみましたか?
とにかく、お気に入りだったから探しているのですか? 😁😊☘️
Hi, I would love to help you but since I don't play slots I have no idea how this game could be called. Did you try to type some keywords into google, where you could possibly find it according to the description ?
Hopefully you'll be able to find it with the support of some players who might have at least a hint as to what kind of game it might be. If you do, feel free to share with us what it was.
Anyway, are you looking for it because it was your favourite one ? 😁😊☘️